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d5000 edited this page Jun 24, 2019 · 5 revisions

The following changes would be useful to make Slimcoin more secure and future-proof:

High priority (would improve security greatly):

  • Change difficulty algorithm so there can be more PoW and PoB blocks in relation to Proof of Stake (ideally, there should, at average, not be more than 2-3 PoS blocks per PoW/PoB block).

Medium priority:

  • Transition to the new Peercoin codebase (based on Bitcoin 0.16+), including its new Proof of Stake algorithm and Segwit
  • Transition to new PPC codebase should be higher priority, but it's also a quite resource hog (muf18)
  • Lower the mandatory transaction fee of 0.01 SLM. It's low now, but should SLM gain any value it will be soon too high. (This has afaik already happened on Peercoin, so we could simply copy their model)

Low priority:

  • possibly: lower PoS block reward to 1% or 2% (following the "low-reward" Peercoin model)
  • Slimcoin economic model wasn't well thought, when there is period of continuous monetary inflation, and 0/no real volume on exchanges - that's what makes it currently a little too inflationary - PPC model is better in this regard, and should retain value within the network, instead of too much diluting it (muf18)