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Wrapper API documentation

Slimpay API wrapper provides access to Slimpay API using C# classes to simplify interactions with the APIs without need to manage low-level details, such as retrieving access token, composing request and deserializing response objects.

The Slimpay Gateway

Before any operation with the API, you need to create an instance of the SlimpayGateway. It is an entry point to all other gateways.

The constructor of this class takes as parameters:

  • The environment that configures the authentication and entry point urls to Slimpay REST interface.
  • The credentials to the service.
SlimpayGateway slimpayGateway = new

The Authentication Gateway

AuthenticationGateway should be used to retrieve access token which is needed for every request to the API. Usually you do not need to use it because all the other gateways already contain authentication logic which is wrapped by AuthenticationGateway.

var authenticationGateway = slimpayGateway.AuthenticationGateway();

With AuthenticationGateway you can:

Get App token (scope api)

var appToken = authenticationGateway.AppToken();

Get App admin token (scope api_admin)

var adminToken = authenticationGateway.AdminToken();

The App Gateway

AppGateway should be used to work with application data. Please note that you need scope_admin to access these APIs.

Get Apps

In order to get list of apps AppGateway.All method should be used.

var appGateway = slimpayGateway.AppGateway();
var apps = appGateway.All();

Find App by name

In order to find app by name AppGateway.Find method should be used.

var appGateway = slimpayGateway.AppGateway();
var app = appGateway.Find("demo app");

Update App

In order to update an app AppGateway.Patch method should be used with the following parameters:

var appGateway = slimpayGateway.AppGateway();
var app = appGateway.Patch("demo app", new AppRequest{NotifyUrl = "some value"});

The Creditor Gateway

CreditorGateway may be used for retrieving Creditor entity which contains basic links for retrieving orders and mandates.

Get a Creditor

In order to find a creditor by reference CreditorGateway.Find method should be used. Creditor reference will be used from SlimpayGateway settings in this request.

var creditorGateway= slimpayGateway.CreditorGateway();
var mandate = creditorGateway.Find();

See full feature descripition at

The Order Gateway

OrderGateway should be used to create orders on Slimpay. The gateway allows to create different kinds of orders allowed by Slimpay.  

Mandate Features

Mandate signature

In order to sign a mandate OrderGateway.Create method should be used with the following parameters:

var orderGateway = slimpayGateway.OrderGateway();
var order = orderGateway.Create(
        new OrderRequest()
          Subscriber = new SubscriberRequest() { Reference = "subscriber01" },
          Items = new List<OrderItem>()
            new MandateItem()
              AutoGenReference = true,
              Mandate = new MandateRequest()
                Signatory = new MandateItemSignatory()
                  HonoricPrefix = HonorificPrefix.Mr,
                  FamilyName = "Doe",
                  GivenName = "John",
                  Telephone = "+33612345678",
                  Email = "",
                  BillingAddress = new Address()
                    Street1 = "27 rue des fleurs",
                    Street2 = "Bat 2",
                    PostalCode = "75008",
                    City = "Paris",
                    Country = "FR"
              ExtraParams = extraParams
          Started = true

See full feature descripition at

Mandate Signature With First Direct Debit

In order to sign a mandate and process a first direct debit OrderGateway.Create method should be used with the following parameters:

var orderGateway = slimpayGateway.OrderGateway();
var order = orderGateway.Create(
        new OrderRequest()
          Subscriber = new SubscriberRequest() { Reference = "subscriber01" },
          Items = new List<OrderItem>()
            new MandateItem()
              AutoGenReference = true,
              Mandate = new MandateRequest()
                Signatory = new MandateItemSignatory()
                  HonoricPrefix = HonorificPrefix.Mr,
                  FamilyName = "Doe",
                  GivenName = "John",
                  Telephone = "+33612345678",
                  Email = "",
                  BillingAddress = new Address()
                    Street1 = "27 rue des fleurs",
                    Street2 = "Bat 2",
                    PostalCode = "75008",
                    City = "Paris",
                    Country = "FR"
              ExtraParams = extraParams
            new DirectDebitItem()
              DirectDebit = new DirectDebit()
                Amount = 100,
                Label = "The label",
                PaymentReference = "Payment 123"
          Started = true

See full feature description at

Mandate Signature With Recurrent Direct Debit

In order to sign a mandate with recurrent direct debit OrderGateway.Create method should be used with the following configuration:

var orderGateway = slimpayGateway.OrderGateway();
var order = orderGateway.Create(
        new OrderRequest()
          Subscriber = new SubscriberRequest() { Reference = "subscriber01" },
          Items = new List<OrderItem>()
            new MandateItem()
              AutoGenReference = true,
              Mandate = new MandateRequest()
                Signatory = new MandateItemSignatory()
                  HonoricPrefix = HonorificPrefix.Mr,
                  FamilyName = "Doe",
                  GivenName = "John",
                  Telephone = "+33612345678",
                  Email = "",
                  BillingAddress = new Address()
                    Street1 = "27 rue des fleurs",
                    Street2 = "Bat 2",
                    PostalCode = "75008",
                    City = "Paris",
                    Country = "FR"
              ExtraParams = extraParams
            new RecurrentDirectDebitItem()
              RecurrentDirectDebit = new RecurrentDirectDebit()
                Amount = 192,
                Frequency = FrequencyType.Monthly,
                Label = "This is my Recurrent Direct Debit",
                Activated = true,
                MaxSddNumber = 5,
                DateFrom = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(1)
          Started = true

See full feature description at

Mandate Signature With Direct Debit and Recurrent Direct Debit

In order to sign a mandate with recurrent direct debit debit OrderGateway.Create method should be used.

var orderGateway = slimpayGateway.OrderGateway();
var order = orderGateway.Create(
        new OrderRequest()
          Subscriber = new SubscriberRequest() { Reference = "subscriber01" },
          Items = new List<OrderItem>()
            new MandateItem()
              AutoGenReference = true,
              Mandate = new MandateRequest()
                Signatory = new MandateItemSignatory()
                  HonoricPrefix = HonorificPrefix.Mr,
                  FamilyName = "Doe",
                  GivenName = "John",
                  Telephone = "+33612345678",
                  Email = "",
                  BillingAddress = new Address()
                    Street1 = "27 rue des fleurs",
                    Street2 = "Bat 2",
                    PostalCode = "75008",
                    City = "Paris",
                    Country = "FR"
              ExtraParams = extraParams
            new DirectDebitItem()
              DirectDebit = new DirectDebit()
                Amount = 100,
                Label = "The label",
                PaymentReference = "Payment 123"
            new RecurrentDirectDebitItem()
              RecurrentDirectDebit = new RecurrentDirectDebit()
                Amount = 192,
                Frequency = FrequencyType.Monthly,
                Label = "This is my Recurrent Direct Debit",
                Activated = true,
                MaxSddNumber = 5,
                DateFrom = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(1)
          Started = true

See full feature description at

Mandate Signature Without Mandate Reference (RUM)

In order to sign a mandate with recurrent direct debit OrderGateway.Create method should be used with AutoGenReference = false.

var orderGateway = slimpayGateway.OrderGateway();
var order = orderGateway.Create(
        new OrderRequest()
          Subscriber = new SubscriberRequest() { Reference = "subscriber01" },
          Items = new List<OrderItem>()
            new MandateItem()
              AutoGenReference = false,
              Mandate = new MandateRequest()
                Signatory = new MandateItemSignatory()
                  HonoricPrefix = HonorificPrefix.Mr,
                  FamilyName = "Doe",
                  GivenName = "John",
                  Telephone = "+33612345678",
                  Email = "",
                  BillingAddress = new Address()
                    Street1 = "27 rue des fleurs",
                    Street2 = "Bat 2",
                    PostalCode = "75008",
                    City = "Paris",
                    Country = "FR"
              ExtraParams = extraParams
          Started = true

See full feature description at

All the previous Mandate features lead to Order creation with general information populated (such as order reference, state, payment scheme, creation date and the marker if the order is started). Also using Order.GetUserApprovalLink() method you are able to retrieve user approval link following which user can sign created mandate.

See full description of Redirection Flow here

Subscriber Login Features

Subscriber Mandate and Bank Account Management

In order to let an end-user manage its mandates and bank account details OrderGateway.Create method should be used with SubscriberLoginItem where Mode.Type property set to SubscriberLoginModeType.ManageMandates.

var orderGateway = slimpayGateway.OrderGateway();
var order = orderGateway.Create(
        new OrderRequest()
          Subscriber = new SubscriberRequest() { Reference = "subscriber01" },
          Items = new List<OrderItem>()
            new SubscriberLoginItem()
              Mode = new SubscriberLoginMode()
                Type = SubscriberLoginModeType.ManageMandates
          Started = true

See full feature description at

Subscriber Debt Recovery

In order to let an end-user recover a debt by a card transaction OrderGateway.Create method should be used with SubscriberLoginItem where Mode.Type property set to SubscriberLoginModeType.RecoverDebt.

var orderGateway = slimpayGateway.OrderGateway();
var order = orderGateway.Create(
        new OrderRequest()
          Subscriber = new SubscriberRequest() { Reference = "subscriber01" },
          Items = new List<OrderItem>()
            new SubscriberLoginItem()
              Mode = new SubscriberLoginMode()
                Type = SubscriberLoginModeType.RecoverDebt,
                CardOperation = OperationType.Authorization
          Started = true

See full feature description at

Other Features

Using OrderGateway.Create method you are also allowed to create some other orders where the next order item types supported:

  • OperationItemType.SignMandate,
  • OperationItemType.DirectDebit,
  • OperationItemType.CardTransaction,
  • OperationItemType.SubscriberLogin,
  • OperationItemType.RecurrentDirectDebit

Mandate Gateway

Mandate Gateway may be used for retrieving Mandate entites that were created and/or signed before.

Find a Mandate

In order to find an existing mandate by reference MandateGateway.Find method should be used with reference passed.

var gateway = slimpayGateway.MandateGateway();
var mandate = gateway.Find("SLMP002958317");

See full feature descripition at

Import a Standalone Legacy Mandate

In order to import a standalone legacy mandate MandateGateway.Create method should be used.

var gateway = slimpayGateway.MandateGateway();
var mandate = gateway.Create(
        new CreateMandateRequest
          DateSigned = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-6),
          CreateSequenceType = SequenceType.FRST,
          Subscriber = new Subscriber
            Reference = "subscriber01"
          Signatory = new MandateItemSignatory
            HonoricPrefix = HonorificPrefix.Mr,
            FamilyName = "Doe",
            GivenName = "John",
            Telephone = "+33612345678",
            Email = "",
            BillingAddress = new Address
              Street1 = "27 rue des fleurs",
              Street2 = "Bat 2",
              PostalCode = "75008",
              City = "Paris",
              Country = "FR"
            BankAccount = new BankAccount
              Bic = "DEUTFRPP",
              Iban = "FR7616348000011523645985206"

See full feature description at

Direct Debit Gateway

DirectDebit Gateway should be used to maintain direct debits on Slimpay. The gateway supports both regular and recurrent direct debits.

Direct Debit Features

*Create a Standalone Direct Debit

In order to create a standalone direct debit DirectDebitGateway.CreateStandalone method should be used with CreateDirectDebitRequest passed.

var gateway = slimpayGateway.DirectDebitGateway();
var directDebit = gateway.CreateStandalone(
        new CreateDirectDebitRequest()
          Amount = 100,
          Label = "The Label",
          PaymentReference = "Payment 123",
          ExecutionDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(7),
          Subscriber = new Subscriber()
            Reference = "subscriber01"

See full feature descripition at

Update a Direct Debit

In order to update a direct debit DirectDebitGateway.UpdateStandalone method should be used with UpdateDirectDebitRequest passed.

var gateway = slimpayGateway.DirectDebitGateway();
var directDebitUpd = gateway.UpdateStandalone(
        new UpdateDirectDebitRequest()
          Id = directDebit.Id,
          Amount = 200,
          Label = "Your subscription updated",
          PaymentReference = "REFERENCE",
          ExecutionDate = new DateTime(2017, 1, 1)

See full feature descripition at

These methods result in DirectDebit entities with all the fields populated.

Create a Standalone Recurrent Direct Debit

In order to create a standalone reccurrent direct debit DirectDebitGateway.CreateRecurrent method should be used with CreateRecurrentDirectDebitRequest passed.

var gateway = slimpayGateway.DirectDebitGateway();
var recurrentDirectDebit = gateway.CreateRecurrent(
        new CreateRecurrentDirectDebitRequest()
          Amount = 100,
          Label = "Your subscription",
          Reference = "RDD-01",
          Frequency = FrequencyType.Monthly,
          MaxSddNumber = 12,
          Activated = true,
          DateFrom = DateTime.Now.AddDays(3),
          Subscriber = new Subscriber()
            Reference = "subscriber01"

See full feature descripition at

Search Direct Debit Issues (Rtransactions)

In order to search for direct debit issues DirectDebitIssueGateway.Search method should be used.

var gateway = slimpayGateway.DirectDebitIssueGateway();
var issuesContainer = gateway.Search("creditor01");

See full feature descripition at

Acknowledge a Direct Debit Issue (Rtransaction)

By acknowledging a direct debit issue, the merchant explicitly changes the execution status of a direct debit issue. DirectDebitIssueGateway.Acknowledge method should be used.

var gateway = slimpayGateway.DirectDebitIssueGateway();
var issue = gateway.Acknowledge("a47664f5-6855-11e6-999e-000000000000");

See full feature descripition at

Refund a Direct Debit by Credit Transfer

In order to refund a direct debit by credit transfer CreditTransferGateway.Create method should be used with CreditTransferRequest passed.

var gateway = slimpayGateway.CreditTransferGateway();
var creditTransfer = gateway.Create(
        new CreditTransferRequest()
          Amount = 1,
          Label = "The Label",
          PaymentReference = "Payment 123",
          ExecutionDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(7),
          Subscriber = new Subscriber()
            Reference = "subscriber01"
            Currency = CurrencyType.EUR

See full feature descripition at

Update a Recurrent Direct Debit

In order to update a standalone reccurrent direct debit DirectDebitGateway.UpdateRecurrent method should be used with UpdateRecurrentDirectDebitRequest passed.

var gateway = slimpayGateway.DirectDebitGateway();
var recurrentDirectDebitUpd = gateway.UpdateRecurrent(
        new UpdateRecurrentDirectDebitRequest()
          Id = recurrentDirectDebit.Id,
          Amount = 200,
          Label = "Your subscription updated"

See full feature descripition at

These methods result in RecurrentDirectDebit entities with all the fields populated.

Document Gateway

Document Gateway should be used to maintain the documents on Slimpay.

Document Features

Document Timestamping

The SlimPay HAPI supports timestamping a PDF document. The purpose of timestamping is to build a proof that a document has existed at the time defined in the timestamp. This proof is then integrated into the PDF document and can be visualized using a compatible PDF reader such as Adobe Acrobat Xi. The SlimPay HAPI stores the timestamped document and the created resource is accessible whenever needed.

This timestamping process consists, behinds the scene, in following the RFC 3161 to retrieve a timestamp from a timestamp authority. In order to timestamp a PDF document DocumentGateway.Create method should be used.

var gateway = slimpayGateway.DocumentGateway();
var document = gateway.Create(
        new DocumentRequest()
          Timestamped = true,
          BinaryContent = new BinaryContentRequest()
            Content =

See full feature descripition at