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Installing GLPSol

RukNdf edited this page Jun 23, 2021 · 1 revision

GLPSol is park of the GLPK package, which must be installed and the path set in the DBConnect java file.



Binary and source releases are available here.


GLPK can either be compiled from source or installed through homebrew


GLPK can be compiled from source or installed through package managers.


If the software has been installed correctly you should be able to run it through either a command or executable. Running "glpsol" or "[path to glpsol]\glpsol.exe" in a terminal should return the version followed by a "no input problem" error (which is intended behavior).


GLPSOL: GLPK LP/MIP Solver, v4.65
No input problem file specified;


The DBConnect java file has a string that should point to glpsol. As it will most likely not be pointing to the correct file, the String "GLPSol" should be modified to the same command you use to run glpsol from the terminal. E.g.

private final String GLPSol = "glpsol";


private final String GLPSol = "[path to glpsol]\\glpsol.exe";

If the String does not point to a working GLPSol program it will display an IOException error "CreateProcess error=2". In that case first check whether the command works and then if there are any typos in the string and the file has been saved and recompiled.

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