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Dinecraft is a horizontal prototype with vertical elements of a restaurant interface that has implemented UCD principles, UX goals, and user research into each part of the system. Dinecraft is meant to replace the traditional pen and paper method of taking orders in order to increase efficiency and aid servers with their tasks. The interface begins with a login page to which you must select an account and enter in the correct PIN for that account to access the rest of the interface.

For demonstration purposes, the app's preloaded accounts and PINs are as follows:

  • Mega Karen (PIN: 420420)
  • Mr. Krabs (PIN: 333333)
  • Pickaxe Guy (PIN: 481516)
  • Joe mama (PIN: 696969)

From there there is a map of tables in the restaurant each with a status indicated by icons. The tables can have their status updated, including adding guests to the table. As well, those guests at the table can have an order taken/edited for them. Finally, the bill(s) for the table can also be viewed and have a payment "taken" for them. Since this is a prototype, all data has been hardcoded and many assets have not been locally created so that all focus would go into HCI design rather than highly functional back-end systems and art.

This project is intended to be viewed mainly by employers as a showcase of our code development and collaboration skills.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


What you will need:

  • A computer with working internet and storage space
  • Google Chrome and a Windows operating system is recommended
  • A text editor if you would like to make any modifications


If you're viewing this README file you are also viewing this project's repository.

  1. Ensure that you have the <>Code tab selected.
  2. Click the green button that says <Clone or download> above the list of files.
  3. Select the <Download ZIP> option.
  4. You should see a file icon appear in the bottom lefthand corner of your screen.
  5. Wait for the file to finish downloading.
  6. Right click on the file.
  7. Select <Show in folder>.
  8. This should open up your file explorer which shows the zip file in your downloads section.
  9. Extract the file's contents to where you want to save the project so you can easily find it later.
  10. Open the folder if not already opened and double click on <index.html>.
  11. This should open up a tab in your internet browser that shows the interface.
  12. Open the contents of all other files using your preferred text editor if you want to view/modify the code.


Title/login screen Account list Payment

Built With

Authors and Acknowledgements


Other Acknowledgements:


electronic restaurant management interface






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