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Bug Fix Release: 7.0.2

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@thattil thattil released this 12 Jul 14:58
· 173 commits to main since this release
1   Resolved Issues
2   On-board Detector Server Compatibility
3   Firmware Requirements
4   Kernel Requirements
5   Download, Documentation & Support

1 Resolved Issues


*   [Jungfrau] Stopping acquisition in sync mode
    Previously, stopping acquisition in sync mode would result in the slave
    status remaining in Running status for next acquisition and framesl (frames
    left) would be stuck from the previous acquisition. This is fixed in firmware.

Detector Server

*   [Jungfrau] Changing master to slave in sync mode
    When in sync mode, changing from master to slave would change the status
    to Running in firmware. A workaround in the detector server fixes this.

*   [Jungfrau] Row and column for multi module Jungfrau 
    This mainly affected only the GUI, unless one was using the row and column
    sent out by the detector. Row and column values were mixed up, but fixed now.

*   [Jungfrau] Timing in sync mode
    When sync is enabled, setting or getting timing would give an error. This 
    is fixed now.


*   [Jungfrau] Multi module sync mode
    For start, stop and trigger acquisition, the procedure to start the slaves
    (or the master for stop acquisition) first had to be obeyed. This is fixed


*   [Jungfrau][Gotthard2] Client ZMQ port when using 2 interfaces
    When switching between 1 and 2 interfaces, the client or gui zmq port
    was not set properly and resulted in dummy streaming forever. This is
    fixed now.

*   Rx_roi
    This parameter is now also streamed in the zmq header to be able to use in 
    external GUIs.


*   [Jungfrau] Show Fix_G0 in expert mode
    Fix_G0 was only shown when expert mode was enabled from Settings Tab. Now, 
    fixed to show when expert mode enabled from any tab.

2 On-board Detector Server Compatibility

Eiger       7.0.0
Jungfrau    7.0.2
Mythen3     7.0.0
Gotthard2   7.0.0
Gotthard    7.0.0
Moench      7.0.0
Ctb         7.0.0

On-board Detector Server Upgrade

From v6.1.0 (without tftp):
    Using command 'updatedetectorserver'
From 5.0.0 (with tftp):
    Using command 'copydetectorserver'

Instructions available at

3 Firmware Requirements

Eiger       20.02.2023 (v31)

Jungfrau    16.05.2023 (v1.4.1, HW v1.0) 
            15.05.2023 (v2.4.1, HW v2.0)

Mythen3     24.01.2023 (v1.4)

Gotthard2   23.11.2022 (v0.3)

Gotthard    08.02.2018 (50um and 25um Master)
            09.02.2018 (25 um Slave) 

Moench      05.12.2022 (v0.3)

Ctb         05.12.2022 (v1.1)

Detector Upgrade

The following can be upgraded remotely:

Eiger      via bit files
Jungfrau   via command <.pof>
Mythen3    via command <.rbf>
Gotthard2  via command <.rbf>
Moench     via command <.pof>
Ctb        via command <.pof>

Gotthard cannot be upgraded remotely  

Except Eiger, 
        Using command 'programfpga' or

    udpate both server and firmware simultaneously
        Using command 'update'

Instructions available at

4 Kernel Requirements

Latest version: Fri Oct 29 00:00:00 2021

Older ones will work, but might have issues with programming firmware via
the package.

Compatible version: Mon May 10 18:00:21 CEST 2021

Kernel Upgrade
Eiger   via bit files
Others  via command

Commands: udpatekernel, kernelversion
Instructions available at