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This Nx sample project is intended to be a very simple blogging app, some time in the future, with Angular on the frontend and Nest on the backend, in an Nx monorepo.

Local development

  1. Rename .env.dist to .env

  2. You need mongo installed on your host, or you can run mongo in Docker, by executing docker-compose up -d mongo in the project root directory. Optional: install a GUI for mongo, such as Compass, remember to change the 'Authentication Database' field to 'blog', on the Compass' connection screen, if you didn't change DB_NAME parameter in the .env file.

  3. To seed the database with data, run npm start seed and wait for the log confirming the new user entries have been inserted.

  4. Start the app locally by executing, in separate terminals npm start api and npm start frontend

  5. Open localhost:4200 and login with one of these credentials:

  • username: john, password: snow

  • username: cersei, password: lannister

Running with docker for local development

Execute these commands:

docker-compose -f tools/container-npm/docker-compose.yml run --rm -e NODE_ENV=development frontend npm install

The above will build a bare node image, install and build dependencies from the Linux container's context - your node_modules directory on the host will hold Linux-compatible files which would be mounted for local development when starting the services in the future.

docker rmi container-npm_frontend

The command above removes a tag created on an image with the previous command. Now seed the database with sample data by running:

docker-compose run --rm api npm start seed

Terminate (ctrl+C) once you see the "Seeding complete!" log message.

Finally, run one more command that would start the services - mongo, api and frontend

docker-compose up -d

Wait a bit until the frontend is compiled and running with live-reload, then follow the instructions from the point #5 in the previous section (hint: you can monitor your docker containers with lazydocker - a tool similar to k9s for kubernetes).


Project under development, will be a more full-featured blog example one day.






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