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File metadata and controls

67 lines (40 loc) · 1.85 KB

title: JATOS



JATOS is a system for managing online experiments. It allows you to create accounts for experimenters, upload experiments, and generate links that you can distribute to participants.

Exporting your experiment to a JATOS study

  • In OpenSesame, open the OSWeb extension (Menu → Tools → OSWeb)
  • Click on 'Export experiment as JATOS study'
  • Save your experiment as a .zip file

Importing your experiment in JATOS

  • In JATOS, click on 'Import study' (%FigJatos2)
  • Select the .zip file that you have exported from OpenSesame
  • Once the file has been uploaded to the server, JATOS will ask you to confirm that you want to import the study
  • Click on 'Import' to confirm
  • The study now appears in the list of studies on the left-hand side (%FigJatos3)

%-- figure: id: FigJatos2 source: jatos-2.png caption: Click on 'Import study' and select the .zip file that you have exported with the OSWeb extension. --%

%-- figure: id: FigJatos3 source: jatos-3.png caption: Once the experiment has been successfully imported in JATOS, it appears in the list of experiments. --%

How can I get access to a JATOS server?

There is not a single JATOS server. Rather, different organizations and people have installed JATOS onto their own servers.

For testing purposes:

  • You can use the JATOS test server (%FigJatos1). The JATOS test server is reset every night, so you cannot use it for data collection!

For data collection:

  • You can set up your own JATOS server, or use a JATOS server that is provided by your institution
  • Or you can also make use of, a free JATOS server sponsored by ESCoP and OpenSesame.

%-- figure: id: FigJatos1 source: jatos-1.png caption: For testing purposes, you can use the JATOS test server. --%