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prune, shift, stack, interleave, ap
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sleexyz committed Aug 3, 2017
1 parent 33af682 commit ec6f2b8
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@@ -1,3 +1 @@
# syzygy

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions package.yaml
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Expand Up @@ -24,3 +24,4 @@ tests:
- syzygy
- hspec
- QuickCheck
69 changes: 53 additions & 16 deletions src/Syzygy.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,37 +1,74 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

module Syzygy where

import Data.Function ((&))
import Data.Profunctor
import Data.Function ((&))

type Time = Rational
type Interval = (Time, Time) -- left-closed and right-open intervals
type Event a = (Interval, a)
type Signal a = Interval -> [Event a] -- A signal is defined by the "integral" of a sampling function

-- newtype Behavior a = MkBehavior (forall b. (Signal (a -> b) -> Signal b)) -- TODO: checkout paf31's encoding, looks like a constrained signal transformer

embed :: a -> Signal a
embed x (queryStart, queryEnd) = do
start = (fromIntegral @Integer) . ceiling $ queryStart
end = (fromIntegral @Integer) . floor $ queryEnd - 1/256 -- FIMXE: make less hacky
beat <- [start..end]
start = (fromIntegral @Integer) . floor $ queryStart
end = (fromIntegral @Integer) . ceiling $ queryEnd
beat <- [start..end - 1]
return ((beat, beat + 1), x)

fast :: Rational -> Signal a -> Signal a
fast n = dimap mapQuery mapResult

prune :: Signal a -> Signal a
prune signal (queryStart, queryEnd) = filter inBounds $ signal (queryStart, queryEnd)
mapQuery :: Interval -> Interval
mapQuery (start, end) = (start * n, end * n)
inBounds ((s, _), _) = s >= queryStart && s < queryEnd

-- | shift forward in time
shift :: Time -> Signal a -> Signal a
shift t f = f
& lmap (\(start, end) -> (start - t, end - t))
& rmap (\res -> [((start + t, end + t), x) | ((start, end), x) <- res])

stack :: [Signal a] -> Signal a
stack sigs query = do
sig <- sigs
sig query

mapResult :: [Event a] -> [Event a]
mapResult res = do
((start, end), x) <- res
return $ ((start / n, end / n), x)
interleave :: [Signal a] -> Signal a
interleave sigs query = do
let (fromIntegral -> len) = length sigs
(sig, n) <- zip sigs [0..]
shift (n/len) sig query

-- | scale faster in time
fast :: Rational -> Signal a -> Signal a
fast n sig = sig
& lmap (\(start, end) -> (start * n, end * n))
& rmap (\res -> [((start/n, end/n), x) | ((start, end), x) <- res])

ap :: Signal (a -> b) -> Signal a -> Signal b
ap sigF (prune -> sigX) = prune $ \query0 -> do
(query1, f) <- sigF query0
(query2, x) <- sigX query1
return (query2, f x)

-- A Behavior is a continuous function that is defined at every point in the sampling space
type Behavior a = forall b. (Signal (a -> b) -> Signal b)
runBehavior :: Behavior (a -> b) -> Signal a -> Signal b
runBehavior b s = b $ (fmap . fmap . fmap) (flip ($)) s

liftContinuous :: (Time -> a) -> Behavior a
liftContinuous fn sig query = do
let events = sig query
((s, e), f) <- events
midpoint = (s + e) * 0.5
y = fn midpoint
return ((s, e), f y)

showSignal :: (Show a) => Signal a -> String
showSignal pat = pat & ($(0, 1)) & show
sine :: Behavior Double
sine = liftContinuous $ sin . fromRational
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions syzygy.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ test-suite syzygy-test
, profunctors
, syzygy
, hspec
, QuickCheck
default-language: Haskell2010
87 changes: 76 additions & 11 deletions test/SyzygySpec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,16 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}

module SyzygySpec where

import Test.Hspec
import Syzygy
import Data.Function ((&))
import Data.Monoid
import Test.QuickCheck
import Data.Function ((&))

queryWith :: Interval -> Signal a -> [Event a]
queryWith x p = p x
Expand All @@ -18,22 +23,40 @@ spec = do
it "should work" $ do
pat (0, 1) `shouldBe` [((0, 1), ())]
pat (0, 2) `shouldBe` [((0, 1), ()), ((1, 2), ())]
pat (0.5, 1.5) `shouldBe` [((1, 2), ())]
pat (0.5, 2.5) `shouldBe` [((1, 2), ()), ((2, 3), ())]
pat (0.5, 1.5) `shouldBe` [((0, 1), ()), ((1, 2), ())]
pat (0.5, 2.5) `shouldBe` [((0, 1), ()), ((1, 2), ()), ((2, 3), ())]

it "starts of events should be less than query ends" $ property $ \input ->
((NonNegative (start :: Rational), NonNegative (dur :: Rational))) = input
end = start + dur
events = pat (start, end)
offendingEvents = filter (\((s, e), _) -> s >= end) events
length offendingEvents == 0

it "should return nothing for infinitesimally small queries" $ do
(pat (0, 0)) `shouldBe` []
it "ends of events should be greater than query starts" $ property $ \input ->
((NonNegative (start :: Rational), NonNegative (dur :: Rational))) = input
end = start + dur
events = pat (start, end)
offendingEvents = filter (\((s, e), _) -> e <= start) events
length offendingEvents == 0

it "should have transparently divisible queries" $ do
(pat (0, 0) <> pat (0, 1)) `shouldBe` pat (0, 1)
(pat (0, 1) <> pat (1, 1)) `shouldBe` pat (0, 1)
(pat (0, 0.5) <> pat (0.5, 1.0)) `shouldBe` pat (0, 1)
(pat (0, 0.3) <> pat (0.3, 1.3) <> pat (1.3, 2)) `shouldBe` pat (0, 2)
describe "when pruned" $ do
let pat = embed () & prune

it "should have transparently divisible queries" $ do
(pat (0, 0) <> pat (0, 1)) `shouldBe` pat (0, 1)
(pat (0, 1) <> pat (1, 1)) `shouldBe` pat (0, 1)
(pat (0, 0.5) <> pat (0.5, 1.0)) `shouldBe` pat (0, 1)
(pat (0, 0.3) <> pat (0.3, 1.3) <> pat (1.3, 2)) `shouldBe` pat (0, 2)

describe "fast" $ do
let pat = embed ()
it "should noop for fast 1" $ do
(fast 1 pat) (0, 1) `shouldBe`(fast 1 pat) (0, 1)
(fast 1 pat) (0, 1) `shouldBe` pat (0, 1)

it "should work for fast 2" $ do
(fast 2 pat) (0, 0.5) `shouldBe` [((0, 1/2), ())]
Expand All @@ -44,3 +67,45 @@ spec = do
(fast 3 pat) (0, 1/3) `shouldBe` [((0, 1/3), ())]
(fast 3 pat) (0, 1) `shouldBe` [((0, 1/3), ()), ((1/3, 2/3), ()), ((2/3, 1), ())]
(fast 3 pat) (2/3, 4/3) `shouldBe` [((2/3, 1), ()), ((1, 4/3), ())]

it "should noop for fast 0.5" $ do
(fast 0.5 pat) (0, 1) `shouldBe` [((0, 2), ())]
(fast 0.5 pat) (0, 2) `shouldBe` [((0, 2), ())]

describe "shift" $ do
let pat = embed ()
it "should noop for shift 0" $ do
(shift 0 pat) (0, 1) `shouldBe` pat (0, 1)

it "should work" $ do
(shift 0 pat) (0, 1) `shouldBe` [((0, 1), ())]
(shift 0.5 pat) (0, 1) `shouldBe` [((-1/2, 1/2), ()), ((1/2, 3/2), ())]
(shift 1 pat) (0, 1) `shouldBe` [((0, 1), ())]

it "should shift forwards in time" $ do
(shift 0.25 pat) (0, 1) `shouldBe` [((-3/4, 1/4), ()), ((1/4, 5/4), ())]

describe "stack" $ do
let pat = embed ()
it "should stack patterns" $ do
stack [(shift 0.25 pat), (shift 0.5 pat)] (0, 1) `shouldBe` [((-3/4, 1/4), ()), ((1/4, 5/4), ()), ((-1/2, 1/2), ()), ((1/2, 3/2), ())]

describe "interleave" $ do
let pat = embed ()
it "should noop for 1" $ do
interleave [pat] (0, 1) `shouldBe` pat (0, 1)

it "should stack patterns, shifted" $ do
interleave [pat, pat] (0, 1) `shouldBe` stack [(shift 0 pat), (shift 0.5 pat)] (0, 1)
interleave [pat, pat, pat] (0, 1) `shouldBe` stack [(shift 0 pat), (shift (1/3) pat), (shift (2/3) pat)] (0, 1)

describe "ap" $ do
let pat = embed ()

it "should noop for pure id" $ do
(ap (embed id) pat) (0, 1) `shouldBe` [((0, 1), ())]

it "should work" $ do
let patF = interleave $ embed <$> [("a",), ("b",)]
(ap patF pat) (0, 1) `shouldBe` [((0, 1), ("a", ())), ((0, 1), ("b", ()))] -- FIXME: is this really what we want?
(ap patF (fast 2 pat)) (0, 1) `shouldBe` [((0, 1/2), ("a", ())), ((1/2, 1), ("a", ())), ((0, 1/2), ("b", ())), ((1/2, 1), ("b", ()))]

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