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➤ Next Js Movies

Next Js Movies Search App

Movies Search Application. Test Task.


➤ What this App can do?

This app allows users to search for movies by title and displays the results with relevant details such as movie poster, title, release year, and a brief summary. Users can click on a movie to view more detailed information, such as the movie's rating, genre, cast, and reviews.

Some of the key features of this app include:

  • Real-time search: Search results are updated dynamically as the user types in the search query, providing a seamless and responsive user experience.

  • Responsive design: The app is designed to be fully responsive on all devices, from mobile to desktop, to provide an optimal viewing experience.

  • Pagination: The search results are paginated to improve performance and reduce the load time of the app.

  • State management: The app uses Redux to manage the application's state, providing a predictable and scalable way to handle complex application logic.

  • Third-party API integration: The app integrates with the OMDb API to retrieve movie data, including posters, titles, ratings, and reviews.

Overall, this app provides an easy-to-use and intuitive interface for searching movies, and can be used as a starting point for building more advanced movie-related applications.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.

If you want to raise limit of requests to api, create .env file in folder with package.json

Write inside next code:



A step by step guide on how to get the development environment running.

Clone repository or get the copy in any other way.

npm i
npm run dev

Built With

  • Nex JS - The web framework used
  • Redux - A Predictable State Container for JS Apps
  • MUI - The library used
  • And many other ...



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