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Slick Filter package

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Slick Filter is a set of filter utilities tah can be used to filter input values, sanitize data and create filter chains to apply on a certain value.

This package is compliant with PSR-2 code standards and PSR-4 autoload standards. It also applies the semantic version 2.0.0 specification.


Via Composer

$ composer require slick/filter


The best way to filter your data is to use the StaticFilter utility class. It can create any FilterInterface filter and it has alias for the known filters that are bundled with the Slick\Filter package.

use Slick\Filter\StaticFilter;

echo StaticFilter::filter('number', '12 3');  // Will output 123

$text = StaticFilter::filter('text', 123);
echo is_string($text);      // will output 1 (true)

Known filters

Alias Class Description
text Slick\Filter\Text Converts input to a string
number Slick\Filter\Number Converts the input to an integer number
url Slick\Filter\Url Converts/Fixes the input to a valid URL
htmlEntities Slick\Filter\HtmlEntities Converts special characters to its html entity representation

Filter chains

It is also possible to combine multiple filters to a single input value by using the FilterChainInterface.

use Slick\Filter\FilterChain;
use Slick\Filter\StaticFilter;

$filterChain = new FilterChain();

$input = '<p>This is a simple text & cia!</p>';

$output = $filterChain->filter($value);

echo $output;

The above code will output:

This is a simple text &amp; cia!

You can create you own filters by implementing the FilterInterface.


$ vendor/bin/phpunit


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.