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Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo version 2.0.0-preview1

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@smdn smdn released this 31 Oct 14:25
· 134 commits to main since this release

License change

The license is changed to GPLv3 from this version.

Released package

Release notes

The full release notes are available at gist.

Change log

Change log in this release:

API changes

API changes in this release:
diff --git a/doc/api-list/Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo/Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo-net6.0.apilist.cs b/doc/api-list/Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo/Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo-net6.0.apilist.cs
index 37197ea..d63c9cd 100644
--- a/doc/api-list/Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo/Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo-net6.0.apilist.cs
+++ b/doc/api-list/Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo/Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo-net6.0.apilist.cs
@@ -1,495 +1,533 @@
-// Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo.dll (Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo-1.0.1)
+// Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo.dll (Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo-2.0.0-preview1)
 //   Name: Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo
-//   AssemblyVersion:
-//   InformationalVersion: 1.0.1+26b3994b9e663ddd0b4c39b0a86948a876d03dad
+//   AssemblyVersion:
+//   InformationalVersion: 2.0.0-preview1+c3a27521d2fb833f09bc65614d55bca81303f12b
 //   TargetFramework: .NETCoreApp,Version=v6.0
 //   Configuration: Release
 //   Referenced assemblies:
 //     Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60
 //     Microsoft.Extensions.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60
 //     Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60
 //     Smdn.Fundamental.PrintableEncoding.Hexadecimal, Version=, Culture=neutral
 //     Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Primitives, Version=, Culture=neutral
 //     System.Collections, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
 //     System.ComponentModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
 //     System.Linq, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
 //     System.Memory, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51
 //     System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
 //     System.Net.Http.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51
 //     System.Net.NetworkInformation, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
 //     System.Net.Primitives, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
 //     System.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
 //     System.Security.Cryptography.Algorithms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
 //     System.Security.Cryptography.Encoding, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
 //     System.Security.Cryptography.Primitives, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
 //     System.Text.Encodings.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51
 //     System.Text.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51
 #nullable enable annotations
 using System;
+using System.Buffers;
 using System.Collections.Generic;
 using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
 using System.Net;
 using System.Net.Http;
 using System.Net.NetworkInformation;
 using System.Security.Cryptography;
 using System.Text.Json;
 using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
 using System.Threading;
 using System.Threading.Tasks;
 using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
 using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
 using Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices;
 using Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo;
 using Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo.Credentials;
 using Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo.Protocol;
 namespace Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo {
   public class L530 : TapoDevice {
     public static L530 Create<TAddress>(TAddress deviceAddress, IServiceProvider serviceProvider, ITapoCredentialProvider? credential = null) where TAddress : notnull {}
     public L530(IDeviceEndPoint deviceEndPoint, ITapoCredentialProvider? credential = null, IServiceProvider? serviceProvider = null) {}
     public L530(IPAddress ipAddress, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     public L530(IPAddress ipAddress, string email, string password, IServiceProvider? serviceProvider = null) {}
     public L530(PhysicalAddress macAddress, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     public L530(PhysicalAddress macAddress, string email, string password, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     public L530(string host, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     public L530(string host, string email, string password, IServiceProvider? serviceProvider = null) {}
     public ValueTask SetBrightnessAsync(int brightness, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
     public ValueTask SetColorAsync(int hue, int saturation, int? brightness = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
     public ValueTask SetColorHueAsync(int hue, int? brightness = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
     public ValueTask SetColorSaturationAsync(int saturation, int? brightness = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
     public ValueTask SetColorTemperatureAsync(int colorTemperature, int? brightness = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
   public class L900 : TapoDevice {
     public static L900 Create<TAddress>(TAddress deviceAddress, IServiceProvider serviceProvider, ITapoCredentialProvider? credential = null) where TAddress : notnull {}
     public L900(IDeviceEndPoint deviceEndPoint, ITapoCredentialProvider? credential = null, IServiceProvider? serviceProvider = null) {}
     public L900(IPAddress ipAddress, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     public L900(IPAddress ipAddress, string email, string password, IServiceProvider? serviceProvider = null) {}
     public L900(PhysicalAddress macAddress, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     public L900(PhysicalAddress macAddress, string email, string password, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     public L900(string host, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     public L900(string host, string email, string password, IServiceProvider? serviceProvider = null) {}
     public ValueTask SetBrightnessAsync(int brightness, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
     public ValueTask SetColorAsync(int hue, int saturation, int? brightness = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
     public ValueTask SetColorHueAsync(int hue, int? brightness, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
     public ValueTask SetColorSaturationAsync(int saturation, int? brightness = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
   public class P105 : TapoDevice {
     public static P105 Create<TAddress>(TAddress deviceAddress, IServiceProvider serviceProvider, ITapoCredentialProvider? credential = null) where TAddress : notnull {}
     public P105(IDeviceEndPoint deviceEndPoint, ITapoCredentialProvider? credential = null, IServiceProvider? serviceProvider = null) {}
     public P105(IPAddress ipAddress, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     public P105(IPAddress ipAddress, string email, string password, IServiceProvider? serviceProvider = null) {}
     public P105(PhysicalAddress macAddress, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     public P105(PhysicalAddress macAddress, string email, string password, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     public P105(string host, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     public P105(string host, string email, string password, IServiceProvider? serviceProvider = null) {}
   public class TapoAuthenticationException : TapoProtocolException {
     public TapoAuthenticationException(string message, Uri endPoint, Exception? innerException = null) {}
   public static class TapoCredentailProviderServiceCollectionExtensions {
     public static IServiceCollection AddTapoBase64EncodedCredential(this IServiceCollection services, string base64UserNameSHA1Digest, string base64Password) {}
     public static IServiceCollection AddTapoCredential(this IServiceCollection services, string email, string password) {}
     public static IServiceCollection AddTapoCredentialProvider(this IServiceCollection services, ITapoCredentialProvider credentialProvider) {}
   public class TapoDevice :
     public static TapoDevice Create(IDeviceEndPoint deviceEndPoint, ITapoCredentialProvider? credential = null, IServiceProvider? serviceProvider = null) {}
     public static TapoDevice Create(IPAddress ipAddress, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     public static TapoDevice Create(IPAddress ipAddress, string email, string password, IServiceProvider? serviceProvider = null) {}
     public static TapoDevice Create(PhysicalAddress macAddress, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     public static TapoDevice Create(PhysicalAddress macAddress, string email, string password, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     public static TapoDevice Create(string host, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     public static TapoDevice Create(string host, string email, string password, IServiceProvider? serviceProvider = null) {}
     public static TapoDevice Create<TAddress>(TAddress deviceAddress, IServiceProvider serviceProvider, ITapoCredentialProvider? credential = null) where TAddress : notnull {}
     protected TapoDevice(IDeviceEndPoint deviceEndPoint, ITapoCredentialProvider? credential, IServiceProvider? serviceProvider) {}
     protected TapoDevice(IDeviceEndPoint deviceEndPoint, ITapoCredentialProvider? credential, TapoDeviceExceptionHandler? exceptionHandler, IServiceProvider? serviceProvider) {}
     protected TapoDevice(IPAddress ipAddress, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     protected TapoDevice(IPAddress ipAddress, string email, string password, IServiceProvider? serviceProvider) {}
     protected TapoDevice(PhysicalAddress macAddress, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     protected TapoDevice(PhysicalAddress macAddress, string email, string password, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     protected TapoDevice(string host, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     protected TapoDevice(string host, string email, string password, IServiceProvider? serviceProvider) {}
     [MemberNotNullWhen(false, "deviceEndPoint")]
     protected bool IsDisposed { [MemberNotNullWhen(false, "deviceEndPoint")] get; }
     public TapoSession? Session { get; }
     public string TerminalUuidString { get; }
     public TimeSpan? Timeout { get; set; }
     protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) {}
     public void Dispose() {}
     protected ValueTask EnsureSessionEstablishedAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
     public ValueTask<TDeviceInfo> GetDeviceInfoAsync<TDeviceInfo>(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
     public ValueTask<TResult> GetDeviceInfoAsync<TDeviceInfo, TResult>(Func<TDeviceInfo, TResult> composeResult, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
     public ValueTask<TapoDeviceInfo> GetDeviceInfoAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
     public ValueTask<bool> GetOnOffStateAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
     public ValueTask<EndPoint> ResolveEndPointAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
     protected ValueTask SendRequestAsync<TRequest, TResponse>(TRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where TRequest : notnull, ITapoPassThroughRequest where TResponse : ITapoPassThroughResponse {}
     protected ValueTask<TResult> SendRequestAsync<TRequest, TResponse, TResult>(TRequest request, Func<TResponse, TResult> composeResult, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where TRequest : notnull, ITapoPassThroughRequest where TResponse : ITapoPassThroughResponse {}
     public ValueTask SetDeviceInfoAsync<TDeviceInfo>(TDeviceInfo deviceInfo, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
     public ValueTask SetOnOffStateAsync(bool newOnOffState, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
     public override string? ToString() {}
     public ValueTask TurnOffAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
     public ValueTask TurnOnAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
   public abstract class TapoDeviceExceptionHandler {
     internal protected static readonly TapoDeviceExceptionHandler Default; // = "Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo.TapoDeviceDefaultExceptionHandler"
     protected TapoDeviceExceptionHandler() {}
     public abstract TapoDeviceExceptionHandling DetermineHandling(TapoDevice device, Exception exception, int attempt, ILogger? logger);
   public static class TapoDeviceExceptionHandlerServiceCollectionExtensions {
     public static IServiceCollection AddTapoDeviceExceptionHandler(this IServiceCollection services, TapoDeviceExceptionHandler exceptionHandler) {}
   public class TapoDeviceInfo {
     public TapoDeviceInfo() {}
     public string? Avatar { get; init; }
     public byte[]? FirmwareId { get; init; }
     public string? FirmwareVersion { get; init; }
     public decimal? GeolocationLatitude { get; init; }
     public decimal? GeolocationLongitude { get; init; }
     public byte[]? HardwareId { get; init; }
     public string? HardwareSpecifications { get; init; }
     public string? HardwareVersion { get; init; }
     public bool HasGeolocationInfoSet { get; init; }
     public IPAddress? IPAddress { get; init; }
     public byte[]? Id { get; init; }
     public bool IsOn { get; init; }
     public bool IsOverheated { get; init; }
     public string? Language { get; init; }
     public PhysicalAddress? MacAddress { get; init; }
     public string? ModelName { get; init; }
     public decimal? NetworkRssi { get; init; }
     public int? NetworkSignalLevel { get; init; }
     public string? NetworkSsid { get; init; }
     public string? NickName { get; init; }
     public byte[]? OemId { get; init; }
     public TimeSpan? OnTimeDuration { get; init; }
     public DateTimeOffset TimeStamp { get; }
     public TimeSpan? TimeZoneOffset { get; init; }
     public string? TimeZoneRegion { get; init; }
     public string? TypeName { get; init; }
   public class TapoErrorResponseException : TapoProtocolException {
     public TapoErrorResponseException(Uri requestEndPoint, string requestMethod, int rawErrorCode) {}
     public int RawErrorCode { get; }
     public string RequestMethod { get; }
   public static class TapoHttpClientFactoryServiceCollectionExtensions {
     public static IServiceCollection AddTapoHttpClient(this IServiceCollection services, Action<HttpClient>? configureClient = null) {}
   public class TapoProtocolException : InvalidOperationException {
     internal protected TapoProtocolException(string message, Uri endPoint, Exception? innerException) {}
     public Uri EndPoint { get; }
+  public static class TapoSessionProtocolSelectorServiceCollectionExtensions {
+    public static IServiceCollection AddTapoProtocolSelector(this IServiceCollection services, Func<TapoDevice, TapoSessionProtocol?> selectProtocol) {}
+  }
   public readonly struct TapoDeviceExceptionHandling {
     public static readonly TapoDeviceExceptionHandling InvalidateEndPointAndRetry; // = "{ShouldRetry=True, RetryAfter=00:00:00, ShouldReestablishSession=False, ShouldWrapIntoTapoProtocolException=False, ShouldInvalidateEndPoint=True}"
     public static readonly TapoDeviceExceptionHandling InvalidateEndPointAndThrow; // = "{ShouldRetry=False, RetryAfter=00:00:00, ShouldReestablishSession=False, ShouldWrapIntoTapoProtocolException=False, ShouldInvalidateEndPoint=True}"
     public static readonly TapoDeviceExceptionHandling Retry; // = "{ShouldRetry=True, RetryAfter=00:00:00, ShouldReestablishSession=False, ShouldWrapIntoTapoProtocolException=False, ShouldInvalidateEndPoint=False}"
     public static readonly TapoDeviceExceptionHandling RetryAfterReestablishSession; // = "{ShouldRetry=True, RetryAfter=00:00:00, ShouldReestablishSession=True, ShouldWrapIntoTapoProtocolException=False, ShouldInvalidateEndPoint=False}"
     public static readonly TapoDeviceExceptionHandling Throw; // = "{ShouldRetry=False, RetryAfter=00:00:00, ShouldReestablishSession=False, ShouldWrapIntoTapoProtocolException=False, ShouldInvalidateEndPoint=False}"
     public static readonly TapoDeviceExceptionHandling ThrowAsTapoProtocolException; // = "{ShouldRetry=False, RetryAfter=00:00:00, ShouldReestablishSession=False, ShouldWrapIntoTapoProtocolException=True, ShouldInvalidateEndPoint=False}"
     public static TapoDeviceExceptionHandling CreateRetry(TimeSpan retryAfter, bool shouldReestablishSession = false) {}
     public TimeSpan RetryAfter { get; init; }
     public bool ShouldInvalidateEndPoint { get; init; }
     public bool ShouldReestablishSession { get; init; }
     public bool ShouldRetry { get; init; }
     public bool ShouldWrapIntoTapoProtocolException { get; init; }
     public override string ToString() {}
 namespace Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo.Credentials {
   public interface ITapoCredential : IDisposable {
+    int HashPassword(HashAlgorithm algorithm, Span<byte> destination);
+    int HashUsername(HashAlgorithm algorithm, Span<byte> destination);
     void WritePasswordPropertyValue(Utf8JsonWriter writer);
     void WriteUsernamePropertyValue(Utf8JsonWriter writer);
   public interface ITapoCredentialIdentity {
   public interface ITapoCredentialProvider {
     ITapoCredential GetCredential(ITapoCredentialIdentity? identity);
   public static class TapoCredentials {
     public const int HexSHA1HashSizeInBytes = 40;
     public static string ToBase64EncodedSHA1DigestString(ReadOnlySpan<char> str) {}
     public static string ToBase64EncodedString(ReadOnlySpan<char> str) {}
+    public static bool TryComputeKlapAuthHash(ITapoCredential credential, Span<byte> destination, out int bytesWritten) {}
     public static bool TryConvertToHexSHA1Hash(ReadOnlySpan<byte> input, Span<byte> destination, out int bytesWritten) {}
 namespace Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo.Json {
   public sealed class TapoBase16ByteArrayJsonConverter : JsonConverter<byte[]> {
     public TapoBase16ByteArrayJsonConverter() {}
     public override byte[]? Read(ref Utf8JsonReader reader, Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options) {}
     public override void Write(Utf8JsonWriter writer, byte[]? @value, JsonSerializerOptions options) {}
   public sealed class TapoBase64StringJsonConverter : JsonConverter<string> {
     public TapoBase64StringJsonConverter() {}
     public override string? Read(ref Utf8JsonReader reader, Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options) {}
     public override void Write(Utf8JsonWriter writer, string? @value, JsonSerializerOptions options) {}
   public sealed class TapoIPAddressJsonConverter : JsonConverter<IPAddress> {
     public TapoIPAddressJsonConverter() {}
     public override IPAddress? Read(ref Utf8JsonReader reader, Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options) {}
     public override void Write(Utf8JsonWriter writer, IPAddress @value, JsonSerializerOptions options) {}
 namespace Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo.Protocol {
   public interface ITapoPassThroughRequest : ITapoRequest {
   public interface ITapoPassThroughResponse : ITapoResponse {
   public interface ITapoRequest {
     string Method { get; }
   public interface ITapoResponse {
     int ErrorCode { get; }
+  public enum TapoSessionProtocol : int {
+    Klap = 1,
+    SecurePassThrough = 0,
+  }
+  public static class HashAlgorithmExtensions {
+    public static bool TryComputeHash(this HashAlgorithm algorithm, Span<byte> destination, ReadOnlySpan<byte> source0, ReadOnlySpan<byte> source1, ReadOnlySpan<byte> source2, ReadOnlySpan<byte> source3, out int bytesWritten) {}
+    public static bool TryComputeHash(this HashAlgorithm algorithm, Span<byte> destination, ReadOnlySpan<byte> source0, ReadOnlySpan<byte> source1, ReadOnlySpan<byte> source2, out int bytesWritten) {}
+  }
+  public class KlapEncryptionAlgorithm {
+    public KlapEncryptionAlgorithm(ReadOnlySpan<byte> localSeed, ReadOnlySpan<byte> remoteSeed, ReadOnlySpan<byte> userHash) {}
+    public ReadOnlySpan<byte> IV { get; }
+    public ReadOnlySpan<byte> Key { get; }
+    public int SequenceNumber { get; }
+    public ReadOnlySpan<byte> Signature { get; }
+    public void Decrypt(ReadOnlySpan<byte> encryptedText, int sequenceNumber, IBufferWriter<byte> destination) {}
+    public int Encrypt(ReadOnlySpan<byte> rawText, IBufferWriter<byte> destination) {}
+    public void Encrypt(ReadOnlySpan<byte> rawText, int sequenceNumber, IBufferWriter<byte> destination) {}
+  }
   public class SecurePassThroughInvalidPaddingException : SystemException {
     public SecurePassThroughInvalidPaddingException(string message, Exception? innerException) {}
   public sealed class SecurePassThroughJsonConverterFactory :
     public SecurePassThroughJsonConverterFactory(ITapoCredentialIdentity? identity, ICryptoTransform? encryptorForPassThroughRequest, ICryptoTransform? decryptorForPassThroughResponse, JsonSerializerOptions? baseJsonSerializerOptionsForPassThroughMessage, ILogger? logger = null) {}
     public override bool CanConvert(Type typeToConvert) {}
     public override JsonConverter? CreateConverter(Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options) {}
     public void Dispose() {}
   public sealed class TapoClient : IDisposable {
     public const int DefaultPort = 80;
     public static IHttpClientFactory DefaultHttpClientFactory { get; }
     public TapoClient(EndPoint endPoint, IHttpClientFactory? httpClientFactory = null, ILogger? logger = null) {}
     public Uri EndPointUri { get; }
     public TapoSession? Session { get; }
     public TimeSpan? Timeout { get; set; }
     public ValueTask AuthenticateAsync(ITapoCredentialIdentity? identity, ITapoCredentialProvider credential, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
+    public ValueTask AuthenticateAsync(TapoSessionProtocol protocol, ITapoCredentialIdentity? identity, ITapoCredentialProvider credential, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
     public void Dispose() {}
     public ValueTask<TResponse> SendRequestAsync<TRequest, TResponse>(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where TRequest : ITapoPassThroughRequest, new() where TResponse : ITapoPassThroughResponse {}
     public ValueTask<TResponse> SendRequestAsync<TRequest, TResponse>(TRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where TRequest : notnull, ITapoPassThroughRequest where TResponse : ITapoPassThroughResponse {}
-  public sealed class TapoSession : IDisposable {
+  public abstract class TapoSession : IDisposable {
     public DateTime ExpiresOn { get; }
     public bool HasExpired { get; }
-    public Uri RequestPathAndQuery { get; }
     public string? SessionId { get; }
-    public string? Token { get; }
+    public abstract string? Token { get; }
+    protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) {}
     public void Dispose() {}
   public static class TapoSessionCookieUtils {
     public static bool TryGetCookie(HttpResponseMessage response, out string? sessionId, out int? sessionTimeout) {}
     public static bool TryGetCookie(IEnumerable<string>? cookieValues, out string? sessionId, out int? sessionTimeout) {}
     public static bool TryParseCookie(ReadOnlySpan<char> cookie, out string? id, out int? timeout) {}
+  public abstract class TapoSessionProtocolSelector {
+    protected TapoSessionProtocolSelector() {}
+    public abstract TapoSessionProtocol? SelectProtocol(TapoDevice device);
+  }
   public readonly struct GetDeviceInfoRequest : ITapoPassThroughRequest {
     public string Method { get; }
     public long RequestTimeMilliseconds { get; }
   public readonly struct GetDeviceInfoResponse<TResult> : ITapoPassThroughResponse {
     public int ErrorCode { get; init; }
     public TResult Result { get; init; }
   public readonly struct HandshakeRequest : ITapoRequest {
     public readonly struct RequestParameters {
       public string Key { get; init; }
       public long RequestTimeMilliseconds { get; }
     public HandshakeRequest(string key) {}
     public string Method { get; }
     public HandshakeRequest.RequestParameters Parameters { get; }
   public readonly struct HandshakeResponse : ITapoResponse {
     public readonly struct ResponseResult {
       public string? Key { get; init; }
     public int ErrorCode { get; init; }
     public HandshakeResponse.ResponseResult Result { get; init; }
   public readonly struct LoginDeviceRequest : ITapoPassThroughRequest {
     public LoginDeviceRequest(ITapoCredentialProvider credential) {}
     public string Method { get; }
     public ITapoCredentialProvider Parameters { get; }
     public long RequestTimeMilliseconds { get; }
   public readonly struct LoginDeviceResponse : ITapoPassThroughResponse {
     public readonly struct ResponseResult {
       public string Token { get; init; }
     public int ErrorCode { get; init; }
     public LoginDeviceResponse.ResponseResult Result { get; init; }
   public readonly struct SecurePassThroughRequest<TPassThroughRequest> : ITapoRequest where TPassThroughRequest : notnull, ITapoPassThroughRequest {
     public readonly struct RequestParams where TPassThroughRequest : notnull, ITapoPassThroughRequest {
       public TPassThroughRequest PassThroughRequest { get; init; }
     public SecurePassThroughRequest(TPassThroughRequest passThroughRequest) {}
     public string Method { get; }
     public SecurePassThroughRequest<TPassThroughRequest>.RequestParams Params { get; }
   public readonly struct SecurePassThroughResponse<TPassThroughResponse> : ITapoResponse where TPassThroughResponse : ITapoPassThroughResponse {
     public readonly struct ResponseResult where TPassThroughResponse : notnull, ITapoPassThroughResponse {
       public TPassThroughResponse PassThroughResponse { get; init; }
     public SecurePassThroughResponse(int errorCode, TPassThroughResponse passThroughResponse) {}
     public int ErrorCode { get; init; }
     public SecurePassThroughResponse<TPassThroughResponse>.ResponseResult Result { get; init; }
   public readonly struct SetDeviceInfoRequest<TParameters> : ITapoPassThroughRequest {
     public SetDeviceInfoRequest(string terminalUuid, TParameters parameters) {}
     public string Method { get; }
     public TParameters Parameters { get; }
     public long RequestTimeMilliseconds { get; }
     public string TerminalUuid { get; }
   public readonly struct SetDeviceInfoResponse<TResult> : ITapoPassThroughResponse {
     public int ErrorCode { get; init; }
     public TResult Result { get; init; }
 // API list generated by Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.ListApi.MSBuild.Tasks v1.2.2.0.
 // Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.ListApi.Core v1.2.0.0 (
diff --git a/doc/api-list/Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo/Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo-net7.0.apilist.cs b/doc/api-list/Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo/Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo-net7.0.apilist.cs
index 41c2640..72af1d2 100644
--- a/doc/api-list/Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo/Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo-net7.0.apilist.cs
+++ b/doc/api-list/Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo/Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo-net7.0.apilist.cs
@@ -1,493 +1,531 @@
-// Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo.dll (Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo-1.0.1)
+// Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo.dll (Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo-2.0.0-preview1)
 //   Name: Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo
-//   AssemblyVersion:
-//   InformationalVersion: 1.0.1+26b3994b9e663ddd0b4c39b0a86948a876d03dad
+//   AssemblyVersion:
+//   InformationalVersion: 2.0.0-preview1+c3a27521d2fb833f09bc65614d55bca81303f12b
 //   TargetFramework: .NETCoreApp,Version=v7.0
 //   Configuration: Release
 //   Referenced assemblies:
 //     Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60
 //     Microsoft.Extensions.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60
 //     Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60
 //     Smdn.Fundamental.PrintableEncoding.Hexadecimal, Version=, Culture=neutral
 //     Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Primitives, Version=, Culture=neutral
 //     System.Collections, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
 //     System.ComponentModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
 //     System.Linq, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
 //     System.Memory, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51
 //     System.Net.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
 //     System.Net.Http.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51
 //     System.Net.NetworkInformation, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
 //     System.Net.Primitives, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
 //     System.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
 //     System.Security.Cryptography, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a
 //     System.Text.Encodings.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51
 //     System.Text.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51
 #nullable enable annotations
 using System;
+using System.Buffers;
 using System.Collections.Generic;
 using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
 using System.Net;
 using System.Net.Http;
 using System.Net.NetworkInformation;
 using System.Security.Cryptography;
 using System.Text.Json;
 using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
 using System.Threading;
 using System.Threading.Tasks;
 using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
 using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
 using Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices;
 using Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo;
 using Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo.Credentials;
 using Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo.Protocol;
 namespace Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo {
   public class L530 : TapoDevice {
     public static L530 Create<TAddress>(TAddress deviceAddress, IServiceProvider serviceProvider, ITapoCredentialProvider? credential = null) where TAddress : notnull {}
     public L530(IDeviceEndPoint deviceEndPoint, ITapoCredentialProvider? credential = null, IServiceProvider? serviceProvider = null) {}
     public L530(IPAddress ipAddress, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     public L530(IPAddress ipAddress, string email, string password, IServiceProvider? serviceProvider = null) {}
     public L530(PhysicalAddress macAddress, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     public L530(PhysicalAddress macAddress, string email, string password, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     public L530(string host, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     public L530(string host, string email, string password, IServiceProvider? serviceProvider = null) {}
     public ValueTask SetBrightnessAsync(int brightness, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
     public ValueTask SetColorAsync(int hue, int saturation, int? brightness = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
     public ValueTask SetColorHueAsync(int hue, int? brightness = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
     public ValueTask SetColorSaturationAsync(int saturation, int? brightness = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
     public ValueTask SetColorTemperatureAsync(int colorTemperature, int? brightness = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
   public class L900 : TapoDevice {
     public static L900 Create<TAddress>(TAddress deviceAddress, IServiceProvider serviceProvider, ITapoCredentialProvider? credential = null) where TAddress : notnull {}
     public L900(IDeviceEndPoint deviceEndPoint, ITapoCredentialProvider? credential = null, IServiceProvider? serviceProvider = null) {}
     public L900(IPAddress ipAddress, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     public L900(IPAddress ipAddress, string email, string password, IServiceProvider? serviceProvider = null) {}
     public L900(PhysicalAddress macAddress, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     public L900(PhysicalAddress macAddress, string email, string password, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     public L900(string host, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     public L900(string host, string email, string password, IServiceProvider? serviceProvider = null) {}
     public ValueTask SetBrightnessAsync(int brightness, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
     public ValueTask SetColorAsync(int hue, int saturation, int? brightness = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
     public ValueTask SetColorHueAsync(int hue, int? brightness, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
     public ValueTask SetColorSaturationAsync(int saturation, int? brightness = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
   public class P105 : TapoDevice {
     public static P105 Create<TAddress>(TAddress deviceAddress, IServiceProvider serviceProvider, ITapoCredentialProvider? credential = null) where TAddress : notnull {}
     public P105(IDeviceEndPoint deviceEndPoint, ITapoCredentialProvider? credential = null, IServiceProvider? serviceProvider = null) {}
     public P105(IPAddress ipAddress, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     public P105(IPAddress ipAddress, string email, string password, IServiceProvider? serviceProvider = null) {}
     public P105(PhysicalAddress macAddress, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     public P105(PhysicalAddress macAddress, string email, string password, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     public P105(string host, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     public P105(string host, string email, string password, IServiceProvider? serviceProvider = null) {}
   public class TapoAuthenticationException : TapoProtocolException {
     public TapoAuthenticationException(string message, Uri endPoint, Exception? innerException = null) {}
   public static class TapoCredentailProviderServiceCollectionExtensions {
     public static IServiceCollection AddTapoBase64EncodedCredential(this IServiceCollection services, string base64UserNameSHA1Digest, string base64Password) {}
     public static IServiceCollection AddTapoCredential(this IServiceCollection services, string email, string password) {}
     public static IServiceCollection AddTapoCredentialProvider(this IServiceCollection services, ITapoCredentialProvider credentialProvider) {}
   public class TapoDevice :
     public static TapoDevice Create(IDeviceEndPoint deviceEndPoint, ITapoCredentialProvider? credential = null, IServiceProvider? serviceProvider = null) {}
     public static TapoDevice Create(IPAddress ipAddress, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     public static TapoDevice Create(IPAddress ipAddress, string email, string password, IServiceProvider? serviceProvider = null) {}
     public static TapoDevice Create(PhysicalAddress macAddress, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     public static TapoDevice Create(PhysicalAddress macAddress, string email, string password, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     public static TapoDevice Create(string host, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     public static TapoDevice Create(string host, string email, string password, IServiceProvider? serviceProvider = null) {}
     public static TapoDevice Create<TAddress>(TAddress deviceAddress, IServiceProvider serviceProvider, ITapoCredentialProvider? credential = null) where TAddress : notnull {}
     protected TapoDevice(IDeviceEndPoint deviceEndPoint, ITapoCredentialProvider? credential, IServiceProvider? serviceProvider) {}
     protected TapoDevice(IDeviceEndPoint deviceEndPoint, ITapoCredentialProvider? credential, TapoDeviceExceptionHandler? exceptionHandler, IServiceProvider? serviceProvider) {}
     protected TapoDevice(IPAddress ipAddress, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     protected TapoDevice(IPAddress ipAddress, string email, string password, IServiceProvider? serviceProvider) {}
     protected TapoDevice(PhysicalAddress macAddress, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     protected TapoDevice(PhysicalAddress macAddress, string email, string password, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     protected TapoDevice(string host, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     protected TapoDevice(string host, string email, string password, IServiceProvider? serviceProvider) {}
     [MemberNotNullWhen(false, "deviceEndPoint")]
     protected bool IsDisposed { [MemberNotNullWhen(false, "deviceEndPoint")] get; }
     public TapoSession? Session { get; }
     public string TerminalUuidString { get; }
     public TimeSpan? Timeout { get; set; }
     protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) {}
     public void Dispose() {}
     protected ValueTask EnsureSessionEstablishedAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
     public ValueTask<TDeviceInfo> GetDeviceInfoAsync<TDeviceInfo>(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
     public ValueTask<TResult> GetDeviceInfoAsync<TDeviceInfo, TResult>(Func<TDeviceInfo, TResult> composeResult, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
     public ValueTask<TapoDeviceInfo> GetDeviceInfoAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
     public ValueTask<bool> GetOnOffStateAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
     public ValueTask<EndPoint> ResolveEndPointAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
     protected ValueTask SendRequestAsync<TRequest, TResponse>(TRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where TRequest : notnull, ITapoPassThroughRequest where TResponse : ITapoPassThroughResponse {}
     protected ValueTask<TResult> SendRequestAsync<TRequest, TResponse, TResult>(TRequest request, Func<TResponse, TResult> composeResult, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where TRequest : notnull, ITapoPassThroughRequest where TResponse : ITapoPassThroughResponse {}
     public ValueTask SetDeviceInfoAsync<TDeviceInfo>(TDeviceInfo deviceInfo, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
     public ValueTask SetOnOffStateAsync(bool newOnOffState, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
     public override string? ToString() {}
     public ValueTask TurnOffAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
     public ValueTask TurnOnAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
   public abstract class TapoDeviceExceptionHandler {
     internal protected static readonly TapoDeviceExceptionHandler Default; // = "Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo.TapoDeviceDefaultExceptionHandler"
     protected TapoDeviceExceptionHandler() {}
     public abstract TapoDeviceExceptionHandling DetermineHandling(TapoDevice device, Exception exception, int attempt, ILogger? logger);
   public static class TapoDeviceExceptionHandlerServiceCollectionExtensions {
     public static IServiceCollection AddTapoDeviceExceptionHandler(this IServiceCollection services, TapoDeviceExceptionHandler exceptionHandler) {}
   public class TapoDeviceInfo {
     public TapoDeviceInfo() {}
     public string? Avatar { get; init; }
     public byte[]? FirmwareId { get; init; }
     public string? FirmwareVersion { get; init; }
     public decimal? GeolocationLatitude { get; init; }
     public decimal? GeolocationLongitude { get; init; }
     public byte[]? HardwareId { get; init; }
     public string? HardwareSpecifications { get; init; }
     public string? HardwareVersion { get; init; }
     public bool HasGeolocationInfoSet { get; init; }
     public IPAddress? IPAddress { get; init; }
     public byte[]? Id { get; init; }
     public bool IsOn { get; init; }
     public bool IsOverheated { get; init; }
     public string? Language { get; init; }
     public PhysicalAddress? MacAddress { get; init; }
     public string? ModelName { get; init; }
     public decimal? NetworkRssi { get; init; }
     public int? NetworkSignalLevel { get; init; }
     public string? NetworkSsid { get; init; }
     public string? NickName { get; init; }
     public byte[]? OemId { get; init; }
     public TimeSpan? OnTimeDuration { get; init; }
     public DateTimeOffset TimeStamp { get; }
     public TimeSpan? TimeZoneOffset { get; init; }
     public string? TimeZoneRegion { get; init; }
     public string? TypeName { get; init; }
   public class TapoErrorResponseException : TapoProtocolException {
     public TapoErrorResponseException(Uri requestEndPoint, string requestMethod, int rawErrorCode) {}
     public int RawErrorCode { get; }
     public string RequestMethod { get; }
   public static class TapoHttpClientFactoryServiceCollectionExtensions {
     public static IServiceCollection AddTapoHttpClient(this IServiceCollection services, Action<HttpClient>? configureClient = null) {}
   public class TapoProtocolException : InvalidOperationException {
     internal protected TapoProtocolException(string message, Uri endPoint, Exception? innerException) {}
     public Uri EndPoint { get; }
+  public static class TapoSessionProtocolSelectorServiceCollectionExtensions {
+    public static IServiceCollection AddTapoProtocolSelector(this IServiceCollection services, Func<TapoDevice, TapoSessionProtocol?> selectProtocol) {}
+  }
   public readonly struct TapoDeviceExceptionHandling {
     public static readonly TapoDeviceExceptionHandling InvalidateEndPointAndRetry; // = "{ShouldRetry=True, RetryAfter=00:00:00, ShouldReestablishSession=False, ShouldWrapIntoTapoProtocolException=False, ShouldInvalidateEndPoint=True}"
     public static readonly TapoDeviceExceptionHandling InvalidateEndPointAndThrow; // = "{ShouldRetry=False, RetryAfter=00:00:00, ShouldReestablishSession=False, ShouldWrapIntoTapoProtocolException=False, ShouldInvalidateEndPoint=True}"
     public static readonly TapoDeviceExceptionHandling Retry; // = "{ShouldRetry=True, RetryAfter=00:00:00, ShouldReestablishSession=False, ShouldWrapIntoTapoProtocolException=False, ShouldInvalidateEndPoint=False}"
     public static readonly TapoDeviceExceptionHandling RetryAfterReestablishSession; // = "{ShouldRetry=True, RetryAfter=00:00:00, ShouldReestablishSession=True, ShouldWrapIntoTapoProtocolException=False, ShouldInvalidateEndPoint=False}"
     public static readonly TapoDeviceExceptionHandling Throw; // = "{ShouldRetry=False, RetryAfter=00:00:00, ShouldReestablishSession=False, ShouldWrapIntoTapoProtocolException=False, ShouldInvalidateEndPoint=False}"
     public static readonly TapoDeviceExceptionHandling ThrowAsTapoProtocolException; // = "{ShouldRetry=False, RetryAfter=00:00:00, ShouldReestablishSession=False, ShouldWrapIntoTapoProtocolException=True, ShouldInvalidateEndPoint=False}"
     public static TapoDeviceExceptionHandling CreateRetry(TimeSpan retryAfter, bool shouldReestablishSession = false) {}
     public TimeSpan RetryAfter { get; init; }
     public bool ShouldInvalidateEndPoint { get; init; }
     public bool ShouldReestablishSession { get; init; }
     public bool ShouldRetry { get; init; }
     public bool ShouldWrapIntoTapoProtocolException { get; init; }
     public override string ToString() {}
 namespace Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo.Credentials {
   public interface ITapoCredential : IDisposable {
+    int HashPassword(HashAlgorithm algorithm, Span<byte> destination);
+    int HashUsername(HashAlgorithm algorithm, Span<byte> destination);
     void WritePasswordPropertyValue(Utf8JsonWriter writer);
     void WriteUsernamePropertyValue(Utf8JsonWriter writer);
   public interface ITapoCredentialIdentity {
   public interface ITapoCredentialProvider {
     ITapoCredential GetCredential(ITapoCredentialIdentity? identity);
   public static class TapoCredentials {
     public const int HexSHA1HashSizeInBytes = 40;
     public static string ToBase64EncodedSHA1DigestString(ReadOnlySpan<char> str) {}
     public static string ToBase64EncodedString(ReadOnlySpan<char> str) {}
+    public static bool TryComputeKlapAuthHash(ITapoCredential credential, Span<byte> destination, out int bytesWritten) {}
     public static bool TryConvertToHexSHA1Hash(ReadOnlySpan<byte> input, Span<byte> destination, out int bytesWritten) {}
 namespace Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo.Json {
   public sealed class TapoBase16ByteArrayJsonConverter : JsonConverter<byte[]> {
     public TapoBase16ByteArrayJsonConverter() {}
     public override byte[]? Read(ref Utf8JsonReader reader, Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options) {}
     public override void Write(Utf8JsonWriter writer, byte[]? @value, JsonSerializerOptions options) {}
   public sealed class TapoBase64StringJsonConverter : JsonConverter<string> {
     public TapoBase64StringJsonConverter() {}
     public override string? Read(ref Utf8JsonReader reader, Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options) {}
     public override void Write(Utf8JsonWriter writer, string? @value, JsonSerializerOptions options) {}
   public sealed class TapoIPAddressJsonConverter : JsonConverter<IPAddress> {
     public TapoIPAddressJsonConverter() {}
     public override IPAddress? Read(ref Utf8JsonReader reader, Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options) {}
     public override void Write(Utf8JsonWriter writer, IPAddress @value, JsonSerializerOptions options) {}
 namespace Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo.Protocol {
   public interface ITapoPassThroughRequest : ITapoRequest {
   public interface ITapoPassThroughResponse : ITapoResponse {
   public interface ITapoRequest {
     string Method { get; }
   public interface ITapoResponse {
     int ErrorCode { get; }
+  public enum TapoSessionProtocol : int {
+    Klap = 1,
+    SecurePassThrough = 0,
+  }
+  public static class HashAlgorithmExtensions {
+    public static bool TryComputeHash(this HashAlgorithm algorithm, Span<byte> destination, ReadOnlySpan<byte> source0, ReadOnlySpan<byte> source1, ReadOnlySpan<byte> source2, ReadOnlySpan<byte> source3, out int bytesWritten) {}
+    public static bool TryComputeHash(this HashAlgorithm algorithm, Span<byte> destination, ReadOnlySpan<byte> source0, ReadOnlySpan<byte> source1, ReadOnlySpan<byte> source2, out int bytesWritten) {}
+  }
+  public class KlapEncryptionAlgorithm {
+    public KlapEncryptionAlgorithm(ReadOnlySpan<byte> localSeed, ReadOnlySpan<byte> remoteSeed, ReadOnlySpan<byte> userHash) {}
+    public ReadOnlySpan<byte> IV { get; }
+    public ReadOnlySpan<byte> Key { get; }
+    public int SequenceNumber { get; }
+    public ReadOnlySpan<byte> Signature { get; }
+    public void Decrypt(ReadOnlySpan<byte> encryptedText, int sequenceNumber, IBufferWriter<byte> destination) {}
+    public int Encrypt(ReadOnlySpan<byte> rawText, IBufferWriter<byte> destination) {}
+    public void Encrypt(ReadOnlySpan<byte> rawText, int sequenceNumber, IBufferWriter<byte> destination) {}
+  }
   public class SecurePassThroughInvalidPaddingException : SystemException {
     public SecurePassThroughInvalidPaddingException(string message, Exception? innerException) {}
   public sealed class SecurePassThroughJsonConverterFactory :
     public SecurePassThroughJsonConverterFactory(ITapoCredentialIdentity? identity, ICryptoTransform? encryptorForPassThroughRequest, ICryptoTransform? decryptorForPassThroughResponse, JsonSerializerOptions? baseJsonSerializerOptionsForPassThroughMessage, ILogger? logger = null) {}
     public override bool CanConvert(Type typeToConvert) {}
     public override JsonConverter? CreateConverter(Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options) {}
     public void Dispose() {}
   public sealed class TapoClient : IDisposable {
     public const int DefaultPort = 80;
     public static IHttpClientFactory DefaultHttpClientFactory { get; }
     public TapoClient(EndPoint endPoint, IHttpClientFactory? httpClientFactory = null, ILogger? logger = null) {}
     public Uri EndPointUri { get; }
     public TapoSession? Session { get; }
     public TimeSpan? Timeout { get; set; }
     public ValueTask AuthenticateAsync(ITapoCredentialIdentity? identity, ITapoCredentialProvider credential, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
+    public ValueTask AuthenticateAsync(TapoSessionProtocol protocol, ITapoCredentialIdentity? identity, ITapoCredentialProvider credential, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
     public void Dispose() {}
     public ValueTask<TResponse> SendRequestAsync<TRequest, TResponse>(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where TRequest : ITapoPassThroughRequest, new() where TResponse : ITapoPassThroughResponse {}
     public ValueTask<TResponse> SendRequestAsync<TRequest, TResponse>(TRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where TRequest : notnull, ITapoPassThroughRequest where TResponse : ITapoPassThroughResponse {}
-  public sealed class TapoSession : IDisposable {
+  public abstract class TapoSession : IDisposable {
     public DateTime ExpiresOn { get; }
     public bool HasExpired { get; }
-    public Uri RequestPathAndQuery { get; }
     public string? SessionId { get; }
-    public string? Token { get; }
+    public abstract string? Token { get; }
+    protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) {}
     public void Dispose() {}
   public static class TapoSessionCookieUtils {
     public static bool TryGetCookie(HttpResponseMessage response, out string? sessionId, out int? sessionTimeout) {}
     public static bool TryGetCookie(IEnumerable<string>? cookieValues, out string? sessionId, out int? sessionTimeout) {}
     public static bool TryParseCookie(ReadOnlySpan<char> cookie, out string? id, out int? timeout) {}
+  public abstract class TapoSessionProtocolSelector {
+    protected TapoSessionProtocolSelector() {}
+    public abstract TapoSessionProtocol? SelectProtocol(TapoDevice device);
+  }
   public readonly struct GetDeviceInfoRequest : ITapoPassThroughRequest {
     public string Method { get; }
     public long RequestTimeMilliseconds { get; }
   public readonly struct GetDeviceInfoResponse<TResult> : ITapoPassThroughResponse {
     public int ErrorCode { get; init; }
     public TResult Result { get; init; }
   public readonly struct HandshakeRequest : ITapoRequest {
     public readonly struct RequestParameters {
       public string Key { get; init; }
       public long RequestTimeMilliseconds { get; }
     public HandshakeRequest(string key) {}
     public string Method { get; }
     public HandshakeRequest.RequestParameters Parameters { get; }
   public readonly struct HandshakeResponse : ITapoResponse {
     public readonly struct ResponseResult {
       public string? Key { get; init; }
     public int ErrorCode { get; init; }
     public HandshakeResponse.ResponseResult Result { get; init; }
   public readonly struct LoginDeviceRequest : ITapoPassThroughRequest {
     public LoginDeviceRequest(ITapoCredentialProvider credential) {}
     public string Method { get; }
     public ITapoCredentialProvider Parameters { get; }
     public long RequestTimeMilliseconds { get; }
   public readonly struct LoginDeviceResponse : ITapoPassThroughResponse {
     public readonly struct ResponseResult {
       public string Token { get; init; }
     public int ErrorCode { get; init; }
     public LoginDeviceResponse.ResponseResult Result { get; init; }
   public readonly struct SecurePassThroughRequest<TPassThroughRequest> : ITapoRequest where TPassThroughRequest : notnull, ITapoPassThroughRequest {
     public readonly struct RequestParams where TPassThroughRequest : notnull, ITapoPassThroughRequest {
       public TPassThroughRequest PassThroughRequest { get; init; }
     public SecurePassThroughRequest(TPassThroughRequest passThroughRequest) {}
     public string Method { get; }
     public SecurePassThroughRequest<TPassThroughRequest>.RequestParams Params { get; }
   public readonly struct SecurePassThroughResponse<TPassThroughResponse> : ITapoResponse where TPassThroughResponse : ITapoPassThroughResponse {
     public readonly struct ResponseResult where TPassThroughResponse : notnull, ITapoPassThroughResponse {
       public TPassThroughResponse PassThroughResponse { get; init; }
     public SecurePassThroughResponse(int errorCode, TPassThroughResponse passThroughResponse) {}
     public int ErrorCode { get; init; }
     public SecurePassThroughResponse<TPassThroughResponse>.ResponseResult Result { get; init; }
   public readonly struct SetDeviceInfoRequest<TParameters> : ITapoPassThroughRequest {
     public SetDeviceInfoRequest(string terminalUuid, TParameters parameters) {}
     public string Method { get; }
     public TParameters Parameters { get; }
     public long RequestTimeMilliseconds { get; }
     public string TerminalUuid { get; }
   public readonly struct SetDeviceInfoResponse<TResult> : ITapoPassThroughResponse {
     public int ErrorCode { get; init; }
     public TResult Result { get; init; }
 // API list generated by Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.ListApi.MSBuild.Tasks v1.2.2.0.
 // Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.ListApi.Core v1.2.0.0 (
diff --git a/doc/api-list/Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo/Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo-netstandard2.1.apilist.cs b/doc/api-list/Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo/Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo-netstandard2.1.apilist.cs
index c121b5b..de60933 100644
--- a/doc/api-list/Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo/Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo-netstandard2.1.apilist.cs
+++ b/doc/api-list/Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo/Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo-netstandard2.1.apilist.cs
@@ -1,483 +1,521 @@
-// Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo.dll (Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo-1.0.1)
+// Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo.dll (Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo-2.0.0-preview1)
 //   Name: Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo
-//   AssemblyVersion:
-//   InformationalVersion: 1.0.1+26b3994b9e663ddd0b4c39b0a86948a876d03dad
+//   AssemblyVersion:
+//   InformationalVersion: 2.0.0-preview1+c3a27521d2fb833f09bc65614d55bca81303f12b
 //   TargetFramework: .NETStandard,Version=v2.1
 //   Configuration: Release
 //   Referenced assemblies:
 //     Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60
 //     Microsoft.Extensions.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60
 //     Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60
 //     Smdn.Fundamental.PrintableEncoding.Hexadecimal, Version=, Culture=neutral
 //     Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Primitives, Version=, Culture=neutral
 //     System.Net.Http.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51
 //     System.Text.Encodings.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51
 //     System.Text.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51
 //     netstandard, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51
 #nullable enable annotations
 using System;
+using System.Buffers;
 using System.Collections.Generic;
 using System.Net;
 using System.Net.Http;
 using System.Net.NetworkInformation;
 using System.Security.Cryptography;
 using System.Text.Json;
 using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
 using System.Threading;
 using System.Threading.Tasks;
 using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
 using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
 using Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices;
 using Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo;
 using Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo.Credentials;
 using Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo.Protocol;
 namespace Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo {
   public class L530 : TapoDevice {
     public static L530 Create<TAddress>(TAddress deviceAddress, IServiceProvider serviceProvider, ITapoCredentialProvider? credential = null) where TAddress : notnull {}
     public L530(IDeviceEndPoint deviceEndPoint, ITapoCredentialProvider? credential = null, IServiceProvider? serviceProvider = null) {}
     public L530(IPAddress ipAddress, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     public L530(IPAddress ipAddress, string email, string password, IServiceProvider? serviceProvider = null) {}
     public L530(PhysicalAddress macAddress, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     public L530(PhysicalAddress macAddress, string email, string password, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     public L530(string host, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     public L530(string host, string email, string password, IServiceProvider? serviceProvider = null) {}
     public ValueTask SetBrightnessAsync(int brightness, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
     public ValueTask SetColorAsync(int hue, int saturation, int? brightness = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
     public ValueTask SetColorHueAsync(int hue, int? brightness = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
     public ValueTask SetColorSaturationAsync(int saturation, int? brightness = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
     public ValueTask SetColorTemperatureAsync(int colorTemperature, int? brightness = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
   public class L900 : TapoDevice {
     public static L900 Create<TAddress>(TAddress deviceAddress, IServiceProvider serviceProvider, ITapoCredentialProvider? credential = null) where TAddress : notnull {}
     public L900(IDeviceEndPoint deviceEndPoint, ITapoCredentialProvider? credential = null, IServiceProvider? serviceProvider = null) {}
     public L900(IPAddress ipAddress, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     public L900(IPAddress ipAddress, string email, string password, IServiceProvider? serviceProvider = null) {}
     public L900(PhysicalAddress macAddress, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     public L900(PhysicalAddress macAddress, string email, string password, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     public L900(string host, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     public L900(string host, string email, string password, IServiceProvider? serviceProvider = null) {}
     public ValueTask SetBrightnessAsync(int brightness, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
     public ValueTask SetColorAsync(int hue, int saturation, int? brightness = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
     public ValueTask SetColorHueAsync(int hue, int? brightness, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
     public ValueTask SetColorSaturationAsync(int saturation, int? brightness = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
   public class P105 : TapoDevice {
     public static P105 Create<TAddress>(TAddress deviceAddress, IServiceProvider serviceProvider, ITapoCredentialProvider? credential = null) where TAddress : notnull {}
     public P105(IDeviceEndPoint deviceEndPoint, ITapoCredentialProvider? credential = null, IServiceProvider? serviceProvider = null) {}
     public P105(IPAddress ipAddress, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     public P105(IPAddress ipAddress, string email, string password, IServiceProvider? serviceProvider = null) {}
     public P105(PhysicalAddress macAddress, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     public P105(PhysicalAddress macAddress, string email, string password, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     public P105(string host, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     public P105(string host, string email, string password, IServiceProvider? serviceProvider = null) {}
   public class TapoAuthenticationException : TapoProtocolException {
     public TapoAuthenticationException(string message, Uri endPoint, Exception? innerException = null) {}
   public static class TapoCredentailProviderServiceCollectionExtensions {
     public static IServiceCollection AddTapoBase64EncodedCredential(this IServiceCollection services, string base64UserNameSHA1Digest, string base64Password) {}
     public static IServiceCollection AddTapoCredential(this IServiceCollection services, string email, string password) {}
     public static IServiceCollection AddTapoCredentialProvider(this IServiceCollection services, ITapoCredentialProvider credentialProvider) {}
   public class TapoDevice :
     public static TapoDevice Create(IDeviceEndPoint deviceEndPoint, ITapoCredentialProvider? credential = null, IServiceProvider? serviceProvider = null) {}
     public static TapoDevice Create(IPAddress ipAddress, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     public static TapoDevice Create(IPAddress ipAddress, string email, string password, IServiceProvider? serviceProvider = null) {}
     public static TapoDevice Create(PhysicalAddress macAddress, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     public static TapoDevice Create(PhysicalAddress macAddress, string email, string password, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     public static TapoDevice Create(string host, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     public static TapoDevice Create(string host, string email, string password, IServiceProvider? serviceProvider = null) {}
     public static TapoDevice Create<TAddress>(TAddress deviceAddress, IServiceProvider serviceProvider, ITapoCredentialProvider? credential = null) where TAddress : notnull {}
     protected TapoDevice(IDeviceEndPoint deviceEndPoint, ITapoCredentialProvider? credential, IServiceProvider? serviceProvider) {}
     protected TapoDevice(IDeviceEndPoint deviceEndPoint, ITapoCredentialProvider? credential, TapoDeviceExceptionHandler? exceptionHandler, IServiceProvider? serviceProvider) {}
     protected TapoDevice(IPAddress ipAddress, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     protected TapoDevice(IPAddress ipAddress, string email, string password, IServiceProvider? serviceProvider) {}
     protected TapoDevice(PhysicalAddress macAddress, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     protected TapoDevice(PhysicalAddress macAddress, string email, string password, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     protected TapoDevice(string host, IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {}
     protected TapoDevice(string host, string email, string password, IServiceProvider? serviceProvider) {}
     protected bool IsDisposed { get; }
     public TapoSession? Session { get; }
     public string TerminalUuidString { get; }
     public TimeSpan? Timeout { get; set; }
     protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) {}
     public void Dispose() {}
     protected ValueTask EnsureSessionEstablishedAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
     public ValueTask<TDeviceInfo> GetDeviceInfoAsync<TDeviceInfo>(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
     public ValueTask<TResult> GetDeviceInfoAsync<TDeviceInfo, TResult>(Func<TDeviceInfo, TResult> composeResult, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
     public ValueTask<TapoDeviceInfo> GetDeviceInfoAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
     public ValueTask<bool> GetOnOffStateAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
     public ValueTask<EndPoint> ResolveEndPointAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
     protected ValueTask SendRequestAsync<TRequest, TResponse>(TRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where TRequest : notnull, ITapoPassThroughRequest where TResponse : ITapoPassThroughResponse {}
     protected ValueTask<TResult> SendRequestAsync<TRequest, TResponse, TResult>(TRequest request, Func<TResponse, TResult> composeResult, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where TRequest : notnull, ITapoPassThroughRequest where TResponse : ITapoPassThroughResponse {}
     public ValueTask SetDeviceInfoAsync<TDeviceInfo>(TDeviceInfo deviceInfo, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
     public ValueTask SetOnOffStateAsync(bool newOnOffState, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
     public override string? ToString() {}
     public ValueTask TurnOffAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
     public ValueTask TurnOnAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
   public abstract class TapoDeviceExceptionHandler {
     internal protected static readonly TapoDeviceExceptionHandler Default; // = "Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo.TapoDeviceDefaultExceptionHandler"
     protected TapoDeviceExceptionHandler() {}
     public abstract TapoDeviceExceptionHandling DetermineHandling(TapoDevice device, Exception exception, int attempt, ILogger? logger);
   public static class TapoDeviceExceptionHandlerServiceCollectionExtensions {
     public static IServiceCollection AddTapoDeviceExceptionHandler(this IServiceCollection services, TapoDeviceExceptionHandler exceptionHandler) {}
   public class TapoDeviceInfo {
     public TapoDeviceInfo() {}
     public string? Avatar { get; init; }
     public byte[]? FirmwareId { get; init; }
     public string? FirmwareVersion { get; init; }
     public decimal? GeolocationLatitude { get; init; }
     public decimal? GeolocationLongitude { get; init; }
     public byte[]? HardwareId { get; init; }
     public string? HardwareSpecifications { get; init; }
     public string? HardwareVersion { get; init; }
     public bool HasGeolocationInfoSet { get; init; }
     public IPAddress? IPAddress { get; init; }
     public byte[]? Id { get; init; }
     public bool IsOn { get; init; }
     public bool IsOverheated { get; init; }
     public string? Language { get; init; }
     public PhysicalAddress? MacAddress { get; init; }
     public string? ModelName { get; init; }
     public decimal? NetworkRssi { get; init; }
     public int? NetworkSignalLevel { get; init; }
     public string? NetworkSsid { get; init; }
     public string? NickName { get; init; }
     public byte[]? OemId { get; init; }
     public TimeSpan? OnTimeDuration { get; init; }
     public DateTimeOffset TimeStamp { get; }
     public TimeSpan? TimeZoneOffset { get; init; }
     public string? TimeZoneRegion { get; init; }
     public string? TypeName { get; init; }
   public class TapoErrorResponseException : TapoProtocolException {
     public TapoErrorResponseException(Uri requestEndPoint, string requestMethod, int rawErrorCode) {}
     public int RawErrorCode { get; }
     public string RequestMethod { get; }
   public static class TapoHttpClientFactoryServiceCollectionExtensions {
     public static IServiceCollection AddTapoHttpClient(this IServiceCollection services, Action<HttpClient>? configureClient = null) {}
   public class TapoProtocolException : InvalidOperationException {
     internal protected TapoProtocolException(string message, Uri endPoint, Exception? innerException) {}
     public Uri EndPoint { get; }
+  public static class TapoSessionProtocolSelectorServiceCollectionExtensions {
+    public static IServiceCollection AddTapoProtocolSelector(this IServiceCollection services, Func<TapoDevice, TapoSessionProtocol?> selectProtocol) {}
+  }
   public readonly struct TapoDeviceExceptionHandling {
     public static readonly TapoDeviceExceptionHandling InvalidateEndPointAndRetry; // = "{ShouldRetry=True, RetryAfter=00:00:00, ShouldReestablishSession=False, ShouldWrapIntoTapoProtocolException=False, ShouldInvalidateEndPoint=True}"
     public static readonly TapoDeviceExceptionHandling InvalidateEndPointAndThrow; // = "{ShouldRetry=False, RetryAfter=00:00:00, ShouldReestablishSession=False, ShouldWrapIntoTapoProtocolException=False, ShouldInvalidateEndPoint=True}"
     public static readonly TapoDeviceExceptionHandling Retry; // = "{ShouldRetry=True, RetryAfter=00:00:00, ShouldReestablishSession=False, ShouldWrapIntoTapoProtocolException=False, ShouldInvalidateEndPoint=False}"
     public static readonly TapoDeviceExceptionHandling RetryAfterReestablishSession; // = "{ShouldRetry=True, RetryAfter=00:00:00, ShouldReestablishSession=True, ShouldWrapIntoTapoProtocolException=False, ShouldInvalidateEndPoint=False}"
     public static readonly TapoDeviceExceptionHandling Throw; // = "{ShouldRetry=False, RetryAfter=00:00:00, ShouldReestablishSession=False, ShouldWrapIntoTapoProtocolException=False, ShouldInvalidateEndPoint=False}"
     public static readonly TapoDeviceExceptionHandling ThrowAsTapoProtocolException; // = "{ShouldRetry=False, RetryAfter=00:00:00, ShouldReestablishSession=False, ShouldWrapIntoTapoProtocolException=True, ShouldInvalidateEndPoint=False}"
     public static TapoDeviceExceptionHandling CreateRetry(TimeSpan retryAfter, bool shouldReestablishSession = false) {}
     public TimeSpan RetryAfter { get; init; }
     public bool ShouldInvalidateEndPoint { get; init; }
     public bool ShouldReestablishSession { get; init; }
     public bool ShouldRetry { get; init; }
     public bool ShouldWrapIntoTapoProtocolException { get; init; }
     public override string ToString() {}
 namespace Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo.Credentials {
   public interface ITapoCredential : IDisposable {
+    int HashPassword(HashAlgorithm algorithm, Span<byte> destination);
+    int HashUsername(HashAlgorithm algorithm, Span<byte> destination);
     [...] <unknown> WritePasswordPropertyValue(...);
     [...] <unknown> WriteUsernamePropertyValue(...);
   public interface ITapoCredentialIdentity {
   public interface ITapoCredentialProvider {
     ITapoCredential GetCredential(ITapoCredentialIdentity? identity);
   public static class TapoCredentials {
     public const int HexSHA1HashSizeInBytes = 40;
     public static string ToBase64EncodedSHA1DigestString(ReadOnlySpan<char> str) {}
     public static string ToBase64EncodedString(ReadOnlySpan<char> str) {}
+    public static bool TryComputeKlapAuthHash(ITapoCredential credential, Span<byte> destination, out int bytesWritten) {}
     public static bool TryConvertToHexSHA1Hash(ReadOnlySpan<byte> input, Span<byte> destination, out int bytesWritten) {}
 namespace Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo.Json {
   public sealed class TapoBase16ByteArrayJsonConverter : JsonConverter<byte[]> {
     public TapoBase16ByteArrayJsonConverter() {}
     public override byte[]? Read(ref Utf8JsonReader reader, Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options) {}
     [...] public override <unknown> Write(...) {}
   public sealed class TapoBase64StringJsonConverter : JsonConverter<string> {
     public TapoBase64StringJsonConverter() {}
     public override string? Read(ref Utf8JsonReader reader, Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options) {}
     [...] public override <unknown> Write(...) {}
   public sealed class TapoIPAddressJsonConverter : JsonConverter<IPAddress> {
     public TapoIPAddressJsonConverter() {}
     public override IPAddress? Read(ref Utf8JsonReader reader, Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options) {}
     [...] public override <unknown> Write(...) {}
 namespace Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo.Protocol {
   public interface ITapoPassThroughRequest : ITapoRequest {
   public interface ITapoPassThroughResponse : ITapoResponse {
   public interface ITapoRequest {
     string Method { get; }
   public interface ITapoResponse {
     int ErrorCode { get; }
+  public enum TapoSessionProtocol : int {
+    Klap = 1,
+    SecurePassThrough = 0,
+  }
+  public static class HashAlgorithmExtensions {
+    public static bool TryComputeHash(this HashAlgorithm algorithm, Span<byte> destination, ReadOnlySpan<byte> source0, ReadOnlySpan<byte> source1, ReadOnlySpan<byte> source2, ReadOnlySpan<byte> source3, out int bytesWritten) {}
+    public static bool TryComputeHash(this HashAlgorithm algorithm, Span<byte> destination, ReadOnlySpan<byte> source0, ReadOnlySpan<byte> source1, ReadOnlySpan<byte> source2, out int bytesWritten) {}
+  }
+  public class KlapEncryptionAlgorithm {
+    public KlapEncryptionAlgorithm(ReadOnlySpan<byte> localSeed, ReadOnlySpan<byte> remoteSeed, ReadOnlySpan<byte> userHash) {}
+    public ReadOnlySpan<byte> IV { get; }
+    public ReadOnlySpan<byte> Key { get; }
+    public int SequenceNumber { get; }
+    public ReadOnlySpan<byte> Signature { get; }
+    public void Decrypt(ReadOnlySpan<byte> encryptedText, int sequenceNumber, IBufferWriter<byte> destination) {}
+    public int Encrypt(ReadOnlySpan<byte> rawText, IBufferWriter<byte> destination) {}
+    public void Encrypt(ReadOnlySpan<byte> rawText, int sequenceNumber, IBufferWriter<byte> destination) {}
+  }
   public class SecurePassThroughInvalidPaddingException : SystemException {
     public SecurePassThroughInvalidPaddingException(string message, Exception? innerException) {}
   public sealed class SecurePassThroughJsonConverterFactory :
     public SecurePassThroughJsonConverterFactory(ITapoCredentialIdentity? identity, ICryptoTransform? encryptorForPassThroughRequest, ICryptoTransform? decryptorForPassThroughResponse, JsonSerializerOptions? baseJsonSerializerOptionsForPassThroughMessage, ILogger? logger = null) {}
     public override bool CanConvert(Type typeToConvert) {}
     public override JsonConverter? CreateConverter(Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options) {}
     public void Dispose() {}
   public sealed class TapoClient : IDisposable {
     public const int DefaultPort = 80;
     public static IHttpClientFactory DefaultHttpClientFactory { get; }
     public TapoClient(EndPoint endPoint, IHttpClientFactory? httpClientFactory = null, ILogger? logger = null) {}
     public Uri EndPointUri { get; }
     public TapoSession? Session { get; }
     public TimeSpan? Timeout { get; set; }
     public ValueTask AuthenticateAsync(ITapoCredentialIdentity? identity, ITapoCredentialProvider credential, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
+    public ValueTask AuthenticateAsync(TapoSessionProtocol protocol, ITapoCredentialIdentity? identity, ITapoCredentialProvider credential, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {}
     public void Dispose() {}
     public ValueTask<TResponse> SendRequestAsync<TRequest, TResponse>(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where TRequest : ITapoPassThroughRequest, new() where TResponse : ITapoPassThroughResponse {}
     public ValueTask<TResponse> SendRequestAsync<TRequest, TResponse>(TRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) where TRequest : notnull, ITapoPassThroughRequest where TResponse : ITapoPassThroughResponse {}
-  public sealed class TapoSession : IDisposable {
+  public abstract class TapoSession : IDisposable {
     public DateTime ExpiresOn { get; }
     public bool HasExpired { get; }
-    public Uri RequestPathAndQuery { get; }
     public string? SessionId { get; }
-    public string? Token { get; }
+    public abstract string? Token { get; }
+    protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) {}
     public void Dispose() {}
   public static class TapoSessionCookieUtils {
     public static bool TryGetCookie(HttpResponseMessage response, out string? sessionId, out int? sessionTimeout) {}
     public static bool TryGetCookie(IEnumerable<string>? cookieValues, out string? sessionId, out int? sessionTimeout) {}
     public static bool TryParseCookie(ReadOnlySpan<char> cookie, out string? id, out int? timeout) {}
+  public abstract class TapoSessionProtocolSelector {
+    protected TapoSessionProtocolSelector() {}
+    public abstract TapoSessionProtocol? SelectProtocol(TapoDevice device);
+  }
   public readonly struct GetDeviceInfoRequest : ITapoPassThroughRequest {
     public string Method { get; }
     public long RequestTimeMilliseconds { get; }
   public readonly struct GetDeviceInfoResponse<TResult> : ITapoPassThroughResponse {
     public int ErrorCode { get; init; }
     public TResult Result { get; init; }
   public readonly struct HandshakeRequest : ITapoRequest {
     public readonly struct RequestParameters {
       public string Key { get; init; }
       public long RequestTimeMilliseconds { get; }
     public HandshakeRequest(string key) {}
     public string Method { get; }
     public HandshakeRequest.RequestParameters Parameters { get; }
   public readonly struct HandshakeResponse : ITapoResponse {
     public readonly struct ResponseResult {
       public string? Key { get; init; }
     public int ErrorCode { get; init; }
     public HandshakeResponse.ResponseResult Result { get; init; }
   public readonly struct LoginDeviceRequest : ITapoPassThroughRequest {
     public LoginDeviceRequest(ITapoCredentialProvider credential) {}
     public string Method { get; }
     public ITapoCredentialProvider Parameters { get; }
     public long RequestTimeMilliseconds { get; }
   public readonly struct LoginDeviceResponse : ITapoPassThroughResponse {
     public readonly struct ResponseResult {
       public string Token { get; init; }
     public int ErrorCode { get; init; }
     public LoginDeviceResponse.ResponseResult Result { get; init; }
   public readonly struct SecurePassThroughRequest<TPassThroughRequest> : ITapoRequest where TPassThroughRequest : notnull, ITapoPassThroughRequest {
     public readonly struct RequestParams where TPassThroughRequest : notnull, ITapoPassThroughRequest {
       public TPassThroughRequest PassThroughRequest { get; init; }
     public SecurePassThroughRequest(TPassThroughRequest passThroughRequest) {}
     public string Method { get; }
     public SecurePassThroughRequest<TPassThroughRequest>.RequestParams Params { get; }
   public readonly struct SecurePassThroughResponse<TPassThroughResponse> : ITapoResponse where TPassThroughResponse : ITapoPassThroughResponse {
     public readonly struct ResponseResult where TPassThroughResponse : notnull, ITapoPassThroughResponse {
       public TPassThroughResponse PassThroughResponse { get; init; }
     public SecurePassThroughResponse(int errorCode, TPassThroughResponse passThroughResponse) {}
     public int ErrorCode { get; init; }
     public SecurePassThroughResponse<TPassThroughResponse>.ResponseResult Result { get; init; }
   public readonly struct SetDeviceInfoRequest<TParameters> : ITapoPassThroughRequest {
     public SetDeviceInfoRequest(string terminalUuid, TParameters parameters) {}
     public string Method { get; }
     public TParameters Parameters { get; }
     public long RequestTimeMilliseconds { get; }
     public string TerminalUuid { get; }
   public readonly struct SetDeviceInfoResponse<TResult> : ITapoPassThroughResponse {
     public int ErrorCode { get; init; }
     public TResult Result { get; init; }
 // API list generated by Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.ListApi.MSBuild.Tasks v1.2.2.0.
 // Smdn.Reflection.ReverseGenerating.ListApi.Core v1.2.0.0 (


Full Changelog: releases/Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo-1.0.1...releases/Smdn.TPSmartHomeDevices.Tapo-2.0.0-preview1