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Step by step installation guide

Seongmyun Cho edited this page Mar 29, 2017 · 9 revisions

Install DKMS on Linux

You can install DKMS on various Linux distros as follows. As part of DKMS installation, necessary build tools (e.g., gcc, make) and kernel headers will also be installed by the distro’s package manager.

Debian, Ubuntu or Linux Mint:

$ sudo apt-get install dkms


$ sudo dnf install dkms

CentOS or RHEL:

First enable EPEL repository and proceed with:

$ sudo yum install dkms

Arch Linux:

$ sudo pacman -S dkms

Auto-Build KPCRE with DKMS

Now let me show how to configure DKMS to re-build KPCRE module for a new kernel automatically. In a nutshell, you need to install the module with DKMS. Then any subsequent kernel upgrade will trigger DKMS to re-build the module.

First, download and install the KPCRE source code under /usr/src/-.

$ git clone

$ sudo mv kpcre /usr/src/kpcre-1.0.0

Next, add the module to the kernel tree.

$ sudo dkms add -m kpcre -v 1.0.0

Or simply:

$ sudo dkms add kpcre/1.0.0

Build the specified module against the currently running kernel.

$ sudo dkms build -m kpcre -v 1.0.0


$ sudo dkms build kpcre/1.0.0

Finally, install the module under the current kernel tree.

$ sudo dkms install -m kpcre -v 1.0.0


$ sudo dkms install kpcre/1.0.0

At this point, the kernel module should be successfully installed. You can check the status of the module with:

$ dkms status | grep kpcre

You can always re-build KPCRE at any time by triggering DKMS manually as follows. Be sure to install matching kernel headers first.

$ sudo yum install kernel-devel
$ sudo dkms build kpcre/1.0.0
$ sudo dkms install kpcre/1.0.0

"My colleague and I have been using your kpcre implementation extensively and have been finding it incredibly well-designed and comprehensive. Many thanks for all your efforts."

- Michael, Verisign, Inc.

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