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Template Converters ERB to SLIM

iain-tel edited this page Mar 24, 2021 · 13 revisions

How to convert your .erb templates to .slim

Currently there are two ways to convert your ERB templates to Slim. One is using the still experimental html2slim gem. The other one is converting to HAML and then to Slim, using the html2haml and haml2slim gems.

Using html2slim

Install the gem.

gem install html2slim

Now you have two command line utilities html2slim and erb2slim. Just run erb2slim -h and you'll receive more instructions. The current version (0.0.2) will output something like that:

$ erb2slim -h
        --trace                      Show a full traceback on error
    -d, --delete                     Delete ERB files
    -h, --help                       Show this message
    -v, --version                    Print version

Here you can see before and after. Slimmer, hum?

Using html2haml and haml2slim

See also:

Install HAML dependencies on your environment or your gemset

gem install haml #
gem install hpricot
gem install ruby_parser
gem install html2haml

Switch to HAML templating

find . -name '*erb' | \
xargs ruby -e 'ARGV.each { |i| puts "html2haml -r #{i} #{i.sub(/erb$/,"haml")}"}' | \

Install SLIM tool dependency

gem install haml2slim #

Switch to SLIM templating

find . -name '*haml' | \
xargs ruby -e 'ARGV.each { |i| puts "haml2slim #{i} #{i.sub(/haml$/,"slim")}"}' | \

Clean ERB and HAML templates

find . -type f | egrep "(.erb|.haml)\$" | xargs rm

Remove dependencies

gem uninstall haml
gem uninstall hpricot
gem uninstall ruby_parser
gem uninstall html2haml
gem uninstall haml2slim

That is all, have fun