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Langiewicz Marek 2684 committed Jun 28, 2010
0 parents commit 60eb2ba
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Showing 944 changed files with 789,281 additions and 0 deletions.
Binary file added
Binary file not shown.
286 changes: 286 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python

"""Clearcase to Git Exporter
Exports the Clearcase history to git repo.
Usage: cc2git input_dir output_dir
#TODO: sprawdzic czy moge przyspieszyc jakims recznym skompilowaniem tego skryptu
#TODO: obsluga linkow (do plikow, do katalogow w tym samym vobie, do katalogow w innym vobie..)
o linkach: prosta wersja: linki (podobnie jak katalogi) traktujemy jako czesc szkieletu repozytorium gitowego,
czyli tworzymy wszystkie na poczatku (przed pierwszym commitem gitowym) nawet linki do nieistniejacych jeszcze plikow,
bo potem z czasem odpowiednie pliki beda sie pojawiac..
jescze sprawa linkow do katalogow/plikow wychodzacych poza vob porty (a raczej poza korzen drzewa dla ktorego odpalilismy skrypt):
- albo traktujemy je tak jak inne linki, ale wtedy musimy osobno puszczac skrypt dla brakujacych vobow i jakos to potem
poustawiac zeby linki siegaly tam gdzie trzeba - trudne i problemy z wersjonowaniem (bo nie mamy juz tylko jednego lancuszka)
- albo traktujemy je jak obiekty na ktore wskazuja - lepsza prostsza opcja, ale TODO: posprawdzac czy nie bedzie duplikatow!
#TODO: posprawdzac czy linki nie spowoduja duplikacji plikow w jakis sposob (jesli np linki do innego voba pozamieniam na zwykle katalogi)
#TODO: pomysl na oszczedzenie pamieci: tworzyc jakas magiczna liczbe dla kazdej kulki
# taka zeby potem sortowanie bylo tylko po tej liczbie i bylo takie jak chcemy..
#TODO: uzyc popen2 do zarzadzania cleartoolem
#TODO: commit --date i --author (olewamy GIT_COMMITER_DATE raczej, bo w yamlowym pliku sobie to zapiszemy
#TODO: uzywac w yamlu "---" zeby moc czytac, pisac strumieniowo
#TODO: cc2git.yaml -> cc2git_tmp->yaml, a ostateczny tworzyc strumieniowo przy odpalaniu gita i wpisywac tam hasze commitow

import os
import os.path
import yaml
import bisect
from time import time

db = []

def parse_version(version):
version = version.strip().strip("\"").split("@@", 1)
result = {}
if len(version) > 1 and len(version[0]) > 0:
pathandname = os.path.split(version[0])
if len(pathandname[0]) > 0:
result["path"] = pathandname[0]
if len(pathandname[1]) > 0:
result["name"] = pathandname[1]
branchandnr = ""
if len(version) == 1:
branchandnr = version[0]
elif len(version[1]) > 0:
branchandnr = version[1]
if len(branchandnr) > 0:
branchandnr = os.path.split(branchandnr)
if len(branchandnr[0]) > 0:
result["branch"] = branchandnr[0]
if len(branchandnr[1]) > 0:
result["nr"] = branchandnr[1]
return result

def parse_hyperlink(link):
link = link.split("@", 2)
link = {"type":link[0].strip(), "nr":link[1].strip(), "link":link[2].strip()} #TODO: sparsowac pole "link"
return link

def parse_describe(describe):
info = {}
line = describe.readline()
line = line.strip().split()
if line[0] == "version":
info["type"] = "file"
info["version"] = parse_version(line[1])
if info["version"]["nr"] == "CHECKEDOUT":
if line[2] != "from":
raise Exception
info["version"]["from"] = parse_version(line[3])
return info #TODO: moze kiedys parsowac dokladniej wycheckoutowane pliki..
line = describe.readline() #created...
line = line.strip().split(" ", 1)
if line[0].strip() != "created":
raise Exception
line = line[1].split("by", 1)
info["datetime"] = line[0].strip() #TODO: parsowanie daty i czasu
info["creator"] = line[1].strip()
comment = ""
line = describe.readline()
while len(line) > 0 and line.strip() != "Element Protection:":
comment += line
line = describe.readline()
info["comment"] = comment.strip()
if len(line) == 0:
return info
#Element Protection:
line = describe.readline() #User
line = line.split(":", 2)
if line[0].strip() != "User":
raise Exception
info["protection"] = {"user":{"name":line[1].strip(), "rights":line[2].strip()}}
line = describe.readline() #Group
line = line.split(":", 2)
if line[0].strip() != "Group":
raise Exception
info["protection"]["group"] = {"name":line[1].strip(), "rights":line[2].strip()}
line = describe.readline() #Other
line = line.split(":", 2)
if line[0].strip() != "Other":
raise Exception
info["protection"]["other"] = {"name":line[1].strip(), "rights":line[2].strip()}

line = describe.readline()
if line.strip().startswith("element type:"):
line = line.split(":", 1)
info["elementtype"] = line[1].strip()
line = describe.readline()

if line.strip().startswith("predecessor version:"):
line = line.split(":", 1)
line = os.path.split(line[1].strip())
info["predecessor"] = {"branch":line[0], "nr":line[1]}
line = describe.readline()

if line.strip() == "Labels:":
info["labels"] = []
line = describe.readline()
while len(line) > 0 and line.find(":") == -1:
line = describe.readline()

dump_hyperlinks = False #TODO: chcemy hyperlinki? (sa dlugie i pliki z dumpami sa potem brzydkie bo linie sa lamane)

if dump_hyperlinks and line.strip() == "Hyperlinks:":
info["hyperlinks"] = []
line = describe.readline()
while len(line) > 0 and line.find(":") == -1:
line = describe.readline()
info["type"] = "unknown"
return info

def file2db(cc_f, git_f):
print "file2db", cc_f
describe = os.popen("cleartool describe -long " + cc_f)
info = parse_describe(describe)
if info["type"] == "file":
if info["version"]["nr"] == "CHECKEDOUT":
describe = os.popen(
"cleartool describe -long " +
cc_f +
"@@" +
info["version"]["from"]["branch"] +
"/" +
info = parse_describe(describe)
desc_list = []
while info != None:
key = [
bisect.insort(db, key)
if info.has_key("predecessor"):
describe = os.popen(
"cleartool describe -long " +
cc_f +
"@@" +
info["predecessor"]["branch"] +
"/" +
info = parse_describe(describe)
info = None
desc_list.reverse() #TODO: czy musimy to odwracac? chyba nie..
out = open(git_f, 'w')
yaml.dump(desc_list, out, default_flow_style=False, indent=4)
pass #TODO:obsluga innych typow (skrotow do plikow i do katalogow i plikow prywatnych czy cos..

def walk(top_dirs, cc_dir, files):
(cc_top, git_top) = top_dirs
if cc_dir.find(cc_top) != 0:
raise Exception
cc_dirrest = cc_dir[len(cc_top):].strip("/")

print "walk", cc_dir
for f in files:
cc_f = os.path.join(cc_dir, f)
git_f = os.path.join(git_top, cc_dirrest, f)
if os.path.isfile(cc_f):
file2db(cc_f, git_f)
elif os.path.isdir(cc_f):
except os.error: #TODO: lapac tylko wyjatek typu File exists

def main(cc_dir, git_dir):

except os.error: #TODO: lapac tylko wyjatek typu File exists
os.path.walk(cc_dir, walk, (cc_dir, git_dir))
#print yaml.dump(db)
f = open(os.path.join(git_dir, "cc2git_db.yaml"), 'w')
yaml.dump(db, f, default_flow_style=False, indent=4) #TODO: upewnic sie ze nawet jak cos po drodze sie wysypie to i tak ta linijka sie wykona..

if __name__ == '__main__':
starttime = time()
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
print __doc__
main(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])
#main("/home/langiewi_m/p2_latest/develop/source/siemens/applications/html/tests", "/home/langiewi_m/projects/cc2git/test2")
#main("/home/langiewi_m/p2_latest/develop/source/siemens/applications/html/scripts", "/home/langiewi_m/projects/cc2git/test3")
#main("/home/langiewi_m/p2_latest/develop/source/siemens/applications", "/home/langiewi_m/projects/cc2git/test_05_applications")
#main("/home/langiewi_m/p2_latest/develop/source/siemens/applications/cma", "/home/langiewi_m/projects/cc2git/test_06_cma")

#Test shell stuff:
os.system("A=bla ; B=ble ; echo test1: A=$A B=$B ; export")
os.system("echo test2: A=$A B=$B")
os.system("cd ~/tmp ; pwd")

#test popen2
import popen2, string
fin, fout = popen2.popen2("cleartool")
l = fin.readline(),
while l != "":
print l
l = fin.readline(),
fout.write("help rebase\n\n")
l = fin.readline(),
while l != "":
print l
l = fin.readline(),

endtime = time()

print "calkowity czas dzialania:", endtime - starttime

36 changes: 36 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@

__date__ ="$Jun 25, 2010 10:21:13 AM$"

import os
import os.path
from time import time

#TODO: ta funkcja ma byc prywatna
def ned_walk(filename, dir, elements):
if dir.find("lost+found") != -1:
if len(elements) == 0:
fullfilename = os.path.join(dir, filename)
print "running: sudo touch \"" + fullfilename + "\""
run_command("sudo touch \"" + fullfilename + "\"", log=False)

def noemptydirs(dir, filename):
print "START noemptydirs(" + dir + ", " + filename + ")"
starttime = time()
os.path.walk(dir, ned_walk, filename)
endtime = time()
print "END noemptydirs(" + dir + ", " + filename + ") (time: ", endtime - starttime, ")"

def run_command(cmd, log=True):
if log:
print " START COMMAND:", cmd
starttime = time()
if log:
endtime = time()
print " END COMMAND: ", cmd, " (time: ", endtime - starttime, ")"

if __name__ == "__main__":
raise Exception
Binary file added cc2git_common.pyc
Binary file not shown.
55 changes: 55 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
#! /usr/bin/python

__date__ ="$Jun 25, 2010 10:17:40 AM$"

import os
import os.path
from time import time
from cc2git_common import run_command
from cc2git_common import noemptydirs
from porta_baselines import PORTA_BASELINES

VCT_CMD = "/build/vct"

def ccbase2git(baselines, view_dir, git_dir, guarddirs):
guarddirs - list of dirs where to guard empty subdirs
(this will insert empty .gitignore file in any empty dir in guarddirs list)
#TODO: obsluga bledow.. :(
for baseline in baselines:
starttime = time()
print " START exporting baseline:", baseline
run_command("cd " + view_dir + " ; sudo " + VCT_CMD + " rmprivate")
run_command("cd " + view_dir + " ; " + VCT_CMD + " rebase " + baseline)
for dir in guarddirs:
noemptydirs(dir, ".gitignore")
run_command("cd " + view_dir + " ; git --git-dir=" + git_dir + " --work-tree=" + view_dir + " add -v -A .")
run_command("cd " + view_dir + " ; git --git-dir=" + git_dir + " --work-tree=" + view_dir + " commit -v -m \"ccbase2git_v2 " + baseline + "\"")
endtime = time()
print " END exporting baseline", baseline, "(time:", endtime - starttime, ")"

if __name__ == "__main__":
print "START script"
starttime = time()

GIT_DIR = "/home/langiewi_m/projects/porta_to_git.git"
VOBS_DIR = os.path.join(VIEW_DIR, "vobs")
VOBS = ["common_software", "components", "danube_tc", "porta", "porta_kernel", "porta_kernel_2_4_31", "porta_tools"]
guarddirs = []
for vob in VOBS:
guarddirs.append(os.path.join(VOBS_DIR, vob))
ccbase2git(BASELINES, VIEW_DIR, GIT_DIR, guarddirs)
endtime = time()
print "Total working time:", endtime - starttime

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