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Smartcar Node SDK

Smartcar Node SDK documentation.





Class to handle all errors from Smartcar API Please see our error guides to see a list of all the possible error types and codes of both v2.0 and v1.0 requests.



METHODS_MAP : object.<String, Object>

Every key here is the function name on vehicle This map is used to generate the methods dynamically. Every value is an object of the following fields :

  • requestType: http request type, defaults to 'get' if not mentioned.
  • path: url path to hit, defaults to the method name
  • body: body for post requests.


Access : Object
Permissions : Object
ServiceHistory : Object
WebhookSubscription : Object
Batch : Object
Response : Object
Meta : Object
Vin : Object
Charge : Object
Battery : Object
BatteryCapacity : Object
Fuel : Object
TirePressure : Object
EngineOil : Object
Odometer : Object
SecurityResponse : Object
Location : Object
Attributes : Object
ActionResponse : Object



Kind: static property of smartcar See: module:errors


Kind: static property of smartcar See: Vehicle


Kind: static property of smartcar See: AuthClient


Sets the version of Smartcar API you are using

Kind: static method of smartcar

Param Type
version String

smartcar.getApiVersion() ⇒ String

Gets the version of Smartcar API that is set

Kind: static method of smartcar Returns: String - version

smartcar.getUser(accessToken) ⇒ User

Return the user's id.

Kind: static method of smartcar Throws:

Param Type Description
accessToken String access token

smartcar.getVehicles(accessToken, [paging]) ⇒ VehicleIds

Return list of the user's vehicles ids.

Kind: static method of smartcar Throws:

Param Type Description
accessToken String access token
[paging] Object
[paging.limit] Number number of vehicles to return
[paging.offset] Number index to start vehicle list

smartcar.getCompatibility(vin, scope, [country], [options]) ⇒ Compatibility

Determine whether a vehicle is compatible with Smartcar.

A compatible vehicle is a vehicle that:

  1. has the hardware required for internet connectivity,
  2. belongs to the makes and models Smartcar supports, and
  3. supports the permissions.

To use this function, please contact us!

Kind: static method of smartcar Throws:

Param Type Default Description
vin String the VIN of the vehicle
scope Array.<String> list of permissions to check compatibility for
[country] String 'US' an optional country code according to ISO 3166-1 alpha-2.
[options] Object
[options.testMode] Boolean Deprecated, please use mode instead. Launch Smartcar Connect in test mode.
[options.mode] String Determine what mode Smartcar Connect should be launched in. Should be one of test, live or simulated.
[options.testModeCompatibilityLevel] String This string determines which permissions the simulated vehicle is capable of. Possible Values can be found at this link: (

smartcar.hashChallenge(amt, challenge) ⇒ String

Generate hash challenege for webhooks. It does HMAC_SHA256(amt, challenge)

Kind: static method of smartcar Returns: String - String representing the hex digest

Param Type Description
amt String Application Management Token
challenge String Challenge string

smartcar.verifyPayload(amt, signature, body) ⇒ Boolean

Verify webhook payload with AMT and signature.

Kind: static method of smartcar Returns: Boolean - true if signature matches the hex digest of amt and body

Param Type Description
amt String Application Management Token
signature String sc-signature header value
body object webhook response body

smartcar~User : Object

Kind: inner typedef of smartcar Properties

Name Type Description
id String User Id
meta module:smartcar.Vehicle.Meta


  id: "e0514ef4-5226-11e8-8c13-8f6e8f02e27e",
  meta: {
    requestId: 'b9593682-8515-4f36-8190-bb56cde4c38a',

smartcar~VehicleIds : Object

Kind: inner typedef of smartcar Properties

Name Type Description
vehicles Array.<String> A list of the user's authorized vehicle ids.
paging Object
paging.count- Number The total number of vehicles.
paging.offset Number The current start index of returned vehicle ids.
meta module:smartcar.Vehicle.Meta


  vehicles: [
  paging: {
    count: 2,
    offset: 0,
  meta: {
    requestId: 'b9593682-8515-4f36-8190-bb56cde4c38a',

smartcar~Compatibility : Object

Kind: inner typedef of smartcar Properties

Name Type
compatible Boolean
capabilities Array.<String>
capabilities[].permission String
capabilities[].endpoint String
capabilities[].capable Boolean
meta module:smartcar.Vehicle.Meta


 compatible: true,
 reason: null,
 capabilities: [
     capable: false,
     endpoint: '/engine/oil',
     permission: 'read_engine_oil',
     reason: 'SMARTCAR_NOT_CAPABLE',
     capable: true,
     endpoint: '/vin',
     permission: 'read_vin',
     reason: null,
 meta: {

smartcar~GetConnections ⇒ GetConnections

Returns a paged list of all the vehicles that are connected to the application associated with the management API token used sorted in descending order by connection date.

Kind: inner typedef of smartcar

Param Type Description
amt String Application Management Token
filter object
filter.userId String
filter.vehicleId String
paging object
paging.limit number
paging.cursor String


Name Type
vehicleId String
userId String
connectedAt String
connections Array.<Connection>
[paging] Object
[paging.cursor] string

smartcar~DeleteConnections ⇒ DeleteConnections

Deletes all the connections by vehicle or user ID and returns a list of all connections that were deleted.

Kind: inner typedef of smartcar

Param Type Description
amt String Application Management Token
filter object
filter.userId String
filter.vehicleId String


Name Type
vehicleId String
userId String
connections Array.<Connection>


Kind: global class

new AuthClient(options)

Create a Smartcar OAuth client for your application.

Param Type Default Description
options Object
options.clientId String Application client id obtained from Smartcar Developer Portal. If you do not have access to the dashboard, please request access.
options.clientSecret String The application's client secret.
options.redirectUri String Redirect URI registered in the application settings. The given URL must exactly match one of the registered URLs.
[options.testMode] Boolean false Deprecated, please use mode instead. Launch Smartcar Connect in test mode.
[options.mode] String 'live' Determine what mode Smartcar Connect should be launched in. Should be one of test, live or simulated.

authClient.getAuthUrl([scope], [options]) ⇒ String

Generate the Smartcar Connect URL.

By default users are not shown the permission dialog if they have already approved the set of scopes for this application. The application can elect to always display the permissions dialog to the user by setting approval_prompt to force.

Kind: instance method of AuthClient Returns: String - Smartcar Connect URL to direct user to.

Param Type Description
[scope] Array.<String> List of permissions your application requires. The valid permission names are found in the API Reference
[options] Object
[options.forcePrompt] Boolean Setting forcePrompt to true will show the permissions approval screen on every authentication attempt, even if the user has previously consented to the exact scope of permissions.
[options.singleSelect] Boolean | Object An optional value that sets the behavior of the grant dialog displayed to the user. Object can contain two keys : - enabled - Boolean value, if set to true, single_select limits the user to selecting only one vehicle. - vin - String vin, if set, Smartcar will only authorize the vehicle with the specified VIN. See the Single Select guide for more information.
[options.state] String OAuth state parameter passed to the redirect uri. This parameter may be used for identifying the user who initiated the request.
[options.makeBypass] Object An optional parameter that allows users to bypass the car brand selection screen. For a complete list of supported makes, please see our API Reference documentation.
[options.flags] Object Object of flags where key is the name of the flag value is string or boolean value.
[options.user] String An optional unique identifier for a vehicle owner. This identifier is used to aggregate analytics across Connect sessions for each vehicle owner.

&scope=read_odometer read_vehicle_info
&flags=country:DE color:00819D

authClient.exchangeCode(code) ⇒ Access

Exchange an authorization code for an access object.

Kind: instance method of AuthClient Returns: Access - New set of Access and Refresh tokens. Throws:

Param Type Description
code String Authorization code to exchange for a Smartcar access token and refresh token.
[options.flags] Object Object of flags where key is the name of the flag value is string or boolean value.

authClient.exchangeRefreshToken(token) ⇒ Access

Exchange a refresh token for a new access object.

Kind: instance method of AuthClient Returns: Access - New set of Access and Refresh tokens. Throws:

Param Type Description
token String Refresh token to exchange for a new set of Access and Refresh tokens.
[options.flags] Object Object of flags where key is the name of the flag value is string or boolean value.


Class to handle all errors from Smartcar API Please see our error guides to see a list of all the possible error types and codes of both v2.0 and v1.0 requests.

Kind: global class

new SmartcarError(status, body, headers)

Param Type Description
status number response status
body object response body
headers object response headers

SmartcarError.error : string

Legacy field from V1 error depicting a category/type/description of the error.

Kind: static property of SmartcarError

SmartcarError.message : string

Error message field inherited from StandardError

Kind: static property of SmartcarError

SmartcarError.description : string

Description of meaning of the error.

Kind: static property of SmartcarError

SmartcarError.type : string

Type of error

Kind: static property of SmartcarError

SmartcarError.code : string

Error code

Kind: static property of SmartcarError

SmartcarError.statusCode : number

HTTP status code

Kind: static property of SmartcarError

SmartcarError.requestId : string

Unique identifier for request

Kind: static property of SmartcarError

SmartcarError.resolution : Resolution

Possible resolution for fixing the error

Kind: static property of SmartcarError

SmartcarError.docURL : string

Reference to Smartcar documentation

Kind: static property of SmartcarError

SmartcarError.details : Array.<object>

Further detail about the error in form of array of objects

Kind: static property of SmartcarError

SmartcarError.Resolution : Object

Kind: static typedef of SmartcarError Properties

Name Type Description
type String Possible hint to fixing the issue
url String A URL to help resolve the issue or resume the operation


Kind: global class

new SmartcarService([options])

Initializes a new Service object to make requests to the Smartcar API.

Param Type Description
[options] Object
[options.baseUrl] String Host/Base URL for the requests
[options.auth] Object authorization options
[options.headers] Object headers to add


Kind: global class

new Vehicle(id, token, [options])

Initializes a new Vehicle to use for making requests to the Smartcar API.

Param Type Default Description
id String The vehicle's unique identifier. Retrieve a user's vehicle id using getVehicles.
token String A valid access token
[options] Object
[options.unitSystem] String metric The unit system to use for vehicle data must be either metric or imperial.
[options.version] Object API version to use
[options.flags] Object Object of flags where key is the name of the flag and value is string or boolean value.

vehicle.permissions([paging]) ⇒ Permissions

Fetch the list of permissions that this application has been granted

Kind: instance method of Vehicle Throws:

Param Type Description
[paging] Object
[paging.limit] String number of permissions to return
[options.offset] Object The current start index of the returned list of elements.

vehicle.serviceHistory([startDate], [endDate]) ⇒ Array.<ServiceHistory>

Returns a list of all the service records performed on the vehicle, filtered by the optional date range. If no dates are specified, records from the last year are returned.

Kind: instance method of Vehicle Throws:

See: Smartcar API Doc - Vehicle Service History

Param Type Description
[startDate] String The start date for the record filter, either in 'YYYY-MM-DD' or 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ' format.
[endDate] String The end date for the record filter, similar format to startDate.

vehicle.getChargeLimit() ⇒ ChargeLimit

Fetch the charge limit for an electric vehicle

Kind: instance method of Vehicle Throws:


  limit: .7,
  meta: {
   requestId: '26c14915-0c26-43c5-8e42-9edfc2a66a0f',

vehicle.setChargeLimit(limit) ⇒ ChargeLimit

Set the charge limit for an electric vehicle.

Kind: instance method of Vehicle Throws:

Param Type Description
limit number a number between 0 and 1


  status: string,
  meta: {
   requestId: '26c14915-0c26-43c5-8e42-9edfc2a66a0f',

vehicle.sendDestination(latitude, longitude) ⇒ ActionResponse

Send a destination to the vehicle's navigation system.

Kind: instance method of Vehicle Returns: ActionResponse - - A Response object containing the status and metadata. Throws:

Param Type Description
latitude number Latitude of the destination. Must be a valid latitude value between -90 and 90 (inclusive).
longitude number Longitude of the destination. Must be a valid longitude value between -180 and 180 (inclusive).


  status: string,
  meta: {
    requestId: '26c14915-0c26-43c5-8e42-9edfc2a66a0f',

vehicle.subscribe(webhookId) ⇒ Object

Subscribe the vehicle to given webhook Id

Kind: instance method of Vehicle Throws:

Param Type Description
webhookId String Webhook Id to subscribe to.

vehicle.unsubscribe(amt, webhookId) ⇒ Meta

Unsubscribe the vehicle from given webhook Id

Kind: instance method of Vehicle Throws:

Param Type Description
amt String Application management token to be used as authorization
webhookId String Webhook Id to unsubscribe from.

vehicle.batch(paths) ⇒ Batch

Make batch requests for supported items

Kind: instance method of Vehicle Throws:

See: Smartcar API Doc - Batch Request

Param Type Description
paths Array.<String> A list of paths of endpoints to send requests to.

vehicle.request(method, path, body, headers) ⇒ Response

General purpose method to make a request to a Smartcar endpoint.

Kind: instance method of Vehicle Throws:

Param Type Description
method String The HTTP request method to use.
path String The path to make the request to.
body Object The request body.
headers Object The headers to include in the request. ⇒ Vin

Returns the vehicle's manufacturer identifier (VIN).

Kind: instance method of Vehicle Throws:

See: Smartcar API Doc - VIN

vehicle.charge() ⇒ Charge

Returns the current charge status of the vehicle.

Kind: instance method of Vehicle Throws:

See: Smartcar API Doc - EV charging status

vehicle.battery() ⇒ Battery

Returns the state of charge (SOC) and remaining range of an electric or plug-in hybrid vehicle's battery.

Kind: instance method of Vehicle Throws:

See: Smartcar API Doc - EV battery level

vehicle.batteryCapacity() ⇒ BatteryCapacity

Returns the capacity of an electric or plug-in hybrid vehicle's battery.

Kind: instance method of Vehicle Throws:

See: Smartcar API Doc - EV battery capacity

vehicle.fuel() ⇒ Fuel

Returns the status of the fuel remaining in the vehicle's gas tank.

Kind: instance method of Vehicle Throws:

See: Smartcar API Doc - Fuel tank

vehicle.tirePressure() ⇒ TirePressure

Returns the air pressure of each of the vehicle's tires.

Kind: instance method of Vehicle Throws:

See: Smartcar API Doc - Tire pressure

vehicle.engineOil() ⇒ EngineOil

Returns the remaining life span of a vehicle's engine oil

Kind: instance method of Vehicle Throws:

See: Smartcar API Doc - Engine oil life

vehicle.odometer() ⇒ Odometer

Returns the vehicle's last known odometer reading.

Kind: instance method of Vehicle Throws:

See: Smartcar API Doc - Odometer

vehicle.location() ⇒ Location

Returns the last known location of the vehicle in geographic coordinates.

Kind: instance method of Vehicle Throws:

See: Smartcar API Doc - Location

vehicle.attributes() ⇒ Attributes

Returns make model year and id of the vehicle

Kind: instance method of Vehicle Throws:

See: Smartcar API Doc - Vehicle attributes

vehicle.lock() ⇒ ActionResponse

Attempts to lock the vehicle.

Kind: instance method of Vehicle Throws:

See: Smartcar API Doc - Lock

vehicle.unlock() ⇒ ActionResponse

Attempts to lock the vehicle.

Kind: instance method of Vehicle Throws:

See: Smartcar API Doc - Unlock

vehicle.startCharge() ⇒ ActionResponse

Attempts to start charging the vehicle.

Kind: instance method of Vehicle Throws:

See: Smartcar API Doc - EV start charge

vehicle.stopCharge() ⇒ ActionResponse

Attempts to stop charging the vehicle.

Kind: instance method of Vehicle Throws:

See: Smartcar API Doc - EV stop charge

vehicle.disconnect() ⇒ ActionResponse

Disconnect this vehicle from the connected application. Note: Calling this method will invalidate your token's access to the vehicle. You will have to reauthorize the user to your application again if you wish to make requests to it again.

Kind: instance method of Vehicle Throws:

See: Smartcar API Doc - Disconnect

vehicle.lockStatus() ⇒ LockStatus

Returns the lock status of the vehicle.

Kind: instance method of Vehicle Throws:

See: Smartcar API Doc - Lock Status

METHODS_MAP : object.<String, Object>

Every key here is the function name on vehicle This map is used to generate the methods dynamically. Every value is an object of the following fields :

  • requestType: http request type, defaults to 'get' if not mentioned.
  • path: url path to hit, defaults to the method name
  • body: body for post requests.

Kind: global constant

Access : Object

Kind: global typedef Properties

Name Type Description
expiration Date Date object which represents when the access token expires.
accessToken String A token to be used for requests to the Smartcar API
refreshToken String A token which is used to renew access when the current access token expires, expires in 60 days
refreshExpiration Date Date object which represents when the refresh token expires.


  expiration: new Date('2017-05-26T01:21:27.070Z'),
  accessToken: '88704225-9f6c-4919-93e7-e0cec71317ce',
  refreshToken: '60a9e801-6d26-4d88-926e-5c7f9fc13486',
  refreshExpiration: new Date('2017-05-26T01:21:27.070Z'),

Permissions : Object

Kind: global typedef Properties

Name Type Description
permissions Array.<String> An array of permissions names.
[paging] Object
[paging.count] Number The total number of elements for the entire query (not just the given page).
[options.offset] Number The current start index of the returned list of elements.
meta Meta


  permissions: ['read_vehicle_info'],
  paging: {
     count: 25,
     offset: 10
  meta: {
   requestId: '26c14915-0c26-43c5-8e42-9edfc2a66a0f',

ServiceHistory : Object

Kind: global typedef Properties

Name Type Description
serviceID Number | null The unique identifier for the service record, or null if not available.
serviceDate String The date and time the service was performed.
odometerDistance Number The odometer reading at the time of service, in miles or kilometers based on the unit system.
serviceTasks Array.<ServiceTask> A list of tasks performed during the service.
serviceDetails ServiceDetails Details about the service provider and the type of service.
serviceCost ServiceCost The cost of the service with currency.
meta Meta Metadata related to the service record.


    serviceId: 12345,
    serviceDate: "2022-07-10T16:20:00.000Z",
    odometerDistance: 50000,
    serviceTasks: [
        taskId: 01,
        taskDescription: "oil change"
    serviceDetails: {
      type: "dealership"  // "manual_entry" could be another possible value
    serviceCost: {
      totalCost: 100,
      currency: 'USD'
    meta: {
      dataAge: new Date('2023-04-30T07:20:50.844Z'),
      unitSystem: 'imperial',
      requestId: 'b3c14915-0c26-43c5-8e42-9edfc2a66b2f'
  // ... additional service records


Kind: global typedef Properties

Name Type Description
limit number the charge limit expressed as a decimal value between 0 and 1.

WebhookSubscription : Object

Kind: global typedef Properties

Name Type Description
webhookId String Webhook Id that the vehicle was subscribed to
vehicleId String Current vehicle id that was subscribed to the webhook
meta Meta


  webhookId: 'dd214915-0c26-13c5-8e42-7edfc2ab320a',
  vehicleId: '19c0cc8c-80e0-4182-9372-6ef903c7599c',
  meta: {
   requestId: '26c14915-0c26-43c5-8e42-9edfc2a66a0f',

Batch : Object

Kind: global typedef Properties

Name Type Description
ENDPOINT function The response object for a given ENDPOINT where ENDPOINT is a Smartcar endpoint (i.e. /odometer, /fuel) or throws SmartcarError if the endpoint resulted in an error.


   "odometer" : function() => returns odometer object or throws SmartcarError,
   "location" : function() => returns odometer location or throws SmartcarError,

Response : Object

Kind: global typedef Properties

Name Type Description
body String The response body
meta Meta


 body: { distance: 59801.6373441601 },
 meta: {
   dataAge: 2022-01-20T02:55:25.041Z,
   unitSystem: 'imperial',
   requestId: 'f787849d-d228-482d-345f-459a5154sg73'

Meta : Object

Kind: global typedef Properties

Name Type Description
dataAge Date The timestamp of when the data was recorded; returned if applicable.
requestId String The smartcar request ID for debugging
unitSystem String Unit system used, metric or imperial; returned if applicable.


  requestId: 'b9593682-8515-4f36-8190-bb56cde4c38a',
  dataAge: new Date('2018-05-04T07:20:50.844Z'),
  unitSystem: 'imperial',

Vin : Object

Kind: global typedef Properties

Name Type Description
vin String VIN of the vehicle
meta Meta


  vin: '12345678901234567',
  meta: {
    requestId: 'b9593682-8515-4f36-8190-bb56cde4c38a',

Charge : Object

Kind: global typedef Properties

Name Type Description
isPluggedIn Boolean Indicates whether charging cable is plugged in.
state String Indicates the current state of the charge system. Can be FULLY_CHARGED, CHARGING, or NOT_CHARGING.
meta Meta


  isPluggedIn: false,
  state: "FULLY_CHARGED",
  meta: {
    dataAge: new Date('2018-05-04T07:20:50.844Z'),

Battery : Object

Kind: global typedef Properties

Name Type Description
range Number The estimated remaining distance the car can travel (in kms or miles). Unit is passed as a parameter in vehicle constructor.
percentRemaining Number The remaining level of charge in the battery (in percent).
meta Meta


  range: 40.5,
  percentRemaining: 0.3,
  meta: {
   dataAge: new Date('2018-05-04T07:20:50.844Z'),
   unitSystem: 'imperial',
   requestId: '26c14915-0c26-43c5-8e42-9edfc2a66a0f',

BatteryCapacity : Object

Kind: global typedef Properties

Name Type Description
capacity Number The total capacity of the vehicle's battery (in kilowatt-hours)
meta Meta


  capacity: 24,
  meta: {
   dataAge: new Date('2018-05-04T07:20:50.844Z'),
   unitSystem: 'imperial',
   requestId: '26c14915-0c26-43c5-8e42-9edfc2a66a0f',

Fuel : Object

Kind: global typedef Properties

Name Type Description
range Number The estimated remaining distance the car can travel (in kms or miles). Unit is passed as a parameter in vehicle constructor.
percentRemaining Number The remaining level of fuel in the tank (in percent).
amountRemaining Number The amount of fuel in the tank (in liters or gallons (US)). Unit is passed as a parameter in vehicle constructor.
meta Meta


  range: 40.5,
  percentRemaining: 0.3,
  amountRemaining: 40.5,
  meta: {
   dataAge: new Date('2018-05-04T07:20:50.844Z'),
   unitSystem: 'imperial',
   requestId: '26c14915-0c26-43c5-8e42-9edfc2a66a0f',

TirePressure : Object

Kind: global typedef Properties

Name Type Description
frontLeft Number The current air pressure of the front left tire
frontRight Number The current air pressure of the back right tire
backLeft Number The current air pressure of the back left tire
backRight Number The current air pressure of the back right tire
meta Meta


  frontLeft: 33,
  frontRight: 34,
  backLeft: 34,
  backRight: 33
  meta: {
   dataAge: new Date('2018-05-04T07:20:50.844Z'),
   unitSystem: 'imperial',
   requestId: '26c14915-0c26-43c5-8e42-9edfc2a66a0f',

EngineOil : Object

Kind: global typedef Properties

Name Type Description
lifeRemaining Number The engine oil's remaining life span (as a percentage). Oil life is based on the current quality of the oil.
meta Meta


  lifeRemaining: 0.86,
  meta: {
   dataAge: new Date('2018-05-04T07:20:50.844Z'),
   unitSystem: 'imperial',
   requestId: '26c14915-0c26-43c5-8e42-9edfc2a66a0f',

Odometer : Object

Kind: global typedef Properties

Name Type Description
distance Number The reading of the vehicle's odometer (in kms or miles). Unit is passed as a parameter in vehicle constructor.
meta Meta


  distance: 1234.12,
  meta: {
   dataAge: new Date('2018-05-04T07:20:50.844Z'),
   unitSystem: 'imperial',
   requestId: '26c14915-0c26-43c5-8e42-9edfc2a66a0f',

SecurityResponse : Object

Kind: global typedef Properties

Name Type Description
isLocked Boolean Whether the vehicle is locked or not.
doors Array The status of each of the vehicle's doors.
windows Array The status of each of the vehicle's windows.
sunroof Array The status of each of the vehicle's sunroof.
storage Array The status of each of the vehicle's storage.
chargingPort Array The status of each of the vehicle's chargingPort.
meta Meta


   isLocked: true,
   doors: [
          type: 'frontLeft',
          status: 'LOCKED',
          type: 'frontRight',
          status: 'LOCKED',
          type: 'backLeft',
          status: 'LOCKED',
          type: 'backRight',
          status: 'LOCKED',
   windows: [
          type: 'frontLeft',
          status: 'CLOSED',
          type: 'frontRight',
          status: 'CLOSED',
          type: 'backLeft',
          status: 'CLOSED',
          type: 'backRight',
          status: 'CLOSED',
   sunroof: [
          type: 'sunroof',
          status: 'CLOSED',
   storage: [
          type: 'rear',
          status: 'CLOSED',
          type: 'front',
          status: 'CLOSED',
   chargingPort: [
          type: 'chargingPort',
          status: 'CLOSED',
   meta: {
       dataAge: new Date('2018-05-04T07:20:50.844Z'),
       requestId: '26c14915-0c26-43c5-8e42-9edfc2a66a0f',

Location : Object

Kind: global typedef Properties

Name Type Description
latitude Number The vehicle latitude (in degrees).
longitude Number The vehicle longitude (in degrees).
meta Meta


  latitude: 37.400880,
  longitude: -122.057804,
  meta: {
   dataAge: new Date('2018-05-04T07:20:50.844Z'),
   unitSystem: 'imperial',
   requestId: '26c14915-0c26-43c5-8e42-9edfc2a66a0f',

Attributes : Object

Kind: global typedef Properties

Name Type Description
id String The vehicle's unique Smartcar identifier.
make String The brand of the vehicle.
model String The specific model of the vehicle.
year Number The model year of the vehicle.
meta Meta


  id: '19c0cc8c-80e0-4182-9372-6ef903c7599c',
  make: 'TESLA',
  model: 'S',
  year: 2017,
  meta: {
   requestId: '26c14915-0c26-43c5-8e42-9edfc2a66a0f',

ActionResponse : Object

Kind: global typedef Properties

Name Type Description
status String set to success on successful request
meta Meta


  status: 'success',
  meta: {
   requestId: '26c14915-0c26-43c5-8e42-9edfc2a66a0f',