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For the general installation instruction please refer to the documentation of LAMMPS and to SPH-USER package:

Installation examples

Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS (Precise Pangolin)

  • Install libraries
sudo apt-get install git
sudo apt-get install openmpi-dev
sudo apt-get install openmpi-bin
sudo apt-get install libjpeg-dev
  • Clone the repository
git clone lammps-sph
  • Build the package
cd lammps-sph/src
make yes-USER-SPH
make linux CC=mpicc LINK=mpicc CCFLAGS='-O2 -g' FFT_LIB=-lm

Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS (Trusty Tahr)

  • Install libraries
sudo apt-get install git
sudo apt-get install g++
sudo apt-get install openmpi-bin
sudo apt-get install libopenmpi-dev
  • Install libjpeg from source
tar zxvf jpegsrc.v9a.tar.gz
cd jpeg-9a
./configure --prefix=${HOME}/prefix-jpeg-9a
make install
cd ..
  • Clone the repository
git clone lammps-sph
  • Build the package
cd lammps-sph/src
make yes-USER-SPH
make linux CC=mpic++ LINK=mpic++ CCFLAGS="-O2 -g -I${HOME}/prefix-jpeg-9a/include" FFT_LIB=-lm LINKFLAGS="-O -L${HOME}/prefix-jpeg-9a/lib" MPI_LIB=

CentOS Linux 6.5

  • Install libraries
sudo yum install git
sudo yum install mpich2-devel
sudo yum install gcc-c++
sudo yum install libjpeg-devel
  • Clone the repository
git clone lammps-sph
  • Build the package
cd lammps-sph/src
make yes-USER-SPH
make linux CC=mpicc LINK=mpicc CCFLAGS='-O2 -g' FFT_LIB=-lm MPI_LIB=

Debian Wheezy 7.5 x64

  • Install libraries
sudo apt-get install mpich2
sudo apt-get install libjpeg8-dev
  • Clone the repository
git clone lammps-sph
  • Build the package
cd lammps-sph/src
make yes-USER-SPH
make linux CC=mpicc LINK=mpicc CCFLAGS='-O2 -g' FFT_LIB=-lm MPI_LIB=

Installation using src/

cd    src
mkdir -p MAKE/MINE
python -o linux  -v -p user-sph  -cc mpi -fft none -jpg no -a file mpi


We add the following extension to USER-SPH package:

atom_style meso/multiphase

This is data structures which provides

  • position
  • velocity
  • extrapolated velocity (vest)
  • forces
  • SPH density (rho)
  • time derivative of SPH density (drho)
  • internal energy per particle (e)
  • time derivative of internal energy per particle (de)
  • color gradient vector (colorgradient)
  • per-particle heat capacity (cv)

This data structure can be activated by

atom_style meso/multiphase


A pair_style to calculate a color gradient

pair_style         sph/colorgradient
pair_coeff         I J     ${h} ${alpha}

Here, I and J are the types of SPH particles for which a color gradient is calculated, alpha is a surface tension coefficient, h is a cutoff.


A pair_style to calculate surface tension

pair_coeff         I J     sph/surfacetension ${h}

Here, I and J are the types of SPH particles for which a surface tension is calculated, h is a cutoff. Note that surface tension coefficient is included into color gradient.


A modified heat conduction equation to use for phase change model. Has to forms. Simple form is equivalent to the heat conduction equation from USER-SPH package

pair_coeff         I J  sph/heatconduction/phasechange  ${D_heat_ld}

Here, I and J are the types of SPH particles which interact and D is a heat diffusion coefficient.

Full form of the pair style is

pair_coeff         I J  sph/heatconduction/phasechange  ${D_heat_ld} TI TJ

where TI and TJ are temperatures for corresponding particles in I and J interactions.

NULL can be used as a placeholder to indicate that normal temperate should be used for corresponding particle

pair_coeff         I J  sph/heatconduction/phasechange  ${D_heat_ld} TI NULL


Fix which adds a phase change

fix                fix_ID group_ID phase_change &
                   ${Tc} ${Tt} ${Hwv} ${dr} ${mass_v} &
                   ${pcutoff} ${l_type} ${v_type} ${insert_every} 123456 ${prob} region

fix_ID and group_ID are described in LAMMPS documentation. TC is critical temperature of the phase change, TT is transition temperature for the algorithm (should be set above TC), dr a characteristic distance for a new particle position, mass a mass of a new particle, h cutoff of the interaction, from_type and to_type types of the particles involved in phase transition, N frequency of the check for phase transition algorithm, seed a seed for random number generator, prob probability of the phase transition if all criteria are met (0<prob<1), region a region where algorithm checks for potential phase transition.


See examples/USER/sph/


Low Reynolds number Poiseuille flow simulation with parameters from [1] and driven by uniform body forces in opposite directions along two-halves of a computational domain [2].



Flow around cylinder simulation with parameters from [1].



Infinite slub simulation [3]



A cube changes to a sphere under the effect of surface tension


Circular liquid-droplet oscillation under the action of capillary forces [4]




Bubble growth in super-heated liquid


To see the particles in VMD

vmd -e deposit.tcl  -args data-ndim3-nx40/

To plot the volume of the bubble vs time

plot "data-ndim2/rg.dat" w lp


[1] Morris, J. P., Fox, P. J. & Zhu, Y. Modeling Low Reynolds Number Incompressible Flows Using SPH. Journal of Computational Physics 136, 214–226 (1997).

[2] Fedosov, D. A., Karniadakis, G. E. & Caswell, B. Steady shear rheometry of dissipative particle dynamics models of polymer fluids in reverse Poiseuille flow. J Chem Phys 132, (2010).

[3] Cleary, Paul W., and Joseph J. Monaghan. “Conduction modelling using smoothed particle hydrodynamics.” Journal of Computational Physics 148.1 (1999): 227-264.

[4] Hu, X. Y. & Adams, N. A. A Multi-phase SPH Method for Macroscopic and Mesoscopic Flows. J. Comput. Phys. 213, 844–861 (2006).


Multiphase SPH simulation with evaporation







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