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GeoGrouper App

A web app which groups people living at identical addresses. The webapp provides two ways to input the data - by manual text entry through a UI and by uploading а .csv file. The results are on the UI and the users have an option to download the results as a .txt file.

The API gets users addresses location(lon/lat) then creates groups based on distance/radius between each location. The API uses multiple geocoding vendors as some vendors handle some addresses better than others.



poetry install

Using the app

  1. Copy .env.example in .env and configure it.
  2. Run make start
  3. Open localhost:8000/static/index.html
  4. In the project root you can find ResTecDevTask-sample_input_v1.csv and use it for testing
  5. For interactive API docs check localhost:8000/docs
  6. To run the tests use make test

Available env variables

GEOAPIFY_API_KEY If geoapify is enabled None API key for Geoapify service -
GEOAPIFY_RATE_LIMIT No 5 Rate limit for Geoapify requests, in requests per second -
GEOAPIFY_BASE_URL No "" Base URL for the Geoapify geocoding service -
MAPS_CO_RATE_LIMIT No 2 Rate limit for requests, in requests per second -
MAPS_CO_BASE_URL No "" Base URL for the geocoding service -
GROUP_RADIUS No 30 Maximum radius in meters for forming a group -
ENABLED_VENDORS Yes None List of enabled vendors in order of priority "maps_co", "geoapify"

To set a list in the .env file for the ENABLED_VENDORS environment variable, use a JSON array format.

Developer notes:

I've intentionally left in the root of the project to see the POC

I was working on the weekend thats why I assumed instead of ask:

  • We don't need persistence we want to input names and addresses and get groups
  • Small amounts of data otherwise: For local use: SpatiaLite(SQLite) at scale PostGIS
  • Not using pandas for csv as we're having simple requirements + small amounts of data and it will be an overkill
  • No authorization is implemented as we dont have any requirement that needs it (subscriptions, persistence)

Confidence threshold rule should be implemented as we might pick a low confidence location from the first vendor we use

Small data sets allows us to wait for the response but if we have a large data-set we should better process in the background and give the user a notification that his job is completed

Currently multiple http requests are not in the same session/TCP connection. If http requests become a bottleneck we might introduce this option

The app has NO error handling if an error occurs the whole request will fail. I would need to speak from someone on "Product side" to decide what is the best behavior when an error occurs

I haven't implemented Google as vendor as it's paid, problably it would have given the best results

I'm using static files served by fastapi due to time constains I would have:

  • Created a separate react project
  • Dockerized it having builder intermediate image -> nginx image serving it as rev proxy
  • Docker-compose file with this service container and the FE container

There are other notes left in the code as well


  • Add logging
  • Add Unit Tests
  • Add static code check (mypy, pycheck, black)
  • Set port as env var

Known issues:

  • If addresses are in quotes during manual entry the app will return wrong results


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