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Folders and files

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This is a full stack example project with the intention of showing code that you would write in your undergrad courses and turn it into a software service. The folders palindrome and diamond in the api are most like problems you would do for homework in an undergrad CS course. The rest of example_api is the rest of the structure to run the code as a service. example_ui is an interface for the api to pass parameters and display the outputs.

The Services


UI Screenshot

This is a react application runing in a node:19 docker container. Instead of react-scripts and webpack we leverage vite and esbuild. Note that all the files have the .jsx extention for vite to properly recognize the packages. This comes with the latest fast refresh from react for hot module reload (hmr). Note that hmr is designed for webhooks and will just do a full page reload for classic class components.


API Screenshot

This is a python api runing in a python:3.8 docker container. We leverage uvicorn for development, which enables hot reloading. If you would like to test the api endpoints got to http://localhost:8000/docs to have a swaggar interface.

Development & Deployment

Prerequisites to get started

To get started for either development or deployment you must first:

  • for windows users only install wsl by opening powershell and running wsl --install
  • have docker installed (Download here:
  • open a terminal/powershell and cd into the directory of the docker-compose.yml file

Docker for development

  • To build/rebuild all of the containers run: docker-compose build
  • To run all of the containers run: docker-compose up with ctrl + c to stop
  • To clear all the containers and ports from active memory run: docker-compose down

Docker for production

The only difference in running this in development mode and production mode is identifying which docker-compose file you would like to run. If you don't specify a file then it runs docker-compose.yml by default. For production we can create file called and the commands can be seen as follows:

  • To build all of the containers run: docker-compose --file build
  • To push tagged containers to dockerhub: docker-compose --file push (Need to name the images and have access to the repos in dockerhub)
  • To run all of the containers run: docker-compose --file up (Also works with ECS if you use an ECS docker context)


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