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Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml version 3.1.0

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@smdn smdn released this 11 Mar 15:19
· 23 commits to main since this release

Released package

Release notes

The full release notes are available at gist.

Change log

Change log in this release:

API changes

API changes in this release:
diff --git a/doc/api-list/Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml/Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml-net45.apilist.cs b/doc/api-list/Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml/Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml-net45.apilist.cs
index fd232574..41cf38e9 100644
--- a/doc/api-list/Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml/Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml-net45.apilist.cs
+++ b/doc/api-list/Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml/Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml-net45.apilist.cs
@@ -1,274 +1,298 @@
-// Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml.dll (Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml-3.0.1)
+// Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml.dll (Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml-3.1.0)
 //   Name: Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml
-//   AssemblyVersion:
-//   InformationalVersion: 3.0.1+c848761b03aeddaf02bfeb277f3f5672e904cf60
+//   AssemblyVersion:
+//   InformationalVersion: 3.1.0+b5413ee3943c96bf97583eb7971556b337be4f02
 //   TargetFramework: .NETFramework,Version=v4.5
 //   Configuration: Release
 //   Referenced assemblies:
-//     Smdn.Fundamental.Shim, Version=, Culture=neutral
-//     Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Linq, Version=, Culture=neutral
+//     Smdn.Fundamental.Shim, Version=, Culture=neutral
+//     Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Linq, Version=, Culture=neutral
 //     System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
 //     System.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
 //     System.Memory, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51
 //     System.Xml, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
 //     System.Xml.Linq, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
 //     mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
 using System;
 using System.Collections.Generic;
 using System.IO;
 using System.Text;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
 using System.Xml;
 using System.Xml.Linq;
 using Smdn.Xml.Xhtml;
 namespace Smdn.Xml.Linq.Xhtml {
   public static class Extensions {
     public static XElement GetElementById(this XContainer container, string id) {}
     public static bool HasHtmlClass(this XElement element, IEnumerable<string> classList) {}
     public static bool HasHtmlClass(this XElement element, string @class) {}
   public static class XHtmlAttributeNames {
     public static readonly XName AccessKey; // = "accesskey"
     public static readonly XName Alt; // = "alt"
     public static readonly XName Cite; // = "cite"
     public static readonly XName Class; // = "class"
     public static readonly XName ContentEditable; // = "contenteditable"
     public static readonly XName Dir; // = "dir"
     public static readonly XName Download; // = "download"
     public static readonly XName Draggable; // = "draggable"
     public static readonly XName Hidden; // = "hidden"
     public static readonly XName Href; // = "href"
     public static readonly XName HrefLang; // = "hreflang"
     public static readonly XName Id; // = "id"
     public static readonly XName Lang; // = "lang"
     public static readonly XName Media; // = "media"
     public static readonly XName Rel; // = "rel"
     public static readonly XName SpellCheck; // = "spellcheck"
     public static readonly XName Src; // = "src"
     public static readonly XName Style; // = "style"
     public static readonly XName TabIndex; // = "tabindex"
     public static readonly XName Target; // = "target"
     public static readonly XName Title; // = "title"
     public static readonly XName Translate; // = "translate"
     public static readonly XName Type; // = "type"
   public class XHtmlClassAttribute : XAttribute {
     public static string JoinClassList(IEnumerable<string> classList) {}
     public XHtmlClassAttribute(IEnumerable<string> classList) {}
     public XHtmlClassAttribute(params string[] classList) {}
     public XHtmlClassAttribute(string @class) {}
   public static class XHtmlElementNames {
     public static readonly XName A; // = "{}a"
     public static readonly XName Abbr; // = "{}abbr"
     public static readonly XName Address; // = "{}address"
     public static readonly XName Area; // = "{}area"
     public static readonly XName Article; // = "{}article"
     public static readonly XName Aside; // = "{}aside"
     public static readonly XName Audio; // = "{}audio"
     public static readonly XName B; // = "{}b"
     public static readonly XName BR; // = "{}br"
     public static readonly XName Base; // = "{}base"
     public static readonly XName Blockquote; // = "{}blockquote"
     public static readonly XName Body; // = "{}body"
     public static readonly XName Button; // = "{}button"
     public static readonly XName Canvas; // = "{}canvas"
     public static readonly XName Caption; // = "{}caption"
     public static readonly XName Cite; // = "{}cite"
     public static readonly XName Code; // = "{}code"
     public static readonly XName Col; // = "{}col"
     public static readonly XName ColGroup; // = "{}colgroup"
     public static readonly XName DBI; // = "{}dbi"
     public static readonly XName DBO; // = "{}dbo"
     public static readonly XName DD; // = "{}dd"
     public static readonly XName DL; // = "{}dl"
     public static readonly XName DT; // = "{}dt"
     public static readonly XName Data; // = "{}data"
     public static readonly XName DataList; // = "{}datalist"
     public static readonly XName Del; // = "{}del"
     public static readonly XName Details; // = "{}details"
     public static readonly XName Dfn; // = "{}dfn"
     public static readonly XName Dialog; // = "{}dialog"
     public static readonly XName Div; // = "{}div"
     public static readonly XName EM; // = "{}em"
     public static readonly XName Embed; // = "{}embed"
     public static readonly XName FieldSet; // = "{}fieldset"
     public static readonly XName FigCaption; // = "{}figcaption"
     public static readonly XName Figure; // = "{}figure"
     public static readonly XName Footer; // = "{}footer"
     public static readonly XName Form; // = "{}form"
     public static readonly XName H1; // = "{}h1"
     public static readonly XName H2; // = "{}h2"
     public static readonly XName H3; // = "{}h3"
     public static readonly XName H4; // = "{}h4"
     public static readonly XName H5; // = "{}h5"
     public static readonly XName H6; // = "{}h6"
     public static readonly XName HR; // = "{}hr"
     public static readonly XName Head; // = "{}head"
     public static readonly XName Header; // = "{}header"
     public static readonly XName Html; // = "{}html"
     public static readonly XName I; // = "{}i"
     public static readonly XName IFrame; // = "{}iframe"
     public static readonly XName Img; // = "{}img"
     public static readonly XName Input; // = "{}input"
     public static readonly XName Ins; // = "{}ins"
     public static readonly XName Kbd; // = "{}kbd"
     public static readonly XName LI; // = "{}li"
     public static readonly XName Label; // = "{}label"
     public static readonly XName Legend; // = "{}legend"
     public static readonly XName Link; // = "{}link"
     public static readonly XName Main; // = "{}main"
     public static readonly XName Map; // = "{}map"
     public static readonly XName Mark; // = "{}mark"
     public static readonly XName Math; // = "{}math"
     public static readonly XName Meta; // = "{}meta"
     public static readonly XName Meter; // = "{}meter"
     public static readonly XName Nav; // = "{}nav"
     public static readonly XName NoScript; // = "{}noscript"
     public static readonly XName OL; // = "{}ol"
     public static readonly XName Object; // = "{}object"
     public static readonly XName OptGroup; // = "{}optgroup"
     public static readonly XName Option; // = "{}option"
     public static readonly XName Output; // = "{}output"
     public static readonly XName P; // = "{}p"
     public static readonly XName Param; // = "{}param"
     public static readonly XName Picture; // = "{}picture"
     public static readonly XName Pre; // = "{}pre"
     public static readonly XName Progress; // = "{}progress"
     public static readonly XName Q; // = "{}q"
     public static readonly XName RB; // = "{}rb"
     public static readonly XName RP; // = "{}rp"
     public static readonly XName RT; // = "{}rt"
     public static readonly XName RTC; // = "{}rtc"
     public static readonly XName Ruby; // = "{}ruby"
     public static readonly XName S; // = "{}s"
     public static readonly XName SVG; // = "{}svg"
     public static readonly XName Samp; // = "{}samp"
     public static readonly XName Script; // = "{}script"
     public static readonly XName Section; // = "{}section"
     public static readonly XName Select; // = "{}select"
     public static readonly XName Small; // = "{}small"
     public static readonly XName Source; // = "{}source"
     public static readonly XName Span; // = "{}span"
     public static readonly XName Strong; // = "{}strong"
     public static readonly XName Style; // = "{}style"
     public static readonly XName Sub; // = "{}sub"
     public static readonly XName Summary; // = "{}summary"
     public static readonly XName Sup; // = "{}sup"
     public static readonly XName TBody; // = "{}tbody"
     public static readonly XName TD; // = "{}td"
     public static readonly XName TFoot; // = "{}tfoot"
     public static readonly XName TH; // = "{}th"
     public static readonly XName THead; // = "{}thead"
     public static readonly XName TR; // = "{}tr"
     public static readonly XName Table; // = "{}table"
     public static readonly XName Template; // = "{}template"
     public static readonly XName TextArea; // = "{}textarea"
     public static readonly XName Time; // = "{}time"
     public static readonly XName Title; // = "{}title"
     public static readonly XName Track; // = "{}track"
     public static readonly XName U; // = "{}u"
     public static readonly XName UL; // = "{}ul"
     public static readonly XName Var; // = "{}var"
     public static readonly XName Video; // = "{}video"
     public static readonly XName WBR; // = "{}wbr"
   public static class XHtmlNamespaces {
     public static readonly XNamespace Html; // = ""
     public static readonly XNamespace MathML; // = ""
     public static readonly XNamespace Svg; // = ""
     public static readonly XNamespace XLink; // = ""
   public class XHtmlStyleAttribute : XAttribute {
     protected static string ToJoined(IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> styles) {}
     protected static string ToJoined(KeyValuePair<string, string> style) {}
     public XHtmlStyleAttribute(IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> styles) {}
     public XHtmlStyleAttribute(IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string> styles) {}
     public XHtmlStyleAttribute(KeyValuePair<string, string> style) {}
     public XHtmlStyleAttribute(params KeyValuePair<string, string>[] styles) {}
 namespace Smdn.Xml.Xhtml {
   public static class HtmlConvert {
     public static string DecodeNumericCharacterReference(string s) {}
     public static string EscapeHtml(ReadOnlySpan<char> s) {}
     public static string EscapeXhtml(ReadOnlySpan<char> s) {}
     public static string UnescapeHtml(ReadOnlySpan<char> s) {}
     public static string UnescapeXhtml(ReadOnlySpan<char> s) {}
   public class PolyglotHtml5Writer : XmlWriter {
     protected enum ExtendedWriteState : int {
       AttributeEnd = 6,
       AttributeStart = 4,
       AttributeValue = 5,
       Closed = 12,
       DocumentEnd = 11,
       DocumentStart = 1,
       ElementClosed = 10,
       ElementClosing = 9,
       ElementContent = 8,
       ElementOpened = 7,
       ElementOpening = 3,
       Prolog = 2,
       Start = 0,
     public PolyglotHtml5Writer(Stream output, XmlWriterSettings settings = null) {}
     public PolyglotHtml5Writer(StringBuilder output, XmlWriterSettings settings = null) {}
     public PolyglotHtml5Writer(TextWriter output, XmlWriterSettings settings = null) {}
     public PolyglotHtml5Writer(string outputFileName, XmlWriterSettings settings = null) {}
     protected virtual XmlWriter BaseWriter { get; }
     protected PolyglotHtml5Writer.ExtendedWriteState ExtendedState { get; }
     public override XmlWriterSettings Settings { get; }
     public override WriteState WriteState { get; }
     public override string XmlLang { get; }
     public override XmlSpace XmlSpace { get; }
     protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) {}
     public override void Flush() {}
+    public override Task FlushAsync() {}
     public override string LookupPrefix(string ns) {}
     public override void WriteBase64(byte[] buffer, int index, int count) {}
+    public override async Task WriteBase64Async(byte[] buffer, int index, int count) {}
     public override void WriteCData(string text) {}
+    public override async Task WriteCDataAsync(string text) {}
     public override void WriteCharEntity(char ch) {}
+    public override async Task WriteCharEntityAsync(char ch) {}
     public override void WriteChars(char[] buffer, int index, int count) {}
+    public override async Task WriteCharsAsync(char[] buffer, int index, int count) {}
     public override void WriteComment(string text) {}
+    public override async Task WriteCommentAsync(string text) {}
     public override void WriteDocType(string name, string pubid, string sysid, string subset) {}
+    public override async Task WriteDocTypeAsync(string name, string pubid, string sysid, string subset) {}
     public override void WriteEndAttribute() {}
+    protected override Task WriteEndAttributeAsync() {}
     public override void WriteEndDocument() {}
+    public override async Task WriteEndDocumentAsync() {}
     public override void WriteEndElement() {}
+    public override async Task WriteEndElementAsync() {}
     public override void WriteEntityRef(string name) {}
+    public override async Task WriteEntityRefAsync(string name) {}
     public override void WriteFullEndElement() {}
+    public override async Task WriteFullEndElementAsync() {}
     protected virtual void WriteIndent() {}
+    protected virtual Task WriteIndentAsync() {}
     public override void WriteProcessingInstruction(string name, string text) {}
+    public override async Task WriteProcessingInstructionAsync(string name, string text) {}
     public override void WriteRaw(char[] buffer, int index, int count) {}
     public override void WriteRaw(string data) {}
+    public override async Task WriteRawAsync(char[] buffer, int index, int count) {}
+    public override async Task WriteRawAsync(string data) {}
     public override void WriteStartAttribute(string prefix, string localName, string ns) {}
+    protected override Task WriteStartAttributeAsync(string prefix, string localName, string ns) {}
     public override void WriteStartDocument() {}
     public override void WriteStartDocument(bool standalone) {}
+    public override async Task WriteStartDocumentAsync() {}
+    public override async Task WriteStartDocumentAsync(bool standalone) {}
     public override void WriteStartElement(string prefix, string localName, string ns) {}
+    public override async Task WriteStartElementAsync(string prefix, string localName, string ns) {}
     public override void WriteString(string text) {}
+    public override async Task WriteStringAsync(string text) {}
     public override void WriteSurrogateCharEntity(char lowChar, char highChar) {}
+    public override async Task WriteSurrogateCharEntityAsync(char lowChar, char highChar) {}
     public override void WriteWhitespace(string ws) {}
+    public override async Task WriteWhitespaceAsync(string ws) {}
   public static class W3CNamespaces {
     public const string Html = "";
     public const string MathML = "";
     public const string Svg = "";
     public const string XLink = "";
     public const string Xhtml = "";
-// API list generated by Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.ListApi.MSBuild.Tasks v1.1.7.0.
-// Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.ListApi.Core v1.2.0.0 (
+// API list generated by Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.ListApi.MSBuild.Tasks v1.4.0.0.
+// Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.ListApi.Core v1.3.0.0 (
diff --git a/doc/api-list/Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml/Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml-net6.0.apilist.cs b/doc/api-list/Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml/Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml-net6.0.apilist.cs
index 273b4712..1c2ab388 100644
--- a/doc/api-list/Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml/Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml-net6.0.apilist.cs
+++ b/doc/api-list/Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml/Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml-net6.0.apilist.cs
@@ -1,273 +1,297 @@
-// Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml.dll (Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml-3.0.1)
+// Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml.dll (Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml-3.1.0)
 //   Name: Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml
-//   AssemblyVersion:
-//   InformationalVersion: 3.0.1+c848761b03aeddaf02bfeb277f3f5672e904cf60
+//   AssemblyVersion:
+//   InformationalVersion: 3.1.0+b5413ee3943c96bf97583eb7971556b337be4f02
 //   TargetFramework: .NETCoreApp,Version=v6.0
 //   Configuration: Release
 //   Referenced assemblies:
-//     Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Linq, Version=, Culture=neutral
+//     Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Linq, Version=, Culture=neutral
 //     System.Collections, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
 //     System.Linq, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
 //     System.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
 //     System.Text.RegularExpressions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
 //     System.Xml.ReaderWriter, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
 //     System.Xml.XDocument, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
 using System;
 using System.Collections.Generic;
 using System.IO;
 using System.Text;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
 using System.Xml;
 using System.Xml.Linq;
 using Smdn.Xml.Xhtml;
 namespace Smdn.Xml.Linq.Xhtml {
   public static class Extensions {
     public static XElement GetElementById(this XContainer container, string id) {}
     public static bool HasHtmlClass(this XElement element, IEnumerable<string> classList) {}
     public static bool HasHtmlClass(this XElement element, string @class) {}
   public static class XHtmlAttributeNames {
     public static readonly XName AccessKey; // = "accesskey"
     public static readonly XName Alt; // = "alt"
     public static readonly XName Cite; // = "cite"
     public static readonly XName Class; // = "class"
     public static readonly XName ContentEditable; // = "contenteditable"
     public static readonly XName Dir; // = "dir"
     public static readonly XName Download; // = "download"
     public static readonly XName Draggable; // = "draggable"
     public static readonly XName Hidden; // = "hidden"
     public static readonly XName Href; // = "href"
     public static readonly XName HrefLang; // = "hreflang"
     public static readonly XName Id; // = "id"
     public static readonly XName Lang; // = "lang"
     public static readonly XName Media; // = "media"
     public static readonly XName Rel; // = "rel"
     public static readonly XName SpellCheck; // = "spellcheck"
     public static readonly XName Src; // = "src"
     public static readonly XName Style; // = "style"
     public static readonly XName TabIndex; // = "tabindex"
     public static readonly XName Target; // = "target"
     public static readonly XName Title; // = "title"
     public static readonly XName Translate; // = "translate"
     public static readonly XName Type; // = "type"
   public class XHtmlClassAttribute : XAttribute {
     public static string JoinClassList(IEnumerable<string> classList) {}
     public XHtmlClassAttribute(IEnumerable<string> classList) {}
     public XHtmlClassAttribute(params string[] classList) {}
     public XHtmlClassAttribute(string @class) {}
   public static class XHtmlElementNames {
     public static readonly XName A; // = "{}a"
     public static readonly XName Abbr; // = "{}abbr"
     public static readonly XName Address; // = "{}address"
     public static readonly XName Area; // = "{}area"
     public static readonly XName Article; // = "{}article"
     public static readonly XName Aside; // = "{}aside"
     public static readonly XName Audio; // = "{}audio"
     public static readonly XName B; // = "{}b"
     public static readonly XName BR; // = "{}br"
     public static readonly XName Base; // = "{}base"
     public static readonly XName Blockquote; // = "{}blockquote"
     public static readonly XName Body; // = "{}body"
     public static readonly XName Button; // = "{}button"
     public static readonly XName Canvas; // = "{}canvas"
     public static readonly XName Caption; // = "{}caption"
     public static readonly XName Cite; // = "{}cite"
     public static readonly XName Code; // = "{}code"
     public static readonly XName Col; // = "{}col"
     public static readonly XName ColGroup; // = "{}colgroup"
     public static readonly XName DBI; // = "{}dbi"
     public static readonly XName DBO; // = "{}dbo"
     public static readonly XName DD; // = "{}dd"
     public static readonly XName DL; // = "{}dl"
     public static readonly XName DT; // = "{}dt"
     public static readonly XName Data; // = "{}data"
     public static readonly XName DataList; // = "{}datalist"
     public static readonly XName Del; // = "{}del"
     public static readonly XName Details; // = "{}details"
     public static readonly XName Dfn; // = "{}dfn"
     public static readonly XName Dialog; // = "{}dialog"
     public static readonly XName Div; // = "{}div"
     public static readonly XName EM; // = "{}em"
     public static readonly XName Embed; // = "{}embed"
     public static readonly XName FieldSet; // = "{}fieldset"
     public static readonly XName FigCaption; // = "{}figcaption"
     public static readonly XName Figure; // = "{}figure"
     public static readonly XName Footer; // = "{}footer"
     public static readonly XName Form; // = "{}form"
     public static readonly XName H1; // = "{}h1"
     public static readonly XName H2; // = "{}h2"
     public static readonly XName H3; // = "{}h3"
     public static readonly XName H4; // = "{}h4"
     public static readonly XName H5; // = "{}h5"
     public static readonly XName H6; // = "{}h6"
     public static readonly XName HR; // = "{}hr"
     public static readonly XName Head; // = "{}head"
     public static readonly XName Header; // = "{}header"
     public static readonly XName Html; // = "{}html"
     public static readonly XName I; // = "{}i"
     public static readonly XName IFrame; // = "{}iframe"
     public static readonly XName Img; // = "{}img"
     public static readonly XName Input; // = "{}input"
     public static readonly XName Ins; // = "{}ins"
     public static readonly XName Kbd; // = "{}kbd"
     public static readonly XName LI; // = "{}li"
     public static readonly XName Label; // = "{}label"
     public static readonly XName Legend; // = "{}legend"
     public static readonly XName Link; // = "{}link"
     public static readonly XName Main; // = "{}main"
     public static readonly XName Map; // = "{}map"
     public static readonly XName Mark; // = "{}mark"
     public static readonly XName Math; // = "{}math"
     public static readonly XName Meta; // = "{}meta"
     public static readonly XName Meter; // = "{}meter"
     public static readonly XName Nav; // = "{}nav"
     public static readonly XName NoScript; // = "{}noscript"
     public static readonly XName OL; // = "{}ol"
     public static readonly XName Object; // = "{}object"
     public static readonly XName OptGroup; // = "{}optgroup"
     public static readonly XName Option; // = "{}option"
     public static readonly XName Output; // = "{}output"
     public static readonly XName P; // = "{}p"
     public static readonly XName Param; // = "{}param"
     public static readonly XName Picture; // = "{}picture"
     public static readonly XName Pre; // = "{}pre"
     public static readonly XName Progress; // = "{}progress"
     public static readonly XName Q; // = "{}q"
     public static readonly XName RB; // = "{}rb"
     public static readonly XName RP; // = "{}rp"
     public static readonly XName RT; // = "{}rt"
     public static readonly XName RTC; // = "{}rtc"
     public static readonly XName Ruby; // = "{}ruby"
     public static readonly XName S; // = "{}s"
     public static readonly XName SVG; // = "{}svg"
     public static readonly XName Samp; // = "{}samp"
     public static readonly XName Script; // = "{}script"
     public static readonly XName Section; // = "{}section"
     public static readonly XName Select; // = "{}select"
     public static readonly XName Small; // = "{}small"
     public static readonly XName Source; // = "{}source"
     public static readonly XName Span; // = "{}span"
     public static readonly XName Strong; // = "{}strong"
     public static readonly XName Style; // = "{}style"
     public static readonly XName Sub; // = "{}sub"
     public static readonly XName Summary; // = "{}summary"
     public static readonly XName Sup; // = "{}sup"
     public static readonly XName TBody; // = "{}tbody"
     public static readonly XName TD; // = "{}td"
     public static readonly XName TFoot; // = "{}tfoot"
     public static readonly XName TH; // = "{}th"
     public static readonly XName THead; // = "{}thead"
     public static readonly XName TR; // = "{}tr"
     public static readonly XName Table; // = "{}table"
     public static readonly XName Template; // = "{}template"
     public static readonly XName TextArea; // = "{}textarea"
     public static readonly XName Time; // = "{}time"
     public static readonly XName Title; // = "{}title"
     public static readonly XName Track; // = "{}track"
     public static readonly XName U; // = "{}u"
     public static readonly XName UL; // = "{}ul"
     public static readonly XName Var; // = "{}var"
     public static readonly XName Video; // = "{}video"
     public static readonly XName WBR; // = "{}wbr"
   public static class XHtmlNamespaces {
     public static readonly XNamespace Html; // = ""
     public static readonly XNamespace MathML; // = ""
     public static readonly XNamespace Svg; // = ""
     public static readonly XNamespace XLink; // = ""
   public class XHtmlStyleAttribute : XAttribute {
     protected static string ToJoined(IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> styles) {}
     protected static string ToJoined(KeyValuePair<string, string> style) {}
     public XHtmlStyleAttribute(IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> styles) {}
     public XHtmlStyleAttribute(IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string> styles) {}
     public XHtmlStyleAttribute(KeyValuePair<string, string> style) {}
     public XHtmlStyleAttribute(params KeyValuePair<string, string>[] styles) {}
 namespace Smdn.Xml.Xhtml {
   public static class HtmlConvert {
     public static string DecodeNumericCharacterReference(string s) {}
     public static string EscapeHtml(ReadOnlySpan<char> s) {}
     public static string EscapeXhtml(ReadOnlySpan<char> s) {}
     public static string UnescapeHtml(ReadOnlySpan<char> s) {}
     public static string UnescapeXhtml(ReadOnlySpan<char> s) {}
   public class PolyglotHtml5Writer : XmlWriter {
     protected enum ExtendedWriteState : int {
       AttributeEnd = 6,
       AttributeStart = 4,
       AttributeValue = 5,
       Closed = 12,
       DocumentEnd = 11,
       DocumentStart = 1,
       ElementClosed = 10,
       ElementClosing = 9,
       ElementContent = 8,
       ElementOpened = 7,
       ElementOpening = 3,
       Prolog = 2,
       Start = 0,
     public PolyglotHtml5Writer(Stream output, XmlWriterSettings settings = null) {}
     public PolyglotHtml5Writer(StringBuilder output, XmlWriterSettings settings = null) {}
     public PolyglotHtml5Writer(TextWriter output, XmlWriterSettings settings = null) {}
     public PolyglotHtml5Writer(string outputFileName, XmlWriterSettings settings = null) {}
     protected virtual XmlWriter BaseWriter { get; }
     protected PolyglotHtml5Writer.ExtendedWriteState ExtendedState { get; }
     public override XmlWriterSettings Settings { get; }
     public override WriteState WriteState { get; }
     public override string XmlLang { get; }
     public override XmlSpace XmlSpace { get; }
     protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) {}
     public override void Flush() {}
+    public override Task FlushAsync() {}
     public override string LookupPrefix(string ns) {}
     public override void WriteBase64(byte[] buffer, int index, int count) {}
+    public override async Task WriteBase64Async(byte[] buffer, int index, int count) {}
     public override void WriteCData(string text) {}
+    public override async Task WriteCDataAsync(string text) {}
     public override void WriteCharEntity(char ch) {}
+    public override async Task WriteCharEntityAsync(char ch) {}
     public override void WriteChars(char[] buffer, int index, int count) {}
+    public override async Task WriteCharsAsync(char[] buffer, int index, int count) {}
     public override void WriteComment(string text) {}
+    public override async Task WriteCommentAsync(string text) {}
     public override void WriteDocType(string name, string pubid, string sysid, string subset) {}
+    public override async Task WriteDocTypeAsync(string name, string pubid, string sysid, string subset) {}
     public override void WriteEndAttribute() {}
+    protected override Task WriteEndAttributeAsync() {}
     public override void WriteEndDocument() {}
+    public override async Task WriteEndDocumentAsync() {}
     public override void WriteEndElement() {}
+    public override async Task WriteEndElementAsync() {}
     public override void WriteEntityRef(string name) {}
+    public override async Task WriteEntityRefAsync(string name) {}
     public override void WriteFullEndElement() {}
+    public override async Task WriteFullEndElementAsync() {}
     protected virtual void WriteIndent() {}
+    protected virtual Task WriteIndentAsync() {}
     public override void WriteProcessingInstruction(string name, string text) {}
+    public override async Task WriteProcessingInstructionAsync(string name, string text) {}
     public override void WriteRaw(char[] buffer, int index, int count) {}
     public override void WriteRaw(string data) {}
+    public override async Task WriteRawAsync(char[] buffer, int index, int count) {}
+    public override async Task WriteRawAsync(string data) {}
     public override void WriteStartAttribute(string prefix, string localName, string ns) {}
+    protected override Task WriteStartAttributeAsync(string prefix, string localName, string ns) {}
     public override void WriteStartDocument() {}
     public override void WriteStartDocument(bool standalone) {}
+    public override async Task WriteStartDocumentAsync() {}
+    public override async Task WriteStartDocumentAsync(bool standalone) {}
     public override void WriteStartElement(string prefix, string localName, string ns) {}
+    public override async Task WriteStartElementAsync(string prefix, string localName, string ns) {}
     public override void WriteString(string text) {}
+    public override async Task WriteStringAsync(string text) {}
     public override void WriteSurrogateCharEntity(char lowChar, char highChar) {}
+    public override async Task WriteSurrogateCharEntityAsync(char lowChar, char highChar) {}
     public override void WriteWhitespace(string ws) {}
+    public override async Task WriteWhitespaceAsync(string ws) {}
   public static class W3CNamespaces {
     public const string Html = "";
     public const string MathML = "";
     public const string Svg = "";
     public const string XLink = "";
     public const string Xhtml = "";
-// API list generated by Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.ListApi.MSBuild.Tasks v1.1.7.0.
-// Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.ListApi.Core v1.2.0.0 (
+// API list generated by Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.ListApi.MSBuild.Tasks v1.4.0.0.
+// Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.ListApi.Core v1.3.0.0 (
diff --git a/doc/api-list/Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml/Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml-netstandard1.6.apilist.cs b/doc/api-list/Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml/Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml-netstandard1.6.apilist.cs
index 4deeedc8..15aa5987 100644
--- a/doc/api-list/Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml/Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml-netstandard1.6.apilist.cs
+++ b/doc/api-list/Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml/Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml-netstandard1.6.apilist.cs
@@ -1,279 +1,305 @@
-// Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml.dll (Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml-3.0.1)
+// Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml.dll (Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml-3.1.0)
 //   Name: Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml
-//   AssemblyVersion:
-//   InformationalVersion: 3.0.1+c848761b03aeddaf02bfeb277f3f5672e904cf60
+//   AssemblyVersion:
+//   InformationalVersion: 3.1.0+b5413ee3943c96bf97583eb7971556b337be4f02
 //   TargetFramework: .NETStandard,Version=v1.6
 //   Configuration: Release
 //   Referenced assemblies:
-//     Smdn.Fundamental.Shim, Version=, Culture=neutral
-//     Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Linq, Version=, Culture=neutral
+//     Smdn.Fundamental.Shim, Version=, Culture=neutral
+//     Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Linq, Version=, Culture=neutral
 //     System.Collections, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
+//     System.Diagnostics.Debug, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
 //     System.IO, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
 //     System.IO.FileSystem, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
 //     System.Linq, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
 //     System.Memory, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51
 //     System.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
 //     System.Runtime.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
 //     System.Runtime.InteropServices, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
 //     System.Text.RegularExpressions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
+//     System.Threading.Tasks, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
 //     System.Xml.ReaderWriter, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
 //     System.Xml.XDocument, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
 using System;
 using System.Collections.Generic;
 using System.IO;
 using System.Text;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
 using System.Xml;
 using System.Xml.Linq;
 using Smdn.Xml.Xhtml;
 namespace Smdn.Xml.Linq.Xhtml {
   public static class Extensions {
     public static XElement GetElementById(this XContainer container, string id) {}
     public static bool HasHtmlClass(this XElement element, IEnumerable<string> classList) {}
     public static bool HasHtmlClass(this XElement element, string @class) {}
   public static class XHtmlAttributeNames {
     public static readonly XName AccessKey; // = "accesskey"
     public static readonly XName Alt; // = "alt"
     public static readonly XName Cite; // = "cite"
     public static readonly XName Class; // = "class"
     public static readonly XName ContentEditable; // = "contenteditable"
     public static readonly XName Dir; // = "dir"
     public static readonly XName Download; // = "download"
     public static readonly XName Draggable; // = "draggable"
     public static readonly XName Hidden; // = "hidden"
     public static readonly XName Href; // = "href"
     public static readonly XName HrefLang; // = "hreflang"
     public static readonly XName Id; // = "id"
     public static readonly XName Lang; // = "lang"
     public static readonly XName Media; // = "media"
     public static readonly XName Rel; // = "rel"
     public static readonly XName SpellCheck; // = "spellcheck"
     public static readonly XName Src; // = "src"
     public static readonly XName Style; // = "style"
     public static readonly XName TabIndex; // = "tabindex"
     public static readonly XName Target; // = "target"
     public static readonly XName Title; // = "title"
     public static readonly XName Translate; // = "translate"
     public static readonly XName Type; // = "type"
   public class XHtmlClassAttribute : XAttribute {
     public static string JoinClassList(IEnumerable<string> classList) {}
     public XHtmlClassAttribute(IEnumerable<string> classList) {}
     public XHtmlClassAttribute(params string[] classList) {}
     public XHtmlClassAttribute(string @class) {}
   public static class XHtmlElementNames {
     public static readonly XName A; // = "{}a"
     public static readonly XName Abbr; // = "{}abbr"
     public static readonly XName Address; // = "{}address"
     public static readonly XName Area; // = "{}area"
     public static readonly XName Article; // = "{}article"
     public static readonly XName Aside; // = "{}aside"
     public static readonly XName Audio; // = "{}audio"
     public static readonly XName B; // = "{}b"
     public static readonly XName BR; // = "{}br"
     public static readonly XName Base; // = "{}base"
     public static readonly XName Blockquote; // = "{}blockquote"
     public static readonly XName Body; // = "{}body"
     public static readonly XName Button; // = "{}button"
     public static readonly XName Canvas; // = "{}canvas"
     public static readonly XName Caption; // = "{}caption"
     public static readonly XName Cite; // = "{}cite"
     public static readonly XName Code; // = "{}code"
     public static readonly XName Col; // = "{}col"
     public static readonly XName ColGroup; // = "{}colgroup"
     public static readonly XName DBI; // = "{}dbi"
     public static readonly XName DBO; // = "{}dbo"
     public static readonly XName DD; // = "{}dd"
     public static readonly XName DL; // = "{}dl"
     public static readonly XName DT; // = "{}dt"
     public static readonly XName Data; // = "{}data"
     public static readonly XName DataList; // = "{}datalist"
     public static readonly XName Del; // = "{}del"
     public static readonly XName Details; // = "{}details"
     public static readonly XName Dfn; // = "{}dfn"
     public static readonly XName Dialog; // = "{}dialog"
     public static readonly XName Div; // = "{}div"
     public static readonly XName EM; // = "{}em"
     public static readonly XName Embed; // = "{}embed"
     public static readonly XName FieldSet; // = "{}fieldset"
     public static readonly XName FigCaption; // = "{}figcaption"
     public static readonly XName Figure; // = "{}figure"
     public static readonly XName Footer; // = "{}footer"
     public static readonly XName Form; // = "{}form"
     public static readonly XName H1; // = "{}h1"
     public static readonly XName H2; // = "{}h2"
     public static readonly XName H3; // = "{}h3"
     public static readonly XName H4; // = "{}h4"
     public static readonly XName H5; // = "{}h5"
     public static readonly XName H6; // = "{}h6"
     public static readonly XName HR; // = "{}hr"
     public static readonly XName Head; // = "{}head"
     public static readonly XName Header; // = "{}header"
     public static readonly XName Html; // = "{}html"
     public static readonly XName I; // = "{}i"
     public static readonly XName IFrame; // = "{}iframe"
     public static readonly XName Img; // = "{}img"
     public static readonly XName Input; // = "{}input"
     public static readonly XName Ins; // = "{}ins"
     public static readonly XName Kbd; // = "{}kbd"
     public static readonly XName LI; // = "{}li"
     public static readonly XName Label; // = "{}label"
     public static readonly XName Legend; // = "{}legend"
     public static readonly XName Link; // = "{}link"
     public static readonly XName Main; // = "{}main"
     public static readonly XName Map; // = "{}map"
     public static readonly XName Mark; // = "{}mark"
     public static readonly XName Math; // = "{}math"
     public static readonly XName Meta; // = "{}meta"
     public static readonly XName Meter; // = "{}meter"
     public static readonly XName Nav; // = "{}nav"
     public static readonly XName NoScript; // = "{}noscript"
     public static readonly XName OL; // = "{}ol"
     public static readonly XName Object; // = "{}object"
     public static readonly XName OptGroup; // = "{}optgroup"
     public static readonly XName Option; // = "{}option"
     public static readonly XName Output; // = "{}output"
     public static readonly XName P; // = "{}p"
     public static readonly XName Param; // = "{}param"
     public static readonly XName Picture; // = "{}picture"
     public static readonly XName Pre; // = "{}pre"
     public static readonly XName Progress; // = "{}progress"
     public static readonly XName Q; // = "{}q"
     public static readonly XName RB; // = "{}rb"
     public static readonly XName RP; // = "{}rp"
     public static readonly XName RT; // = "{}rt"
     public static readonly XName RTC; // = "{}rtc"
     public static readonly XName Ruby; // = "{}ruby"
     public static readonly XName S; // = "{}s"
     public static readonly XName SVG; // = "{}svg"
     public static readonly XName Samp; // = "{}samp"
     public static readonly XName Script; // = "{}script"
     public static readonly XName Section; // = "{}section"
     public static readonly XName Select; // = "{}select"
     public static readonly XName Small; // = "{}small"
     public static readonly XName Source; // = "{}source"
     public static readonly XName Span; // = "{}span"
     public static readonly XName Strong; // = "{}strong"
     public static readonly XName Style; // = "{}style"
     public static readonly XName Sub; // = "{}sub"
     public static readonly XName Summary; // = "{}summary"
     public static readonly XName Sup; // = "{}sup"
     public static readonly XName TBody; // = "{}tbody"
     public static readonly XName TD; // = "{}td"
     public static readonly XName TFoot; // = "{}tfoot"
     public static readonly XName TH; // = "{}th"
     public static readonly XName THead; // = "{}thead"
     public static readonly XName TR; // = "{}tr"
     public static readonly XName Table; // = "{}table"
     public static readonly XName Template; // = "{}template"
     public static readonly XName TextArea; // = "{}textarea"
     public static readonly XName Time; // = "{}time"
     public static readonly XName Title; // = "{}title"
     public static readonly XName Track; // = "{}track"
     public static readonly XName U; // = "{}u"
     public static readonly XName UL; // = "{}ul"
     public static readonly XName Var; // = "{}var"
     public static readonly XName Video; // = "{}video"
     public static readonly XName WBR; // = "{}wbr"
   public static class XHtmlNamespaces {
     public static readonly XNamespace Html; // = ""
     public static readonly XNamespace MathML; // = ""
     public static readonly XNamespace Svg; // = ""
     public static readonly XNamespace XLink; // = ""
   public class XHtmlStyleAttribute : XAttribute {
     protected static string ToJoined(IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> styles) {}
     protected static string ToJoined(KeyValuePair<string, string> style) {}
     public XHtmlStyleAttribute(IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> styles) {}
     public XHtmlStyleAttribute(IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string> styles) {}
     public XHtmlStyleAttribute(KeyValuePair<string, string> style) {}
     public XHtmlStyleAttribute(params KeyValuePair<string, string>[] styles) {}
 namespace Smdn.Xml.Xhtml {
   public static class HtmlConvert {
     public static string DecodeNumericCharacterReference(string s) {}
     public static string EscapeHtml(ReadOnlySpan<char> s) {}
     public static string EscapeXhtml(ReadOnlySpan<char> s) {}
     public static string UnescapeHtml(ReadOnlySpan<char> s) {}
     public static string UnescapeXhtml(ReadOnlySpan<char> s) {}
   public class PolyglotHtml5Writer : XmlWriter {
     protected enum ExtendedWriteState : int {
       AttributeEnd = 6,
       AttributeStart = 4,
       AttributeValue = 5,
       Closed = 12,
       DocumentEnd = 11,
       DocumentStart = 1,
       ElementClosed = 10,
       ElementClosing = 9,
       ElementContent = 8,
       ElementOpened = 7,
       ElementOpening = 3,
       Prolog = 2,
       Start = 0,
     public PolyglotHtml5Writer(Stream output, XmlWriterSettings settings = null) {}
     public PolyglotHtml5Writer(StringBuilder output, XmlWriterSettings settings = null) {}
     public PolyglotHtml5Writer(TextWriter output, XmlWriterSettings settings = null) {}
     public PolyglotHtml5Writer(string outputFileName, XmlWriterSettings settings = null) {}
     protected virtual XmlWriter BaseWriter { get; }
     protected PolyglotHtml5Writer.ExtendedWriteState ExtendedState { get; }
     public override XmlWriterSettings Settings { get; }
     public override WriteState WriteState { get; }
     public override string XmlLang { get; }
     public override XmlSpace XmlSpace { get; }
     protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) {}
     public override void Flush() {}
+    public override Task FlushAsync() {}
     public override string LookupPrefix(string ns) {}
     public override void WriteBase64(byte[] buffer, int index, int count) {}
+    public override async Task WriteBase64Async(byte[] buffer, int index, int count) {}
     public override void WriteCData(string text) {}
+    public override async Task WriteCDataAsync(string text) {}
     public override void WriteCharEntity(char ch) {}
+    public override async Task WriteCharEntityAsync(char ch) {}
     public override void WriteChars(char[] buffer, int index, int count) {}
+    public override async Task WriteCharsAsync(char[] buffer, int index, int count) {}
     public override void WriteComment(string text) {}
+    public override async Task WriteCommentAsync(string text) {}
     public override void WriteDocType(string name, string pubid, string sysid, string subset) {}
+    public override async Task WriteDocTypeAsync(string name, string pubid, string sysid, string subset) {}
     public override void WriteEndAttribute() {}
+    protected override Task WriteEndAttributeAsync() {}
     public override void WriteEndDocument() {}
+    public override async Task WriteEndDocumentAsync() {}
     public override void WriteEndElement() {}
+    public override async Task WriteEndElementAsync() {}
     public override void WriteEntityRef(string name) {}
+    public override async Task WriteEntityRefAsync(string name) {}
     public override void WriteFullEndElement() {}
+    public override async Task WriteFullEndElementAsync() {}
     protected virtual void WriteIndent() {}
+    protected virtual Task WriteIndentAsync() {}
     public override void WriteProcessingInstruction(string name, string text) {}
+    public override async Task WriteProcessingInstructionAsync(string name, string text) {}
     public override void WriteRaw(char[] buffer, int index, int count) {}
     public override void WriteRaw(string data) {}
+    public override async Task WriteRawAsync(char[] buffer, int index, int count) {}
+    public override async Task WriteRawAsync(string data) {}
     public override void WriteStartAttribute(string prefix, string localName, string ns) {}
+    protected override Task WriteStartAttributeAsync(string prefix, string localName, string ns) {}
     public override void WriteStartDocument() {}
     public override void WriteStartDocument(bool standalone) {}
+    public override async Task WriteStartDocumentAsync() {}
+    public override async Task WriteStartDocumentAsync(bool standalone) {}
     public override void WriteStartElement(string prefix, string localName, string ns) {}
+    public override async Task WriteStartElementAsync(string prefix, string localName, string ns) {}
     public override void WriteString(string text) {}
+    public override async Task WriteStringAsync(string text) {}
     public override void WriteSurrogateCharEntity(char lowChar, char highChar) {}
+    public override async Task WriteSurrogateCharEntityAsync(char lowChar, char highChar) {}
     public override void WriteWhitespace(string ws) {}
+    public override async Task WriteWhitespaceAsync(string ws) {}
   public static class W3CNamespaces {
     public const string Html = "";
     public const string MathML = "";
     public const string Svg = "";
     public const string XLink = "";
     public const string Xhtml = "";
-// API list generated by Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.ListApi.MSBuild.Tasks v1.1.7.0.
-// Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.ListApi.Core v1.2.0.0 (
+// API list generated by Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.ListApi.MSBuild.Tasks v1.4.0.0.
+// Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.ListApi.Core v1.3.0.0 (
diff --git a/doc/api-list/Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml/Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml-netstandard2.0.apilist.cs b/doc/api-list/Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml/Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml-netstandard2.0.apilist.cs
index 6ebd22b1..688cc820 100644
--- a/doc/api-list/Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml/Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml-netstandard2.0.apilist.cs
+++ b/doc/api-list/Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml/Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml-netstandard2.0.apilist.cs
@@ -1,270 +1,301 @@
-// Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml.dll (Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml-3.0.1)
+// Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml.dll (Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml-3.1.0)
 //   Name: Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml
-//   AssemblyVersion:
-//   InformationalVersion: 3.0.1+c848761b03aeddaf02bfeb277f3f5672e904cf60
+//   AssemblyVersion:
+//   InformationalVersion: 3.1.0+b5413ee3943c96bf97583eb7971556b337be4f02
 //   TargetFramework: .NETStandard,Version=v2.0
 //   Configuration: Release
 //   Referenced assemblies:
-//     Smdn.Fundamental.Shim, Version=, Culture=neutral
-//     Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Linq, Version=, Culture=neutral
+//     Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51
+//     Smdn.Fundamental.Shim, Version=, Culture=neutral
+//     Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Linq, Version=, Culture=neutral
 //     System.Memory, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51
+//     System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51
 //     netstandard, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51
 using System;
 using System.Collections.Generic;
 using System.IO;
 using System.Text;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
 using System.Xml;
 using System.Xml.Linq;
 using Smdn.Xml.Xhtml;
 namespace Smdn.Xml.Linq.Xhtml {
   public static class Extensions {
     public static XElement GetElementById(this XContainer container, string id) {}
     public static bool HasHtmlClass(this XElement element, IEnumerable<string> classList) {}
     public static bool HasHtmlClass(this XElement element, string @class) {}
   public static class XHtmlAttributeNames {
     public static readonly XName AccessKey; // = "accesskey"
     public static readonly XName Alt; // = "alt"
     public static readonly XName Cite; // = "cite"
     public static readonly XName Class; // = "class"
     public static readonly XName ContentEditable; // = "contenteditable"
     public static readonly XName Dir; // = "dir"
     public static readonly XName Download; // = "download"
     public static readonly XName Draggable; // = "draggable"
     public static readonly XName Hidden; // = "hidden"
     public static readonly XName Href; // = "href"
     public static readonly XName HrefLang; // = "hreflang"
     public static readonly XName Id; // = "id"
     public static readonly XName Lang; // = "lang"
     public static readonly XName Media; // = "media"
     public static readonly XName Rel; // = "rel"
     public static readonly XName SpellCheck; // = "spellcheck"
     public static readonly XName Src; // = "src"
     public static readonly XName Style; // = "style"
     public static readonly XName TabIndex; // = "tabindex"
     public static readonly XName Target; // = "target"
     public static readonly XName Title; // = "title"
     public static readonly XName Translate; // = "translate"
     public static readonly XName Type; // = "type"
   public class XHtmlClassAttribute : XAttribute {
     public static string JoinClassList(IEnumerable<string> classList) {}
     public XHtmlClassAttribute(IEnumerable<string> classList) {}
     public XHtmlClassAttribute(params string[] classList) {}
     public XHtmlClassAttribute(string @class) {}
   public static class XHtmlElementNames {
     public static readonly XName A; // = "{}a"
     public static readonly XName Abbr; // = "{}abbr"
     public static readonly XName Address; // = "{}address"
     public static readonly XName Area; // = "{}area"
     public static readonly XName Article; // = "{}article"
     public static readonly XName Aside; // = "{}aside"
     public static readonly XName Audio; // = "{}audio"
     public static readonly XName B; // = "{}b"
     public static readonly XName BR; // = "{}br"
     public static readonly XName Base; // = "{}base"
     public static readonly XName Blockquote; // = "{}blockquote"
     public static readonly XName Body; // = "{}body"
     public static readonly XName Button; // = "{}button"
     public static readonly XName Canvas; // = "{}canvas"
     public static readonly XName Caption; // = "{}caption"
     public static readonly XName Cite; // = "{}cite"
     public static readonly XName Code; // = "{}code"
     public static readonly XName Col; // = "{}col"
     public static readonly XName ColGroup; // = "{}colgroup"
     public static readonly XName DBI; // = "{}dbi"
     public static readonly XName DBO; // = "{}dbo"
     public static readonly XName DD; // = "{}dd"
     public static readonly XName DL; // = "{}dl"
     public static readonly XName DT; // = "{}dt"
     public static readonly XName Data; // = "{}data"
     public static readonly XName DataList; // = "{}datalist"
     public static readonly XName Del; // = "{}del"
     public static readonly XName Details; // = "{}details"
     public static readonly XName Dfn; // = "{}dfn"
     public static readonly XName Dialog; // = "{}dialog"
     public static readonly XName Div; // = "{}div"
     public static readonly XName EM; // = "{}em"
     public static readonly XName Embed; // = "{}embed"
     public static readonly XName FieldSet; // = "{}fieldset"
     public static readonly XName FigCaption; // = "{}figcaption"
     public static readonly XName Figure; // = "{}figure"
     public static readonly XName Footer; // = "{}footer"
     public static readonly XName Form; // = "{}form"
     public static readonly XName H1; // = "{}h1"
     public static readonly XName H2; // = "{}h2"
     public static readonly XName H3; // = "{}h3"
     public static readonly XName H4; // = "{}h4"
     public static readonly XName H5; // = "{}h5"
     public static readonly XName H6; // = "{}h6"
     public static readonly XName HR; // = "{}hr"
     public static readonly XName Head; // = "{}head"
     public static readonly XName Header; // = "{}header"
     public static readonly XName Html; // = "{}html"
     public static readonly XName I; // = "{}i"
     public static readonly XName IFrame; // = "{}iframe"
     public static readonly XName Img; // = "{}img"
     public static readonly XName Input; // = "{}input"
     public static readonly XName Ins; // = "{}ins"
     public static readonly XName Kbd; // = "{}kbd"
     public static readonly XName LI; // = "{}li"
     public static readonly XName Label; // = "{}label"
     public static readonly XName Legend; // = "{}legend"
     public static readonly XName Link; // = "{}link"
     public static readonly XName Main; // = "{}main"
     public static readonly XName Map; // = "{}map"
     public static readonly XName Mark; // = "{}mark"
     public static readonly XName Math; // = "{}math"
     public static readonly XName Meta; // = "{}meta"
     public static readonly XName Meter; // = "{}meter"
     public static readonly XName Nav; // = "{}nav"
     public static readonly XName NoScript; // = "{}noscript"
     public static readonly XName OL; // = "{}ol"
     public static readonly XName Object; // = "{}object"
     public static readonly XName OptGroup; // = "{}optgroup"
     public static readonly XName Option; // = "{}option"
     public static readonly XName Output; // = "{}output"
     public static readonly XName P; // = "{}p"
     public static readonly XName Param; // = "{}param"
     public static readonly XName Picture; // = "{}picture"
     public static readonly XName Pre; // = "{}pre"
     public static readonly XName Progress; // = "{}progress"
     public static readonly XName Q; // = "{}q"
     public static readonly XName RB; // = "{}rb"
     public static readonly XName RP; // = "{}rp"
     public static readonly XName RT; // = "{}rt"
     public static readonly XName RTC; // = "{}rtc"
     public static readonly XName Ruby; // = "{}ruby"
     public static readonly XName S; // = "{}s"
     public static readonly XName SVG; // = "{}svg"
     public static readonly XName Samp; // = "{}samp"
     public static readonly XName Script; // = "{}script"
     public static readonly XName Section; // = "{}section"
     public static readonly XName Select; // = "{}select"
     public static readonly XName Small; // = "{}small"
     public static readonly XName Source; // = "{}source"
     public static readonly XName Span; // = "{}span"
     public static readonly XName Strong; // = "{}strong"
     public static readonly XName Style; // = "{}style"
     public static readonly XName Sub; // = "{}sub"
     public static readonly XName Summary; // = "{}summary"
     public static readonly XName Sup; // = "{}sup"
     public static readonly XName TBody; // = "{}tbody"
     public static readonly XName TD; // = "{}td"
     public static readonly XName TFoot; // = "{}tfoot"
     public static readonly XName TH; // = "{}th"
     public static readonly XName THead; // = "{}thead"
     public static readonly XName TR; // = "{}tr"
     public static readonly XName Table; // = "{}table"
     public static readonly XName Template; // = "{}template"
     public static readonly XName TextArea; // = "{}textarea"
     public static readonly XName Time; // = "{}time"
     public static readonly XName Title; // = "{}title"
     public static readonly XName Track; // = "{}track"
     public static readonly XName U; // = "{}u"
     public static readonly XName UL; // = "{}ul"
     public static readonly XName Var; // = "{}var"
     public static readonly XName Video; // = "{}video"
     public static readonly XName WBR; // = "{}wbr"
   public static class XHtmlNamespaces {
     public static readonly XNamespace Html; // = ""
     public static readonly XNamespace MathML; // = ""
     public static readonly XNamespace Svg; // = ""
     public static readonly XNamespace XLink; // = ""
   public class XHtmlStyleAttribute : XAttribute {
     protected static string ToJoined(IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> styles) {}
     protected static string ToJoined(KeyValuePair<string, string> style) {}
     public XHtmlStyleAttribute(IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> styles) {}
     public XHtmlStyleAttribute(IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string> styles) {}
     public XHtmlStyleAttribute(KeyValuePair<string, string> style) {}
     public XHtmlStyleAttribute(params KeyValuePair<string, string>[] styles) {}
 namespace Smdn.Xml.Xhtml {
   public static class HtmlConvert {
     public static string DecodeNumericCharacterReference(string s) {}
     public static string EscapeHtml(ReadOnlySpan<char> s) {}
     public static string EscapeXhtml(ReadOnlySpan<char> s) {}
     public static string UnescapeHtml(ReadOnlySpan<char> s) {}
     public static string UnescapeXhtml(ReadOnlySpan<char> s) {}
-  public class PolyglotHtml5Writer : XmlWriter {
+  public class PolyglotHtml5Writer :
+    XmlWriter,
+    IAsyncDisposable
+  {
     protected enum ExtendedWriteState : int {
       AttributeEnd = 6,
       AttributeStart = 4,
       AttributeValue = 5,
       Closed = 12,
       DocumentEnd = 11,
       DocumentStart = 1,
       ElementClosed = 10,
       ElementClosing = 9,
       ElementContent = 8,
       ElementOpened = 7,
       ElementOpening = 3,
       Prolog = 2,
       Start = 0,
     public PolyglotHtml5Writer(Stream output, XmlWriterSettings settings = null) {}
     public PolyglotHtml5Writer(StringBuilder output, XmlWriterSettings settings = null) {}
     public PolyglotHtml5Writer(TextWriter output, XmlWriterSettings settings = null) {}
     public PolyglotHtml5Writer(string outputFileName, XmlWriterSettings settings = null) {}
     protected virtual XmlWriter BaseWriter { get; }
     protected PolyglotHtml5Writer.ExtendedWriteState ExtendedState { get; }
     public override XmlWriterSettings Settings { get; }
     public override WriteState WriteState { get; }
     public override string XmlLang { get; }
     public override XmlSpace XmlSpace { get; }
     protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) {}
+    public virtual async ValueTask DisposeAsync() {}
+    protected virtual ValueTask DisposeAsyncCore() {}
     public override void Flush() {}
+    public override Task FlushAsync() {}
     public override string LookupPrefix(string ns) {}
     public override void WriteBase64(byte[] buffer, int index, int count) {}
+    public override async Task WriteBase64Async(byte[] buffer, int index, int count) {}
     public override void WriteCData(string text) {}
+    public override async Task WriteCDataAsync(string text) {}
     public override void WriteCharEntity(char ch) {}
+    public override async Task WriteCharEntityAsync(char ch) {}
     public override void WriteChars(char[] buffer, int index, int count) {}
+    public override async Task WriteCharsAsync(char[] buffer, int index, int count) {}
     public override void WriteComment(string text) {}
+    public override async Task WriteCommentAsync(string text) {}
     public override void WriteDocType(string name, string pubid, string sysid, string subset) {}
+    public override async Task WriteDocTypeAsync(string name, string pubid, string sysid, string subset) {}
     public override void WriteEndAttribute() {}
+    protected override Task WriteEndAttributeAsync() {}
     public override void WriteEndDocument() {}
+    public override async Task WriteEndDocumentAsync() {}
     public override void WriteEndElement() {}
+    public override async Task WriteEndElementAsync() {}
     public override void WriteEntityRef(string name) {}
+    public override async Task WriteEntityRefAsync(string name) {}
     public override void WriteFullEndElement() {}
+    public override async Task WriteFullEndElementAsync() {}
     protected virtual void WriteIndent() {}
+    protected virtual Task WriteIndentAsync() {}
     public override void WriteProcessingInstruction(string name, string text) {}
+    public override async Task WriteProcessingInstructionAsync(string name, string text) {}
     public override void WriteRaw(char[] buffer, int index, int count) {}
     public override void WriteRaw(string data) {}
+    public override async Task WriteRawAsync(char[] buffer, int index, int count) {}
+    public override async Task WriteRawAsync(string data) {}
     public override void WriteStartAttribute(string prefix, string localName, string ns) {}
+    protected override Task WriteStartAttributeAsync(string prefix, string localName, string ns) {}
     public override void WriteStartDocument() {}
     public override void WriteStartDocument(bool standalone) {}
+    public override async Task WriteStartDocumentAsync() {}
+    public override async Task WriteStartDocumentAsync(bool standalone) {}
     public override void WriteStartElement(string prefix, string localName, string ns) {}
+    public override async Task WriteStartElementAsync(string prefix, string localName, string ns) {}
     public override void WriteString(string text) {}
+    public override async Task WriteStringAsync(string text) {}
     public override void WriteSurrogateCharEntity(char lowChar, char highChar) {}
+    public override async Task WriteSurrogateCharEntityAsync(char lowChar, char highChar) {}
     public override void WriteWhitespace(string ws) {}
+    public override async Task WriteWhitespaceAsync(string ws) {}
   public static class W3CNamespaces {
     public const string Html = "";
     public const string MathML = "";
     public const string Svg = "";
     public const string XLink = "";
     public const string Xhtml = "";
-// API list generated by Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.ListApi.MSBuild.Tasks v1.1.7.0.
-// Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.ListApi.Core v1.2.0.0 (
+// API list generated by Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.ListApi.MSBuild.Tasks v1.4.0.0.
+// Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.ListApi.Core v1.3.0.0 (
diff --git a/doc/api-list/Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml/Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml-netstandard2.1.apilist.cs b/doc/api-list/Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml/Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml-netstandard2.1.apilist.cs
index 5a7b6fd8..1f318436 100644
--- a/doc/api-list/Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml/Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml-netstandard2.1.apilist.cs
+++ b/doc/api-list/Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml/Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml-netstandard2.1.apilist.cs
@@ -1,268 +1,294 @@
-// Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml.dll (Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml-3.0.1)
+// Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml.dll (Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml-3.1.0)
 //   Name: Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml
-//   AssemblyVersion:
-//   InformationalVersion: 3.0.1+c848761b03aeddaf02bfeb277f3f5672e904cf60
+//   AssemblyVersion:
+//   InformationalVersion: 3.1.0+b5413ee3943c96bf97583eb7971556b337be4f02
 //   TargetFramework: .NETStandard,Version=v2.1
 //   Configuration: Release
 //   Referenced assemblies:
-//     Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Linq, Version=, Culture=neutral
+//     Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Linq, Version=, Culture=neutral
 //     netstandard, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51
 using System;
 using System.Collections.Generic;
 using System.IO;
 using System.Text;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
 using System.Xml;
 using System.Xml.Linq;
 using Smdn.Xml.Xhtml;
 namespace Smdn.Xml.Linq.Xhtml {
   public static class Extensions {
     public static XElement GetElementById(this XContainer container, string id) {}
     public static bool HasHtmlClass(this XElement element, IEnumerable<string> classList) {}
     public static bool HasHtmlClass(this XElement element, string @class) {}
   public static class XHtmlAttributeNames {
     public static readonly XName AccessKey; // = "accesskey"
     public static readonly XName Alt; // = "alt"
     public static readonly XName Cite; // = "cite"
     public static readonly XName Class; // = "class"
     public static readonly XName ContentEditable; // = "contenteditable"
     public static readonly XName Dir; // = "dir"
     public static readonly XName Download; // = "download"
     public static readonly XName Draggable; // = "draggable"
     public static readonly XName Hidden; // = "hidden"
     public static readonly XName Href; // = "href"
     public static readonly XName HrefLang; // = "hreflang"
     public static readonly XName Id; // = "id"
     public static readonly XName Lang; // = "lang"
     public static readonly XName Media; // = "media"
     public static readonly XName Rel; // = "rel"
     public static readonly XName SpellCheck; // = "spellcheck"
     public static readonly XName Src; // = "src"
     public static readonly XName Style; // = "style"
     public static readonly XName TabIndex; // = "tabindex"
     public static readonly XName Target; // = "target"
     public static readonly XName Title; // = "title"
     public static readonly XName Translate; // = "translate"
     public static readonly XName Type; // = "type"
   public class XHtmlClassAttribute : XAttribute {
     public static string JoinClassList(IEnumerable<string> classList) {}
     public XHtmlClassAttribute(IEnumerable<string> classList) {}
     public XHtmlClassAttribute(params string[] classList) {}
     public XHtmlClassAttribute(string @class) {}
   public static class XHtmlElementNames {
     public static readonly XName A; // = "{}a"
     public static readonly XName Abbr; // = "{}abbr"
     public static readonly XName Address; // = "{}address"
     public static readonly XName Area; // = "{}area"
     public static readonly XName Article; // = "{}article"
     public static readonly XName Aside; // = "{}aside"
     public static readonly XName Audio; // = "{}audio"
     public static readonly XName B; // = "{}b"
     public static readonly XName BR; // = "{}br"
     public static readonly XName Base; // = "{}base"
     public static readonly XName Blockquote; // = "{}blockquote"
     public static readonly XName Body; // = "{}body"
     public static readonly XName Button; // = "{}button"
     public static readonly XName Canvas; // = "{}canvas"
     public static readonly XName Caption; // = "{}caption"
     public static readonly XName Cite; // = "{}cite"
     public static readonly XName Code; // = "{}code"
     public static readonly XName Col; // = "{}col"
     public static readonly XName ColGroup; // = "{}colgroup"
     public static readonly XName DBI; // = "{}dbi"
     public static readonly XName DBO; // = "{}dbo"
     public static readonly XName DD; // = "{}dd"
     public static readonly XName DL; // = "{}dl"
     public static readonly XName DT; // = "{}dt"
     public static readonly XName Data; // = "{}data"
     public static readonly XName DataList; // = "{}datalist"
     public static readonly XName Del; // = "{}del"
     public static readonly XName Details; // = "{}details"
     public static readonly XName Dfn; // = "{}dfn"
     public static readonly XName Dialog; // = "{}dialog"
     public static readonly XName Div; // = "{}div"
     public static readonly XName EM; // = "{}em"
     public static readonly XName Embed; // = "{}embed"
     public static readonly XName FieldSet; // = "{}fieldset"
     public static readonly XName FigCaption; // = "{}figcaption"
     public static readonly XName Figure; // = "{}figure"
     public static readonly XName Footer; // = "{}footer"
     public static readonly XName Form; // = "{}form"
     public static readonly XName H1; // = "{}h1"
     public static readonly XName H2; // = "{}h2"
     public static readonly XName H3; // = "{}h3"
     public static readonly XName H4; // = "{}h4"
     public static readonly XName H5; // = "{}h5"
     public static readonly XName H6; // = "{}h6"
     public static readonly XName HR; // = "{}hr"
     public static readonly XName Head; // = "{}head"
     public static readonly XName Header; // = "{}header"
     public static readonly XName Html; // = "{}html"
     public static readonly XName I; // = "{}i"
     public static readonly XName IFrame; // = "{}iframe"
     public static readonly XName Img; // = "{}img"
     public static readonly XName Input; // = "{}input"
     public static readonly XName Ins; // = "{}ins"
     public static readonly XName Kbd; // = "{}kbd"
     public static readonly XName LI; // = "{}li"
     public static readonly XName Label; // = "{}label"
     public static readonly XName Legend; // = "{}legend"
     public static readonly XName Link; // = "{}link"
     public static readonly XName Main; // = "{}main"
     public static readonly XName Map; // = "{}map"
     public static readonly XName Mark; // = "{}mark"
     public static readonly XName Math; // = "{}math"
     public static readonly XName Meta; // = "{}meta"
     public static readonly XName Meter; // = "{}meter"
     public static readonly XName Nav; // = "{}nav"
     public static readonly XName NoScript; // = "{}noscript"
     public static readonly XName OL; // = "{}ol"
     public static readonly XName Object; // = "{}object"
     public static readonly XName OptGroup; // = "{}optgroup"
     public static readonly XName Option; // = "{}option"
     public static readonly XName Output; // = "{}output"
     public static readonly XName P; // = "{}p"
     public static readonly XName Param; // = "{}param"
     public static readonly XName Picture; // = "{}picture"
     public static readonly XName Pre; // = "{}pre"
     public static readonly XName Progress; // = "{}progress"
     public static readonly XName Q; // = "{}q"
     public static readonly XName RB; // = "{}rb"
     public static readonly XName RP; // = "{}rp"
     public static readonly XName RT; // = "{}rt"
     public static readonly XName RTC; // = "{}rtc"
     public static readonly XName Ruby; // = "{}ruby"
     public static readonly XName S; // = "{}s"
     public static readonly XName SVG; // = "{}svg"
     public static readonly XName Samp; // = "{}samp"
     public static readonly XName Script; // = "{}script"
     public static readonly XName Section; // = "{}section"
     public static readonly XName Select; // = "{}select"
     public static readonly XName Small; // = "{}small"
     public static readonly XName Source; // = "{}source"
     public static readonly XName Span; // = "{}span"
     public static readonly XName Strong; // = "{}strong"
     public static readonly XName Style; // = "{}style"
     public static readonly XName Sub; // = "{}sub"
     public static readonly XName Summary; // = "{}summary"
     public static readonly XName Sup; // = "{}sup"
     public static readonly XName TBody; // = "{}tbody"
     public static readonly XName TD; // = "{}td"
     public static readonly XName TFoot; // = "{}tfoot"
     public static readonly XName TH; // = "{}th"
     public static readonly XName THead; // = "{}thead"
     public static readonly XName TR; // = "{}tr"
     public static readonly XName Table; // = "{}table"
     public static readonly XName Template; // = "{}template"
     public static readonly XName TextArea; // = "{}textarea"
     public static readonly XName Time; // = "{}time"
     public static readonly XName Title; // = "{}title"
     public static readonly XName Track; // = "{}track"
     public static readonly XName U; // = "{}u"
     public static readonly XName UL; // = "{}ul"
     public static readonly XName Var; // = "{}var"
     public static readonly XName Video; // = "{}video"
     public static readonly XName WBR; // = "{}wbr"
   public static class XHtmlNamespaces {
     public static readonly XNamespace Html; // = ""
     public static readonly XNamespace MathML; // = ""
     public static readonly XNamespace Svg; // = ""
     public static readonly XNamespace XLink; // = ""
   public class XHtmlStyleAttribute : XAttribute {
     protected static string ToJoined(IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> styles) {}
     protected static string ToJoined(KeyValuePair<string, string> style) {}
     public XHtmlStyleAttribute(IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> styles) {}
     public XHtmlStyleAttribute(IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string> styles) {}
     public XHtmlStyleAttribute(KeyValuePair<string, string> style) {}
     public XHtmlStyleAttribute(params KeyValuePair<string, string>[] styles) {}
 namespace Smdn.Xml.Xhtml {
   public static class HtmlConvert {
     public static string DecodeNumericCharacterReference(string s) {}
     public static string EscapeHtml(ReadOnlySpan<char> s) {}
     public static string EscapeXhtml(ReadOnlySpan<char> s) {}
     public static string UnescapeHtml(ReadOnlySpan<char> s) {}
     public static string UnescapeXhtml(ReadOnlySpan<char> s) {}
   public class PolyglotHtml5Writer : XmlWriter {
     protected enum ExtendedWriteState : int {
       AttributeEnd = 6,
       AttributeStart = 4,
       AttributeValue = 5,
       Closed = 12,
       DocumentEnd = 11,
       DocumentStart = 1,
       ElementClosed = 10,
       ElementClosing = 9,
       ElementContent = 8,
       ElementOpened = 7,
       ElementOpening = 3,
       Prolog = 2,
       Start = 0,
     public PolyglotHtml5Writer(Stream output, XmlWriterSettings settings = null) {}
     public PolyglotHtml5Writer(StringBuilder output, XmlWriterSettings settings = null) {}
     public PolyglotHtml5Writer(TextWriter output, XmlWriterSettings settings = null) {}
     public PolyglotHtml5Writer(string outputFileName, XmlWriterSettings settings = null) {}
     protected virtual XmlWriter BaseWriter { get; }
     protected PolyglotHtml5Writer.ExtendedWriteState ExtendedState { get; }
     public override XmlWriterSettings Settings { get; }
     public override WriteState WriteState { get; }
     public override string XmlLang { get; }
     public override XmlSpace XmlSpace { get; }
     protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) {}
+    new public virtual async ValueTask DisposeAsync() {}
+    new protected virtual ValueTask DisposeAsyncCore() {}
     public override void Flush() {}
+    public override Task FlushAsync() {}
     public override string LookupPrefix(string ns) {}
     public override void WriteBase64(byte[] buffer, int index, int count) {}
+    public override async Task WriteBase64Async(byte[] buffer, int index, int count) {}
     public override void WriteCData(string text) {}
+    public override async Task WriteCDataAsync(string text) {}
     public override void WriteCharEntity(char ch) {}
+    public override async Task WriteCharEntityAsync(char ch) {}
     public override void WriteChars(char[] buffer, int index, int count) {}
+    public override async Task WriteCharsAsync(char[] buffer, int index, int count) {}
     public override void WriteComment(string text) {}
+    public override async Task WriteCommentAsync(string text) {}
     public override void WriteDocType(string name, string pubid, string sysid, string subset) {}
+    public override async Task WriteDocTypeAsync(string name, string pubid, string sysid, string subset) {}
     public override void WriteEndAttribute() {}
+    protected override Task WriteEndAttributeAsync() {}
     public override void WriteEndDocument() {}
+    public override async Task WriteEndDocumentAsync() {}
     public override void WriteEndElement() {}
+    public override async Task WriteEndElementAsync() {}
     public override void WriteEntityRef(string name) {}
+    public override async Task WriteEntityRefAsync(string name) {}
     public override void WriteFullEndElement() {}
+    public override async Task WriteFullEndElementAsync() {}
     protected virtual void WriteIndent() {}
+    protected virtual Task WriteIndentAsync() {}
     public override void WriteProcessingInstruction(string name, string text) {}
+    public override async Task WriteProcessingInstructionAsync(string name, string text) {}
     public override void WriteRaw(char[] buffer, int index, int count) {}
     public override void WriteRaw(string data) {}
+    public override async Task WriteRawAsync(char[] buffer, int index, int count) {}
+    public override async Task WriteRawAsync(string data) {}
     public override void WriteStartAttribute(string prefix, string localName, string ns) {}
+    protected override Task WriteStartAttributeAsync(string prefix, string localName, string ns) {}
     public override void WriteStartDocument() {}
     public override void WriteStartDocument(bool standalone) {}
+    public override async Task WriteStartDocumentAsync() {}
+    public override async Task WriteStartDocumentAsync(bool standalone) {}
     public override void WriteStartElement(string prefix, string localName, string ns) {}
+    public override async Task WriteStartElementAsync(string prefix, string localName, string ns) {}
     public override void WriteString(string text) {}
+    public override async Task WriteStringAsync(string text) {}
     public override void WriteSurrogateCharEntity(char lowChar, char highChar) {}
+    public override async Task WriteSurrogateCharEntityAsync(char lowChar, char highChar) {}
     public override void WriteWhitespace(string ws) {}
+    public override async Task WriteWhitespaceAsync(string ws) {}
   public static class W3CNamespaces {
     public const string Html = "";
     public const string MathML = "";
     public const string Svg = "";
     public const string XLink = "";
     public const string Xhtml = "";
-// API list generated by Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.ListApi.MSBuild.Tasks v1.1.7.0.
-// Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.ListApi.Core v1.2.0.0 (
+// API list generated by Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.ListApi.MSBuild.Tasks v1.4.0.0.
+// Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.ListApi.Core v1.3.0.0 (


Full Changelog: releases/Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml-3.0.1...releases/Smdn.Fundamental.Xml.Xhtml-3.1.0