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Smartpay PHP Library

The Smartpay PHP library offers easy access to Smartpay API from applications written in PHP.



  • PHP 5.6+
  • Smartpay API keys & secrets. You can find your credential at the settings > credentials page on your dashboard.


Install Composer

Composer is a dependency manager for PHP projects.

Download Composer from their website:

If you are using macos to develop with homebrew, you can use the command to install Composer:

brew install composer

Install package to your repository:

composer install smartpay-co/sdk-php


The package needs to be configured with your own API keys, you can find them on your dashboard.

$api = new \Smartpay\Api('<YOUR_SECRET_KEY>', '<YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY>')

Create Checkout session

You can find the description and requirement for request payload in API Document.

$payload = [
  'items' => [
      'name' => 'オリジナルス STAN SMITH',
      'amount' => 1000,
      'currency' => 'JPY',
      'quantity' => 1,
      'currency' => 'JPY',
      'amount' => 500,
      'name' => 'Merchant special discount',
      'kind' => 'discount'
      'currency' => 'JPY',
      'amount' => 100,
      'name' => 'explicit taxes',
      'kind' => 'tax'
  'customerInfo' => [
    'accountAge' => 20,
    'email' => '',
    'firstName' => '田中',
    'lastName' => '太郎',
    'firstNameKana' => 'たなか',
    'lastNameKana' => 'たろう',
    'address' => [
      'line1' => '北青山 3-6-7',
      'line2' => '青山パラシオタワー 11階',
      'subLocality' => '',
      'locality' => '港区',
      'administrativeArea' => '東京都',
      'postalCode' => '107-0061',
      'country' => 'JP',
    'dateOfBirth' => '1985-06-30',
    'gender' => 'male',
  'shippingInfo' => [
    'line1' => '北青山 3-6-7',
    'line2' => '青山パラシオタワー 11階',
    'subLocality' => '',
    'locality' => '港区',
    'administrativeArea' => '東京都',
    'postalCode' => '107-0061',
    'country' => 'JP',
  'reference' => 'order_ref_1234567',
  'successUrl' => '',
  'cancelUrl' => ''

Create a checkout session by using checkoutSession method with your request payload.

$session = $api->checkoutSession($payload);

Then, you can redirect your customer to the session url by calling redirectUrl method:



Install dependencies

composer i

Run test in the folder

./vendor/bin/phpunit tests


The package is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.