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DALL·E 3 V2 demonstration GIF

Problem 🤔

AI/OpenAI was one of the hottest topics in 2023. With OpenAI releasing their API for developers to experiment with, I know I had to try it out myself!

Solution 💡

This AI image generator utilizes OpenAI's API to generate a 1024x1024 image using DALLE 3. Using the input and select fields, users can create a prompt that also specifies illustration styles (eg, 3D render, anime, cubism, etc). The site also features conditional rendering with loading states and responsive web-design.

Technologies Used ⚙

  • API
  • DaisyUI
  • DALLE 3
  • JavaScript
  • Node.js
  • OpenAI
  • React
  • Visual Studio Code

Challenges 💢

At the time, I was unaware that useState was asynchronous and referred to the documentation to understand why there was a delay in changing the loading state whenever an API call was made. I also had some issues making the design responsive to my liking. Thankfully, both of these issues were resolved via documentation and trial-and-error!

Insights 💭

I loved this project and how it turned out! I'm thankful for the team that developed DaisyUI because these components are beautifully made and easy to use. In the future, I might utilize text-to-speech via OpenAI's other functionalities.

Contact 📲

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