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jordan-burns edited this page Feb 3, 2022 · 11 revisions

Refer to Stockport Design System for styling information and reference images

DSL properties

Property Type Required Default Value Description
QuestionId string ✔️ Unique question id allowed charatcers are [a-zA-Z] only
Label string ✔️ Label associated with the question
StrongLabel bool true Display label strongly
LabelAsH1 bool false Display Label as h1 not a label (if this is set to true, HideTitle in the Page properties should also be set to true)
CustomValidationMessage string Set a custom validation message for when user doesn't complete the input
Warning string Warning which appears above the input NOTE: Only use one of Warning, Hint or IAG
Hint string Hint which appears above the input NOTE: Only use one of Warning, Hint or IAG
IAG string Inset text to appear below the Label. NOTE: Only use one of Warning, Hint or IAG
MaxLength int 200 The maximum length of the input value
Optional bool false
OptionalIf Condition A condition that can be used to determine if the element is optional by comparing it to an earlier answer
TargetMapping string TargetMapping
DisplayCharacterCount bool false Displays a countdown of the remaining characters available
Spellcheck bool true Can be used to enable browser spellchecking (refer to Govuk Design System for when to use this)
SummaryLabel string Change the label associated with this input on the summary

Textarea examples

DS Json for textarea:

    "Type": "Textarea",
    "Properties": {
      "Label": "Enter your issue",
      "LabelAsH1": true,
      "QuestionId": "issueOne",
      "CustomValidationMessage": "Custom validation message",
      "Hint": "Hint text",
      "MaxLength": "2000",
      "Optional": true,
      "DisplayCharacterCount": true
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