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Hap10 Wiki page

Sina Majidian edited this page May 17, 2020 · 2 revisions

Hap10: haplotype assembly for polyploid

The goal is to reconstruct accurate and long haplotypes polyploid genome using linked reads (10xgenomics). You can use it for haplotype phasing (phase the SNPs) also know as haplotype assembly of 10x read data (10x genomics).

Workflow of Hap10

Step 0. Preparation procedure

Step 1. Extracting haplotype information

Step 2. Extracting molecule-specific fragments

Step 3. Extracting strongly connected components of fragments

Step 4. Haplotyping


First you need to clone the Hap10 package.

git clone
cd Hap10

Step 0. Preparation procedure

Consider that you have a reference genome, ref/ref.fa, and two FASTQ files, reads/R1.fastq.gz and reads/R2.fastq.gz, corresponding to the Illumina paired-end reads. As mentioned in the paper, you first need to align them to the reference genome using Longranger. Then, variants can be called using freebayes.

longranger mkref ref/ref.fasta
mkdir longranger_output

longranger align --id=longranger_output --fastqs=reads --reference=refdata-ref
freebayes -f ref/ref.fasta -p $k longranger_output/outs/possorted_bam.bam  > var.vcf

in which k is the ploidy level. The outputs of this step are aligned reads and called SNVs as BAM and VCF files, respectively.

Step 1. Extracting haplotype information

Here, a fragment file (as a text file) is generated using BAM and filtered VCF file. Firstly, you need to build extract_poly, an edited version (under test) of extracthairs in which polyploid genomes are also allowed. The makefile will attempt to build samtools and htslib as git submodules. The output of this step is a binary file extractHAIRS in folder build.

git clone
cd extract_poly

The inputs of this step are two files:

  • BAM file for an individual containing reads aligned to a reference genome
  • VCF file containing only heterzygous SNVs. Complex SNVs and indels are not allowed for this version. The VCF file should only contain genotyped SNPs.

When the SNP rate is high,specially more than 1%, Freebayes has a problem: SNV that are so close to each other are considered as complex variants. is a bash code from TriPoly to overcome this issue and converts those complex variants to SNVs.

utilities/  var.vcf var_break.vcf
cat var_break.vcf  | grep -v "1/1/1" | grep -v "0/0/0" grep -v "/2" > var_het.vcf   #This is for triploid.
./extract_poly/build/extractHAIRS --10X 1 --bam out_longranger/outs/possorted_bam.bam --VCF var_het.vcf --out unlinked_fragment_file

The second bash line is for triploid, you can easily change it for higher ploidy levels.

In the output file of the last bash line, unlinked_fragment_file, each line corresponds to one read. Now, We link the reads with the same barcode and generate a barcode-specific fragment file.

grep -v "NULL"  unlinked_fragment_file > unlinked_fragment_file_filtered  # removing those reads without barcode
python3 utilities/  unlinked_fragment_file_filtered frag.txt

Step 2. Extracting molecule-specific fragments

The goal of this this step is to extracting molecule-specific fragments from barcode-specific fragment file.

python3 utilities/ frag.txt $m frag_sp.txt

in which m is the mean 10X molecule length (in Kb) which can be set as 50.

Step 3. Extracting strongly connected components of fragments

python3 utilities/ frag_sp.txt scc ./out

If you want to have larger haplotype block but with a bit lower quality, you can use cc instead of scc.

Step 4. haplotyping (Haplotype assembly core)

ُThe output of the previous step is several fragment files. The haplotype assembly core should be run on each of them. For haplotyping, the user can use one of the two modes: fast or accurate. The core of fast mode, Hap++, is SDhaP which is written in C. The core of accurate mode, Hap10, is MATLAB code.

Fast mode (Hap++):

You need to install SDhaP. To do so, I provide a through instruction here.

python2 utilities/ -f frag_sp.txt  -o frag_sd.txt -x SDhaP
./sdhap/hap_poly frag_sd.txt  out.hap 3
python2 utilities/ -p out.hap -o out_with_genomic_position.hap -v var_het.vcf  

Accurate mode (Hap10):

You may refer to this page.

Output format

You can convert the output as phased VCF file using the following line. You need the unphased VCF and the haplotype file generated by either Hap++ or Hap10.

python input.hap input.vcf

Cite us:

Sina Majidian, Mohammad Hossein Kahaei, Dick de Ridder, "Hap10: reconstructing accurate and long polyploid haplotypes using linked reads."


This package is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License.