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Dyn53 is a Dynamic DNS client for Amazon Route 53 for use in environments with dynamic external IP address assignment, such as with home ADSL connections. It uses the ipify web service to discover the external IP address.


Dyn53 requires a Java 8 runtime environment to be installed. To install Dyn53, the dyn53.jar and lib directory may be placed anywhere on a filesystem.


Dyn53 requires AWS credentials to update the resource record set in Route 53. This requires the access and secret keys to be added to a profile named dyn53 in the .aws/credentials file located in the home directory of the user that Dyn53 will run as.


The command line to execute Dyn53 is of the form:

java [system properties] -jar dyn53.jar

System properties are specified using the standard Java syntax of -Dproperty=value. The following system properties are supported:

  • specifies the path to a configuration file containing system properties. System properties specified on the command line take precedence over properties in the file.
  • specifies the identifier of the hosted zone containing the resource record set to update, as obtained from Route 53. This property must be specified.
  • specifies the name of the resource record set name to update with the external IP address, such as This property must be specified.
  • specifies the TTL to use when updating the resource record set, in seconds. The default value of this property is 300 seconds (5 minutes).
  • is a boolean flag controlling whether Dyn53 will always update the resource record set. If this value is false (the default), Dyn53 will only update the resource record set if the IP address changes. Note that the previous IP address is locally cached, and will not detect if another process changes the Route 53 resource record set. If this value is true, Dyn53 will always update the resource record set when it discovers the current IP address.
  • specifies the path where Dyn53 should output application logs. The value given in this property will be suffixed with the current date, as .YYYY-mm-dd. If no value is given for this property, Dyn53 will output logs to the process' standard output.
  • specifies the path where it should output the PID of its Java process. This enables Dyn53 to be run as a daemon with SystemV init scripts. The default behaviour if this value is not specified is to not output any PID information.


Dyn53 uses the Gradle build system, and includes the Gradle wrapper to ease bootstrapping builds. To build the project, simply execute the following command in the root directory of the project:

./gradlew build

A more useful command is to build a distribution archive containing the executable JAR and all its dependencies:

./gradlew distZip

Executing the distZip task will create a ZIP archive in the build/distributions directory which may be deployed to a target host.


Dyn53 is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

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