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Boise Code Camp 2017


TypeScript is a statically typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript. It can help you be more productive and write higher quality code. That's all great, but migrating an existing JavaScript project to TypeScript can seem like a daunting proposition.

Luckily, benefitting from TypeScript doesn't require you to migrate your entire project to TypeScript. You can benefit from TypeScript by making incremental changes to your project.

In this talk, you'll learn the basics of the TypeScript language and how to incrementally migrate a project to TypeScript. You'll also see how Visual Studio Code leverages the TypeScript Language Service to provide a rich JavaScript development experience. And you'll see how to use JSDoc comments and TypeScript Declaration (d.ts) files to refine the TypeScript Language Service's understanding of your code.

About James Churchill

James is a self-confessed geek, who enjoys talking about programming and learning new technologies. At the beginning of 2016, he joined the Treehouse team as a teacher and is excited to have the opportunity to help beginners become developers. James also enjoys participating in the developer community, presenting talks in Portland, Seattle, Nashville, Salt Lake City, and Boise.


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