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A Bootstrap 4 sandbox built on top of the excellent Yeoman generator: generator-bootstrap4

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Bootstrap4 Sandbox

Built on Yeoman generator-bootstrap4 with the following additions:

  1. grunt-gh-pages to push the dist folder to github pages

App Screenshot

Yeoman Generator

This Bootstrap 4 Sandbox is based on a Yeoman generator: Generator Bootstrap4 by bassjobsen

Install from the generator

Install the generator

Install: npm install -g generator-bootstrap4

Run the generator

yo bootstrap4

Choose options

During the installation for this generator you can choose several configurations:

  1. Choose font-awesome and Octicons - because they are both great icon libraries...
  2. Enable flexbox

Install from this repo

git clone

Install bower deps

bower install

install npm deps

npm install

@ test folder <- check this...

bower install

Build the App


This builds the app from the app folder and runs the Mocha test suite.

Leave this terminal window open to keep tests running in the background.

Testing Note: a project checked into source control and later checked out needs to have bower install run from the test folder as well as from the project root.

That's what it says in the docs for the generator but there isn't a package.json file in the test folder, so don't know what that is about...

However, after downloading and installing from this repo (as opposed to using the generator) I kept having a complaint from grunt

>> Local Npm module "grunt-cafe-mocha" not found. Is it installed?

which I fixed with

npm install grunt-cafe-mocha --save-dev

Not sure why that isn't covered in the generator...

Serve the dev environment

grunt serve

Serves the files from: .tmp Serves files from: app Watches files...

So in development you are editing the app folder and changes are updated automatically in the browser.

Serve the dist folder

grunt serve:dist

Serves files from: dist (after building it...)

Editing, Building and Watching

@ app/index.html

update the site title

<h3 class="text-muted">Bootstrap 4 Sandbox</h3>

The dev server updates the content change automatically.

The dist folder needs to be rebuilt before the changes can be seen.

Stop the server ctl-c. and restart...

grunt serve:dist

Remember if you are pushing the dist folder to github pages using grunt-gh-pages you need to rebuild the dist folder before pushing to github.

Pushing to Github Pages

Push using (grunt-gh-pages)[]


install the plugin

npm install grunt-gh-pages --save-dev

enable (require) the plugin

@ Gruntfile.js

module.exports = function (grunt) {

  // load module


Add task to deploy the dist folder to gh-pages

@ Gruntfile.js

  // Define the configuration for all the tasks

    // Project settings
    config: config,

    // Push the dist folder to gh-pages
    'gh-pages': {
      options: {
        base: 'dist'
      src: ['**']


Setup Git

Edit .gitignor

# Apple stuff

# Caches

# Modules

# Grunt generated builds

Initialize git

git init


git add .


git commit -m "first commit"

Push dist to gh-pages

 grunt gh-pages

Processing HTML additional pages


A Bootstrap 4 sandbox built on top of the excellent Yeoman generator: generator-bootstrap4







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