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clem 0.3.14
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 * cleaing up ASDF files
 * removing some matrix-scale cruft
 * update ChangeLog and .cvsignore file
  • Loading branch information
sly committed Mar 26, 2007
1 parent 91604d0 commit c0a4d0a
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Showing 6 changed files with 179 additions and 88 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .cvsignore
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
153 changes: 153 additions & 0 deletions ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,156 @@
2007-02-21 Cyrus Harmon <>

* benchmark/.cvsignore, benchmark/bench-add.lisp, benchmark/bench-hprod.lisp, benchmark/bench-mult.lisp, benchmark/bench-scale.lisp, benchmark/bench-subtr.lisp, benchmark/benchmarks.lisp, clem-benchmark.asd,, src/defmatrix-types.lisp, src/scale.lisp, src/transform.lisp, version.lisp-expr:
clem 0.3.13
* splitting benchmarks up into multiple files and adding more

2007-02-20 Cyrus Harmon <>

* benchmark/benchmarks.lisp, benchmark/defpackage.lisp, clem-benchmark.asd, clem.asd, src/add.lisp, src/defpackage.lisp, src/matrix-classes.lisp, src/matrixops.lisp, src/scale.lisp, src/subtr.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-mult.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-scale.lisp, version.lisp-expr:
clem 0.3.12
* moved benchmarks stuff into its own package/directory/asdf
* moved scale stuff from defmatrix-scale.lisp to scale.lisp and
reworked to simplify. added mat-scale-2 that takes both input and
destination matrices. reworked mat-scale to take :in-place and to
figure out types and call mat-scale-2 appropriately.
* fixed a type bug in mat-mult and added more matrix mult types

2007-02-17 Cyrus Harmon <>

* test/, test/benchmarks.lisp, version.lisp-expr:
clem 0.3.11
* added more benchmarking stuff (beginning of a new approach)

2007-01-24 Cyrus Harmon <>

* src/typed-ops/defmatrix-mult-block.lisp, src/typed-ops/, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-mult.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-transform.lisp, version.lisp-expr:
clem 0.3.10
* fixing more array declarations

2007-01-23 Cyrus Harmon <>

* src/matrixops.lisp, src/mloop.lisp, src/move.lisp, src/mref.lisp, src/statistics.lisp, src/sum.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-convolve.lisp, version.lisp-expr:
clem 0.3.9
* in laplacian-2, scale the result of discrete-convolve in-place
* make some array declarations be * instead of (* *)
* whitespace in move.lisp
* change semantics of matrix-move-range-2d to be more lispy (that is (0 5)
includes 0, but not 5
* change matrix-move to match
* indentation

2007-01-18 Cyrus Harmon <>

* src/move.lisp, test/, version.lisp-expr: clem 0.3.8
* fix bug in matrix-move
* add some in-place tests

2007-01-13 Cyrus Harmon <>

* src/add.lisp, src/subtr.lisp, version.lisp-expr: clem 0.3.7
* fix an error message in mat-add-range
* add subtr.lisp

2007-01-09 Cyrus Harmon <>

* src/defpackage.lisp, src/matrix.lisp, src/matrixops.lisp, src/transform.lisp, version.lisp-expr:
clem 0.3.6
* removed some oudated exported symbols
* reworked mat-subtr
* fixed gradmag and graddir
* fixed affine-transformation to work with n-d matrices
* fixed mat-subtr of affine-transformations

2007-01-08 Cyrus Harmon <>

* src/logical-operations.lisp, src/macros.lisp, src/matrix.lisp, src/mref.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-abs.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-add.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-binary-op.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-log.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-minmax.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-move.lisp, src/typed-ops/, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-mref.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-range-ops.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-square.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-subtr.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-sum.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-unary-op.lisp, test/test-add.lisp, test/test-normalize.lisp, test/test-not.lisp, test/test-sum.lisp, test/test-typed-mref.lisp, clem.asd, doc/clem.sexp, src/add.lisp, src/defmatrix.lisp, src/extrema.lisp, version.lisp-expr:
clem 0.3.5
* continuing the reorganization
* minor documentation update
* fixing add.lisp
* reorganized with-typed-matrix-vals and friends
* min and max now work with n-d matrices
* added license to logical-operations.lisp
* clean up logical-operations.lisp
* add (:allow-in-place t) keyword arg to def-binary-op
* clen up mref
* remove moved files
* add some tests

2007-01-07 Cyrus Harmon <>

* clem.asd, src/abs.lisp, src/add.lisp, src/arithmetic.lisp, src/defmatrix-types.lisp, src/defpackage.lisp, src/early-matrix.lisp, src/extrema.lisp, src/matrix.lisp, src/move.lisp, src/mref.lisp, src/print.lisp, src/statistics.lisp, src/sum.lisp, src/transform.lisp, src/typed-matrix.lisp, src/vector.lisp, version.lisp-expr:
clem 0.3.4
* continuing the reorganization
* added license information to some files
* working on making functions work with n-dimensional matrices

* src/abs.lisp, src/add.lisp, src/arithmetic.lisp, src/early-matrix.lisp, src/exponential.lisp, src/extrema.lisp, src/log.lisp, src/logical-operations.lisp, src/macros.lisp, src/matrix.lisp, src/move.lisp, src/mref.lisp, src/normalize.lisp, src/statistics.lisp, src/sum.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-binary-op.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-minmax.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-square.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-sum.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-unary-op.lisp, test/, version.lisp-expr, clem.asd:
clem 0.3.3
* continuing the reorganization
* rewrite with-typed-mref to work properly

2007-01-06 Cyrus Harmon <>

* doc/clem.sexp, src/defmatrix.lisp, src/early-matrix.lisp, src/matrix.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-move.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-mref.lisp, test/, test/, version.lisp-expr:
clem 0.3.2
* deleted with-typed mref and commented out mref methods
* spacing changes
* add mref, row-major-mref, matrix-total-size, matrix-dimensions and
with-typed-mref macros
* matrix-move-range -> matrix-move-range-2d
* reworked dim, cols and rows to work n-d matrices
* removed mat-add-inline and mat-add!-inline
* added fallback untyped matrix-move for matrix and integer-matrix
* fixed some test stuff

2007-01-03 Cyrus Harmon <>

* src/early-matrix.lisp, src/matrix.lisp, version.lisp-expr: clem 0.3.1
* adding :dimensions arg
* making rows and columns reader functions work

2006-12-27 Cyrus Harmon <>

* STYLE,, bootstrap.lisp, clem.asd, src/defmatrix.lisp, src/early-matrix.lisp, src/matrix.lisp, src/n-d-matrix.lisp, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-mref.lisp, version.lisp-expr:
clem 0.3.0
* getting ready for the big switch to n-dimensional matrices

2006-12-16 Cyrus Harmon <>

* clem.asd, src/, src/typed-ops/, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-abs.lisp, src/typed-ops/, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-add.lisp, src/typed-ops/, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-binary-op.lisp, src/typed-ops/, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-convolve.lisp, src/typed-ops/, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-equal.lisp, src/typed-ops/, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-hprod.lisp, src/typed-ops/, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-log.lisp, src/typed-ops/, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-minmax.lisp, src/typed-ops/, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-move.lisp, src/typed-ops/, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-mref.lisp, src/typed-ops/, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-mult-block.lisp, src/typed-ops/, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-mult.lisp, src/typed-ops/, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-range-ops.lisp, src/typed-ops/, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-scale.lisp, src/typed-ops/, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-square.lisp, src/typed-ops/, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-subset-matrix.lisp, src/typed-ops/, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-subtr.lisp, src/typed-ops/, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-sum.lisp, src/typed-ops/, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-transform.lisp, src/typed-ops/, src/typed-ops/defmatrix-unary-op.lisp, version.lisp-expr:
clem 0.2.11
* second stage of the big file rename/consolidation
this time for the typed-ops
+ .cl -> .lisp files
+ just use standard :cl-source-file asdf type

* src/, src/print.lisp, src/, src/, src/, src/scalar.lisp, src/, src/transform.lisp, src/, src/typed-matrix-utils.lisp, src/, src/typed-matrix.lisp, src/vector.lisp, Makefile, NEWS, clem.asd, src/, src/, src/, src/defmatrix-types.lisp, src/, src/defmatrix.lisp, src/, src/defpackage.lisp, src/, src/early-matrix.lisp, src/, src/, src/interpolation.lisp, src/, src/matrix-classes.lisp, src/, src/matrix.lisp, src/, src/matrixops.lisp, src/, src/, src/metaclasses.lisp, src/, src/mloop.lisp, version.lisp-expr:
clem 0.2.10
* first stage of the big file rename/consolidation
+ .cl -> .lisp files
+ just use standard :cl-source-file asdf type
+ consolidate vector stuff in one file
* remove cruft

* clem.asd, src/, src/, src/, version.lisp-expr:
clem 0.2.9
* add print file, start to simplify asdf dependencies
* fix matrix-argument-error so that it now works with a :cause initarg
* break out generics into a protocol section at the beginning of
* add some documentation to the protocol defgenerics
* remove list-if
* remove dim-1
* rework m* logic so that it works more as one would expect, and
documented that behavior!

2006-12-14 Cyrus Harmon <>

* ChangeLog, src/, version.lisp-expr: clem 0.2.8
* made real-matrix and complex-matrix be subtypes of number-matrix instead of t-matrix

2006-12-11 Cyrus Harmon <>

* ChangeLog, version.lisp-expr: clem 0.2.7
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion benchmark/.cvsignore
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
32 changes: 17 additions & 15 deletions clem.asd
Expand Up @@ -20,7 +20,10 @@
(:cl-source-file "early-matrix" :depends-on ("defpackage" "metaclasses"))
(:cl-source-file "mref" :depends-on ("early-matrix"))
(:cl-source-file "macros" :depends-on ("defpackage" "metaclasses" "mref"))
(:cl-source-file "matrix-classes" :depends-on ("defpackage" "metaclasses" "mref" "macros"))
(:cl-source-file "matrix-classes" :depends-on ("defpackage"
(:cl-source-file "matrix" :depends-on ("matrix-classes"))
(:cl-source-file "print" :depends-on ("matrix"))
(:cl-source-file "typed-matrix" :depends-on ("defpackage" "matrix"))
Expand All @@ -32,9 +35,17 @@
(:cl-source-file "vector" :depends-on ("matrix"))
(:cl-source-file "matrixops" :depends-on ("typed-matrix-utils"))
(:cl-source-file "interpolation" :depends-on ("matrix" "defmatrix-types"))
(:cl-source-file "transform" :depends-on ("matrix" "defmatrix-types" "interpolation"))
(:cl-source-file "transform" :depends-on ("matrix"
(:cl-source-file "extrema" :depends-on ("matrix" "defmatrix-types"))
(:cl-source-file "add" :depends-on ("matrix" "defmatrix-types" "scalar" "mloop" "mref" "vector" "typed-matrix-utils"))
(:cl-source-file "add" :depends-on ("matrix"
(:cl-source-file "subtr" :depends-on ("matrix" "defmatrix-types"))
(:cl-source-file "scale" :depends-on ("matrix" "defmatrix-types"))
(:cl-source-file "move" :depends-on ("matrix" "defmatrix-types"))
Expand All @@ -45,16 +56,7 @@
(:cl-source-file "normalize" :depends-on ("matrix" "defmatrix-types"))
(:cl-source-file "statistics" :depends-on ("matrix" "defmatrix-types"))
(:cl-source-file "exponential" :depends-on ("matrix" "defmatrix-types"))
:depends-on ("matrix-classes" "mloop" "defmatrix-types" "typed-matrix-utils" "matrixops" "scalar"))
:depends-on ("matrix-classes" "mloop" "defmatrix-types" "typed-matrix-utils" "matrixops"))

Expand All @@ -63,6 +65,7 @@
(:cl-source-file "defmatrix-mult")
(:cl-source-file "defmatrix-mult-block")
(:cl-source-file "defmatrix-transform")
(:cl-source-file "defmatrix-scale")
(:cl-source-file "defmatrix-subset-matrix")
(:cl-source-file "defmatrix-convolve"))
:depends-on ("defmatrix-types"
Expand All @@ -71,8 +74,7 @@
(:static-file "bootstrap" :pathname #p"bootstrap.lisp")
(:static-file "COPYRIGHT")
(:static-file "NEWS")
Expand Down
76 changes: 6 additions & 70 deletions src/typed-ops/defmatrix-scale.lisp
@@ -1,73 +1,10 @@

(in-package :clem)

(defgeneric mat-scale-range (m q startr endr startc endc &key in-place))
(defgeneric mat-scale (m q &key in-place))

(defmacro def-matrix-scale (type-1 accumulator-type)
(let ((element-type-1 (element-type (find-class `,type-1)))
(accumulator-element-type (element-type (find-class `,accumulator-type))))
(defmethod mat-scale-range
((m ,type-1) q startr endr startc endc &key in-place)
(print (list (type-of q)
(if in-place
(if (subtypep (type-of q) ',element-type-1)
(let ((qconv (coerce q ',element-type-1)))
(declare (type ,element-type-1 qconv))
(with-matrix-vals (m ,element-type-1 a)
(do ((i startr (1+ i)))
((> i endr))
(declare (dynamic-extent i) (type fixnum i))
(do ((j startc (1+ j)))
((> j endc))
(declare (dynamic-extent j) (type fixnum j))
(setf (aref a i j) (* (aref a i j) qconv))))))
(with-matrix-vals (m ,element-type-1 a)
(do ((i startr (1+ i)))
((> i endr))
(declare (dynamic-extent i) (type fixnum i))
(do ((j startc (1+ j)))
((> j endc))
(declare (dynamic-extent j) (type fixnum j))
(set-val-fit m i j ,(if (subtypep element-type-1 'integer)
`(truncate (* (aref a i j) q))
`(* (aref a i j) q)))))))
(if (subtypep (type-of q) ',element-type-1)
(let ((qconv (coerce q ',element-type-1)))
(declare (type ,element-type-1 qconv))
(destructuring-bind (mr mc) (dim m)
(let ((p (make-instance ',accumulator-type :rows mr :cols mc)))
(with-matrix-vals (m ,element-type-1 a)
(with-matrix-vals (p ,accumulator-element-type c)
(do ((i startr (1+ i)))
((> i endr))
(declare (dynamic-extent i) (type fixnum i))
(do ((j startc (1+ j)))
((> j endc))
(declare (dynamic-extent j) (type fixnum j))
(setf (aref c i j) (* (aref a i j) qconv))))))
(destructuring-bind (mr mc) (dim m)
(let ((p (make-instance ',accumulator-type :rows mr :cols mc)))
(with-matrix-vals (m ,element-type-1 a)
(do ((i startr (1+ i)))
((> i endr))
(declare (dynamic-extent i) (type fixnum i))
(do ((j startc (1+ j)))
((> j endc))
(declare (dynamic-extent j) (type fixnum j))
,(if (subtypep element-type-1 'integer)
`(set-val-fit p i j (* (aref a i j) q) :truncate t)
`(set-val-fit p i j (* (aref a i j) q))))))

(defmethod mat-scale
((m ,type-1) q &key (in-place nil in-place-supplied-p))
(destructuring-bind (mr mc) (dim m)
(apply #'mat-scale-range m q 0 (1- mr) 0 (1- mc)
(when in-place-supplied-p `(:in-place ,in-place))))))))
(defgeneric mat-scale-fit-range (m q startr endr startc endc))
(defgeneric mat-scale-fit (m q))
(defgeneric mat-scale-fit-range! (m q startr endr startc endc))
(defgeneric mat-scale-fit! (m q))

(defmacro def-matrix-scale-fit (type-1 accumulator-type)
(let ((element-type-1 (element-type (find-class `,type-1))))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -97,7 +34,7 @@
(defmacro def-matrix-scale-fit! (type-1)
(let ((element-type-1 (element-type (find-class `,type-1))))
(defmethod mat-scale-range-fit!
(defmethod mat-scale-fit-range!
((m ,type-1) q startr endr startc endc)
(if (subtypep (type-of q) ',element-type-1)
(let ((qconv (coerce q ',element-type-1)))
Expand All @@ -123,11 +60,10 @@
(defmethod mat-scale-fit!
((m ,type-1) q)
(destructuring-bind (mr mc) (dim m)
(mat-scale-range-fit! m q 0 (1- mr) 0 (1- mc)))))))
(mat-scale-fit-range! m q 0 (1- mr) 0 (1- mc)))))))

(macrolet ((frob (type-1 type-2)
(def-matrix-scale ,type-1 ,type-2)
(def-matrix-scale-fit ,type-1 ,type-2)
(def-matrix-scale-fit! ,type-1))))
(frob double-float-matrix double-float-matrix)
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion version.lisp-expr
@@ -1 +1 @@

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