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a social photo platform REST API


Create a .env file and configure it with the following enviroment variables

CORS_ORIGINS='<one or more cors orgins (space seporated)>' 
MONGO_URI='<mongo uri>'
SECRET='<random string>'
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID='<a aws access key id>'
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY='<a aws secret access key>'
AWS_BUCKET='<a aws bucket>'

Running Sluggam

  • Start a mongodb yarn db-on
  • Start the server yarn start

API Resources

User Model

The user model is used in the backend strickly for authentication and authorization. The user model will never be returned from the API, however userID's are stored on Profiles, Photos, and Comments for authorzation validation.

  • _id - an unique database genorated string which uniqly identifys a user
  • email - a unique string which stores the users email
  • username - a unique string that stores the users username
  • passwordHash - a string that holds a users hashed password
  • tokenSeed - a unique and random string used to genorate authorization tokens

Profile Model

Each user can have a single profile. Authorization is required for Creating, Updating, and Deleteing Profiles but they have public read access.

  • _id - an unique database genorated string which uniqly identifys a profile
  • owner - the user id of the profiles creator
  • email - a unique string which stores the profiles email
  • username - a unique string that stores the profiles profilename
  • avatar - a string holding a URL to a profile photo
  • bio - a string holding a profiles bio

Photo Model

Each user can have may photos. Authorization is required for Creating, Updating, and Deleteing Photos but they have public read access.

  • _id - an unique database genorated string which uniqly identifys a profile
  • owner - the user id of the photos creator
  • profile - stores a the creators profile ID. the profile is populated on GET requests
  • comments - stores an array of comment IDs. the comments are populated on GET requests
  • url - a string which store a url to the photo
  • description - a string with a description of the photo

Comment Model

Each user can have many comments, and each photo can have may comments. Authorization is required for Creating, Updating, and Deleteing Comments but they have public read access.

  • _id - an unique database genorated string which uniqly identifys a profile
  • owner - the user id of the photos creator
  • profile - stores a the creators profile ID. the profile is populated on GET requests
  • photoID - stores the photo id of the photo the comment is a response to
  • content - a string with the users comment


Sluggram uses Basic authentication and Bearer authorization to enforce access controls. Basic and Bearer auth both use the HTTP Authorization header to pass credentials on a request.

Basic Authentication

Once a user account has been created Basic Authentication can be used to make a request on behalf of the account. To create a Basic Authorzation Header the client must base64 encode a string with the username and password seporated by a colon. Then the encoded string can then be appened to the string 'Basic ' and set to an Authorization header on an HTTP Request.

// Example of formating a Basic Authentication header in Javascript 
let username = 'slugbyte'
let password = 'abcd1234'

let encoded = window.btoa(`${username}:${password}`)
let headers = {
  Authorization: `Basic ${encoded}`

Bearer Authorization

After a successfull signup or login request the client will receive a token. Bearer Authorization uses that token to make a request on behalf of that user account. The token should be append to the string 'Bearer ' and set to an Authorization header on an HTTP Request.

// Example of formating a Bearer Authorization header in Javascript
let token = '11983261983261982643918649814613298619823698243'

let headers = {
  Authorization: `Beaer ${token}`

POST /signup

a HTTP POST request to /signup will create a new user account.

  • Expected Headers
    • Content-Type: application/json
  • Request Body
    • JSON containing a username, email and password
  "username": "slugbyte",
  "email": "",
  "password": "abcd1234"

The response body will be a bearer token.

GET /login

A HTTP GET request to /login will login (fetch a token) to an existing user account.

  • Expected Headers
    • Basic Authorization for the user account

The response body will be a bearer token.


POST /profiles

A HTTP POST request to /profiles will create a new profile.

  • Expected Headers
    • Bearer authorization
    • Content-Type: multipart/form-data
  • Expected Body
    • a bio field containing string with the users bio
    • a image filed with the users avatar image

the response will be a JSON profile

GET /profiles

a HTTP GET request to /profiles will return an array of profiles

  • Optional Query Paramiters

See pageination

GET /profiles/:id

a HTTP GET request to /profiles/:id will return a profile


the response will return a JSON profile

GET /profiles/me

a HTTP GET request to /profiles/:id will return a profile

  • Expected Headers
    • Bearer authorization

the response will return a users JSON profile

PUT /profiles/:id

a HTTP PUT request to /profiles/:id will update a profile

  • Expected Headers
    • Bearer authorization
    • Content-Type: multipart/form-data or application/json
  • Optional Body Fields
    • an optional image filed with the users avatar image
      • photo uploads are only posible for Content-Type: multipart/form-data
    • an optional bio field containing string with the users bio

the response will return a JSON profile

DELETE /profiles/:id

a HTTP DELETE request to /profiles/:id will delete a profile

  • Expected Headers
    • Bearer authorization

the response will have no body and a status of 204


POST /photos

A HTTP POST request to /photos will create a new photo. A photo cannot be created until the User has created a profile.

  • Expected Headers
    • Bearer authorization
    • Content-Type: multipart/form-data
  • Expected Body
    • a photo filed with the file asset
    • a description field

the response will be a JSON photo

GET /photos

a HTTP GET request to /photos will return an array of photos

  • Optional Query Paramiters

See pageination

GET /photos/:id

a HTTP GET request to /photos/:id will return a photo


the response will return a JSON profile

PUT /photos/:id

a HTTP PUT request to /photos/:id will update a profile

  • Expected Headers
    • Bearer authorization
    • Content-Type: multipart/form-data or application/json
  • Optional Body Fields
    • an optional photo filed with a replacement photo
      • photo uploads are only posible for Content-Type: multipart/form-data
    • an optional description

DELETE /photos/:id

a HTTP DELETE request to /photos/:id will delete a profile

  • Expected Headers
    • Bearer authorization

the response will have no body and a status of 204


POST /comments

GET /comments

GET /comments/:id

PUT /comments/:id

DELETE /comments/:id


a social photo platform REST API






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