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Refactor UUID translation module to be more consistent
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Hunter Morris committed May 21, 2012
1 parent 25c2503 commit 890a884
Showing 1 changed file with 166 additions and 101 deletions.
267 changes: 166 additions & 101 deletions smarkets/
Expand Up @@ -10,129 +10,194 @@
import types

_CHARS = '0123456789' \
'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' \

'Account': 'acc1',
'ContractGroup': 'c024',
'Contract': 'cccc',
'Order': 'fff0',
'Comment': 'b1a4',
'Entity': '0444',
'Event': '1100',
'Session': '9999',
'User': '0f00',
'Referrer': '4e4e'

_UUID_TAGS_BY_TAG = dict(((v, k) for k, v in _UUID_TAGS.iteritems()))
_UUID_INT_TAGS = dict((k, int(v, 16)) for k, v in _UUID_TAGS.iteritems())
_UUID_INT_TAGS_BY_TAG = dict((int(v, 16), k) for k, v in _UUID_TAGS.iteritems())

def _base_n(number, chars):
from collections import namedtuple

UuidTagBase = namedtuple('UuidTag', ['name', 'hex_str', 'prefix'])
UuidBase = namedtuple('Uuid', ['number', 'tag'])

class UuidTag(UuidTagBase):
"Represents tag information"
tag_mult = 1 << 16
def int_tag(self):
return int(self.hex_str, 16)

def tag_number(self, number):
"Adds this tag to a number"
return number * self.tag_mult + self.int_tag

def split_int_tag(cls, number):
"Splits a number into the ID and tag"
return divmod(number, cls.tag_mult)

class Uuid(UuidBase):
"Represents a UUID"
chars = '0123456789' \
'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' \
tag_list = (
UuidTag('Account', 'acc1', 'a'),
UuidTag('ContractGroup', 'c024', 'm'),
UuidTag('Contract', 'cccc', 'c'),
UuidTag('Order', 'fff0', 'o'),
UuidTag('Comment', 'b1a4', 'b'),
UuidTag('Entity', '0444', 'n'),
UuidTag('Event', '1100', 'e'),
UuidTag('Session', '9999', 's'),
UuidTag('User', '0f00', 'u'),
UuidTag('Referrer', '4e4e', 'r'),

# Various indexes into uuid map
tags = dict((, t) for t in tag_list)
tags_by_hex_str = dict((t.hex_str, t) for t in tag_list)
tags_by_prefix = dict((t.prefix, t) for t in tag_list)
tags_by_int_tag = dict((t.int_tag, t) for t in tag_list)
mask64 = (1 << 64) - 1

def low(self):
return self.number & self.mask64

def high(self):
return (self.number >> 64) & self.mask64

def shorthex(self):
return '%x' % self.number

def to_slug(self, base=36, chars=None, pad=0):
if chars is None:
chars = self.chars
if base < 2 or base > len(chars):
raise TypeError("base must be between 2 and %s" % len(chars))
chars = chars[:base]
number = self.tag.tag_number(self.number)
slug = self.pad_uuid(self.base_n(number, chars), pad=pad)
return '%s-%s' % (self.tag.prefix, slug)

def to_hex(self, pad):
hex_str = '%x%s' % (self.number, self.tag.hex_str)
return self.pad_uuid(hex_str, pad=pad)

def base_n(number, chars):
return ((number == 0) and "0") \
or (Uuid.base_n(number // (len(chars)), chars).lstrip("0") \
+ chars[number % (len(chars))])

def pad_uuid(uuid, pad=32, padchar='0'):
"Pads a UUID with <pad> <padchar>s"
return padchar * (pad - len(uuid)) + uuid

def unsplit64(cls, high, low):
"Converts a high/low 64-bit integer pair into a 128-bit large integer"
return ((high & cls.mask64) << 64) | (low & cls.mask64)

def from_int(cls, number, ttype):
"Convert an integer and tag type to a Uuid"
if isinstance(number, tuple):
number = cls.unsplit64(*number)
if not isinstance(number, (int, long)):
raise TypeError("Number must be an integer: %r" % number)
if number < 0:
raise TypeError("Number cannot be negative: %r" % number)
tag = cls.tags.get(ttype)
if tag is None:
raise ValueError("invalid type: %r" % ttype)
return cls(number, tag)

def from_slug(cls, slug, base=36, chars=None):
"Convert a slug into a Uuid"
if not isinstance(slug, types.StringTypes):
raise TypeError("slug must be a string: %r" % slug)
if chars is None:
chars = cls.chars
if base < 2 or base > len(chars):
raise TypeError("base must be between 2 and %s" % len(chars))
if base <= 36:
slug = slug.lower()
chars = chars[:base]
index = dict(zip(chars, range(0, len(chars))))
if len(slug) > 1 and '-' in slug:
# We have a prefix
prefix, slug = slug.split('-')
number = reduce(lambda acc, val: acc + val[0] * len(index) ** val[1],
zip([index[x] for x in slug],
reversed(range(0, len(slug)))), 0)
number, int_tag = UuidTag.split_int_tag(number)
tag = cls.tags_by_int_tag.get(int_tag)
if tag is None:
raise ValueError("invalid integer tag: %r" % int_tag)
return cls(number, tag)

def from_hex(cls, hex_str):
"Convert a hex uuid into a Uuid"
if not isinstance(hex_str, types.StringTypes):
raise TypeError("hexstr must be a string: %r" % hexstr)
hex_tag = hex_str[-4:]
number = int(hex_str[:-4], 16)
tag = cls.tags_by_hex_str.get(hex_tag)
if tag is None:
raise ValueError("invalid hex tag: %r" % hex_tag)
return cls(number, tag)

def int_to_slug(number, ttype, base=36, chars=None, pad=0):
"Convert a large integer to a slug"
return Uuid.from_int(number, ttype).to_slug(base, chars, pad)

def slug_to_int(slug, base=36, chars=None, split=True, return_type=False):
Helper method for recursing
Convert a slug to an integer, optionally splitting into high and
low 64 bit parts
return ((number == 0) and "0") \
or (_base_n(number // (len(chars)), chars).lstrip("0") \
+ chars[number % (len(chars))])

def pad_uuid(uuid, pad=32, padchar='0'):
"Pads a UUID with <pad> <padchar>s"
return padchar * (pad - len(uuid)) + uuid
uuid = Uuid.from_slug(slug, base, chars)
number = (uuid.high, uuid.low) if split else uuid.number
return (number, if return_type else number

def int_to_slug(number, base=36, chars=_CHARS, prefix=None, pad=0):
Convert a large integer to a slug
if not isinstance(number, (int, long)):
raise TypeError("Number must be an integer: %r" % number)
if number < 0:
raise TypeError("Number cannot be negative: %r" % number)
if base < 2 or base > len(_CHARS):
raise TypeError("base must be between 2 and %s" % len(_CHARS))
chars = chars[:base]
slug = pad_uuid(_base_n(number, chars), pad=pad)
if prefix is not None:
if not isinstance(prefix, types.StringTypes):
raise TypeError("prefix must be a string: %r" % prefix)
return '%s-%s' % (prefix, slug)
return slug

def slug_to_int(slug, base=36, chars=_CHARS, prefix=None):
Convert a slug to a large integer
if not isinstance(slug, types.StringTypes):
raise TypeError("slug must be a string: %r" % slug)
if base < 2 or base > len(_CHARS):
raise TypeError("base must be between 2 and %s" % len(_CHARS))
if base <= 36:
slug = slug.lower()
chars = _CHARS[:base]
index = dict(zip(chars, range(0, len(chars))))
if prefix is not None:
# Prefix is simply an assertion here
got_prefix, slug = slug.split('-')
if (prefix or got_prefix) != got_prefix:
raise TypeError("Got prefix '%s' when expected '%s'" \
% (got_prefix, prefix))
return reduce(lambda acc, val: acc + val[0] * len(index) ** val[1],
zip([index[x] for x in slug],
reversed(range(0, len(slug)))), 0)

def uuid_to_slug(number, base=36, chars=_CHARS, prefix=None, pad=0):
def uuid_to_slug(number, base=36, chars=None, pad=0):
Convert a Smarkets UUID (128-bit hex) to a slug
if not isinstance(number, types.StringTypes):
raise TypeError("Number must be a string: %r" % number)
return int_to_slug(int(number, 16), base, chars, prefix, pad)
return Uuid.from_hex(number).to_slug(base, chars, pad)

def slug_to_uuid(slug, base=36, chars=_CHARS, prefix=None, pad=32):
def slug_to_uuid(slug, base=36, chars=None, pad=32):
Convert a slug to a Smarkets UUID
if not isinstance(slug, types.StringTypes):
raise TypeError("slug must be a string: %r" % slug)
return pad_uuid('%x' % slug_to_int(slug, base, chars, prefix), pad=pad)
return Uuid.from_slug(slug, base, chars).to_hex(pad)

def int_to_uuid(number, type):
def int_to_uuid(number, ttype, pad=32):
"Convert an untagged integer into a tagged uuid"
if not isinstance(number, (long, int)):
raise TypeError("number must be an integer: %r", number)

tag = _UUID_TAGS.get(type)
if tag is None:
raise ValueError("invalid type: %r" % type)
return Uuid.from_int(number, ttype).to_hex(pad)

return pad_uuid('%x%s' % (number, tag))

def uuid_to_int(uuid, return_tag=None):
def uuid_to_int(uuid, return_tag=None, split=False):
"Convert a tagged uuid into an integer, optionally returning type"
tagless = uuid[:-4]
number = int(tagless, 16)
uuid = Uuid.from_hex(uuid)
number = (uuid.high, uuid.low) if split else uuid.number
if return_tag == 'type':
tag = uuid[-4:]
tag_type = _UUID_TAGS_BY_TAG.get(tag)
if tag_type is None:
raise ValueError("Invalid tagged uuid: %r" % uuid)
return (number, tag_type)
return (number,
if return_tag == 'int':
return (number, int(uuid[-4:], 16))
return (number, uuid.tag.int_tag)
return number

def uuid_to_short(uuid):
"Converts a full UUID to the shortened version"
return uuid[:-4].lstrip('0')

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