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  • 🖥 X11 / i3wm / lightdm
  • 🪟 polybar / rofi / dunst
  • 🐚 kitty / fish / starship
  • ⚡ libvirtd / docker / podman
  • 🏠 homemanager

📦 Contents

  • system modules ❄ modularized NixOS system configuration.
    • bootloader 🐛 provides a generic grub configuration
    • hardware 🟩 nvidia desktop hardware config. green go oss soon or it will be the last.
    • steam 🎮 provides steam with runtime configuration and helpful tools
    • virtualization ⚡ Enables docker, libvirtd, and podman
    • windowManager ✖ Configures X & i3wm with lightdm and light 🍙
  • home manager 🏠 modularized home configuration
    • programs 😸 kitty, discord, helix, etc
    • shell 🐟🚀 my trusty fish+starship config plus friends
    • windowManager 🍚 for i3wm/gtk and polybar
  • hosts
    • epsilon ϵ i9-12900KF (24) @ 5.100GHz / RTX 2080 SUPER / 32gb
    • nixie - VM for experimentation

Fresh Install


  • make bat caches for external theme support
    • bat cache --build


After a fresh install, do the following to allow for yk login

  • nix-shell -p pam_u2f
  • mkdir -p $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/Yubico
  • pamu2fcfg > $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/Yubico/u2f_keys

See NixOS wiki Yubikey entry and Dr. Duh's excellent yubikey resource

❤️ Special credit and thanks to

rxyhn sioodmy

This repository is a direct result of taking apart and putting back together the dotfile repositories provided by @rxyhm and @sioodmy while learning nix and nixOs. All credit for anything resembling coherent code goes to them 💕


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