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Infinite WP on Dokku

Sets up a basic installation for Infinite WP on Dokku.

  • PHP 7
  • Apache
  • Files mounted via Dokku storage

Dokku Setup

Create resources

dokku apps:create wp
dokku mysql:create wp
dokku mysql:link wp wp

Create storage

mkdir ~/storage
mkdir ~/storage/wp--html

Upload Infinite WP installation

  1. Visit
  2. Click the "Download and install" tab
  3. Download the .zip of Infinite WP
  4. Upload the contents of the .zip to Dokku at ~/storage/wp--html

Fix file permissions

sudo chown -R 32767:32767 ~/storage/wp--html
sudo chmod +r ~/storage/wp--html/

Mount files to the Dokku app

dokku storage:mount wp /home/stuart/storage/wp--html:/app/html
dokku ps:rebuild

Link a domain

dokku domains:add wp

Secure using Let's Encrypt (optional)

dokku config:set --no-restart wp
dokku letsencrypt wp

Fix HTTPS Support

For HTTPS support, InfiniteWP assumes the app is hosted on port 443. However, because Heroku's PHP buildpack runs on port 5000, InfiniteWP will attempt to "redirect" to port 443, causing an infinite loop.

To fix this, override the $_SERVER variables to convince InfiniteWP it's running with HTTPS.

sudo vim ~/storage/wp--html/_env.php

Fill the contents of this file with the following:


$_SERVER['HTTPS'] = 'on';
$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] = '443';

Then, verify HTTPS is enabled in config.php (should be define('APP_HTTPS', 1);)

sudo vim ~/storage/wp--html/config.php

Save & restart the app:

dokku ps:restart wp

Deploy app to Dokku

Deploy a clone of this repo to Dokku

git remote add dokku
git push dokku master

Setup Infinite WP

  1. Retrieve MySQL credentials (dokku config wp on your Dokku host)
  2. Visit your new domain (
  3. Enter the MySQL credentials from DATABASE_URL (mysql://username:password@hostname:port/database)
  4. Finish installation
  5. When redirected back to the admin, do not enable https. Dokku terminates SSL before it reaches PHP (acting as a proxy), which Infinite WP's setting doesn't support. HTTPS will stll to work fine, though.


Updating composer.json and composer.lock

To update composer.lock, you must run Composer from the appropriate PHP version. If you don't have PHP 7 installed locally, you can use Docker.

$ docker-compose run web bash
# once in the bash shell...
$ composer update # or any other command


Skeleton for deploying Infinite WP on Dokku







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