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Plex, Plex‐Debrid and Zurg or Rclone_RD

slunat edited this page Mar 17, 2024 · 8 revisions

Please note this entire guide is specifically created for a setup based on Debian 12 LXCs on Proxmox. If you are using any other OS or distros, you may have variances in some of the steps.


At this moment in time, the installation guide exists on OneDrive here. It will eventually be migrated over here, but for now you can access it there, and it will be live updated.

Updating Components


  1. Load Into your Plex Container
  2. Enter the command nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/plexmediaserver.list to edit the plex repository.
  3. Find the bottom line of the file starting with #deb and remove the # to uncomment the line. This will allow the Plex repo to be used for updates. If you wish to disable this to prevent Plex from updating when running apt-update commands, simply add the # back to the beginning of the line
  4. Press ctrl + x, they enter to save the changes to the file.
  5. To install a Plex update, first run apt-get update. If you run into an error here saying that it can't grab the Plex release due to the lack of a public key, first verify curl is installed by running curl --version. If it is not installed, install it with apt install curl. Then run the command curl | apt-key add -. Then re-run the apt-get update command.
  6. If you wish to install available updates for your system enter apt-get upgrade. If you wish to install only the Plex update, enter apt install --only-upgrade plexmediaserver.


The below instructions apply only if the above user guide has been followed and the same directory names have been used.

  1. Since we have configured Zurg to startup automatically, we first need to stop it. To do this, go to the screen session by entering screen -r zurg. Then press ctrl + a, then shift + k to kill the script. Press y to kill the screen session, which will also kill the script.
  2. Enter cd zurgfiles to enter the zurgfiles directory
  3. Enter mv zurg zurg_old to rename the existing zurg to zurg_old. If you would prefer to delete it, you can do so by entering rm zurg, but it would be better to temporarily rename it before deleting it until you have tested the updated version just in case you need to roll back. In which case, you would simply rename the file back to zurg and it will be back on the previous version.
  4. Enter ls to view the list of files and verify the file has been succesfully renamed
  5. Enter cd to return to the main directory
  6. Enter the wget command to grab the new release. For example, wget
  7. Unzip the downloaded binary to the zurgfiles directory by entering unzip -d zurgfiles
  8. If you wish to remove the zip, you can do so by entering rm
  9. At this point, you should have a new zurg file in your zurgfiles directory. YOu cna check this by entering cd zurgfiles and entering ls to view the files in the folder
  10. Restart your server and your should be up and running on the new version


  1. Open the terminal enter cd plex_debrid to go to the plex_debrid directory.
  2. Run git pull to grab the latest files
  3. Run pip install -r ./requirements.txt to make sure all required dependencies are installed.
  4. Restart the container. You can verify you are on the correct version by running plex_debrid --version