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CleuRoS: CLRS Pseudocode Language

The is a course project for COMS4115 Programming Languages and Translators, Spring 2022.

Team members:

  • Samuel Meshoyrer
  • Brian Paick
  • Kaiwen Xue
  • Yuki Guo

This repo contains the design documents and a reference compiler of a new programming language CLeuRoS. The language aims at bridging the gap between the pseudocode in Introduction to Algorithms (CLRS) and actual programming languages such as C++.

Bubble Sort in CLeuRoS

Bubble sort in CLeuRoS:

arr := [4, 5, 2, 1]
for i := 0 to arr.length - 2
		for j := arr.length - 1 downto i + 1
			if arr[j] < arr[j - 1]
				exchange arr[j] with arr[j - 1]

Bubble sort in CLRS:

Compile Your CLeuRoS code

Tested on

  • OCaml 4.12.0
  • LLVM 13.0.0
  • MacOS 11.x and 12.x

First, change to the lib directory. You should build the compiler cleuros.native. The compiler will accept a CLeuRoS source file and translate it to LLVM IR.

$ cd lib
$ make
$ ./cleuros.native ../test/

Now you have a gcd.out file in lib. That is the LLVM IR of You then can either interpret it using lli or compile it to assembly code using llc.

$ lli gcd.out


$ llc gcd.out -o gcd.s
$ gcc gcd.s -o gcd
$ ./gcd

Alteratively, in lib, you can generate and run an *.out LLVM bitcode for source program<> placed in demo/ using

$ ./ gcd
$ lli gcd.out

Running Tests

Python implementations of the same CLeuRoS code are provided and we compare and verify the results. To run our test, go to the test directory and run our test script.

$ cd test
$ ./