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File metadata and controls

19 lines (14 loc) · 834 Bytes

title: Using the form plugins

A number of commonly used forms are available as ready-made plugins. These allow you to use common forms, without any need for scripting.

  • FORM_CONSENT is a simple digital consent form (disclaimer: some journals may require written consent)
  • FORM_MULTIPLE_CHOICE allows you to present multiple choice questions
  • FORM_TEXT_DISPLAY is a simple text display that you can use to show instructions etc.
  • FORM_TEXT_INPUT is a simple text input display that allows you to ask a question and collect a multi-character response from the participant

The FORM_BASE plugin is special. It allows you to define custom forms using OpenSesame script, as described here:

  • %link:manual/forms/custom%

%-- figure: id: FigFormPlugins source: form-plugins.png caption: The FORM plugins in the item toolbar. --%