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Flashing the BeagleBone eMMc

Ninja edited this page Jun 20, 2013 · 1 revision

If you spend enough time hacking on the BeagleBone at some point you will end up with the device bricked. Not to fear, its quite easy to burn the onboard eMMc to restore it back to "factory" settings.

If you've customized your MineNinja, it's probably a good idea to make a backup. (Also submit a pull request if its something the community could use!).

Backup the BeagleBone Black to your Linux/MacOS Machine:

ssh to the BeagleBone copy the contents of the eMMc to your machine using dd dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=1M | ssh me@ 'dd of=/Users/me/Desktop/mineninjaBBB.img bs=1M' (use 1m for OSX) To save space you can then compress the .img file using xz. (back on your desktop) xz -z mineninjaBBB.img

Restoring a backup to the eMMC:

Copy the image file to a microSD car Boot the BeagleBone with the "user" button depressed and the microSD inserted. With the BeagleBone running from the microSD you can now safely flash the eMMc. From your desktop machine you can use a command like this: xz -cd mineninjaBBB.img.xz | ssh root@mineninja.local 'dd of=/dev/mmcblk1 bs=1M'