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JSON Type Definition (RFC8927) to TypeScript compiler.

  • Compile enums, interface and types;
  • Modify naming of enums, enum keys and values, interfaces, types, properties and any other rendered entities;
  • Compile validator functions that produce an array of detected validation errors;
  • Validators support recursive structures and shallow checks;
  • Compile type narrowing functions aka type guards;
  • Create custom validator dialect and have explicit control over every aspect of code generation;
  • CLI and programmatic usage;

Full API documentation.

npm install --save-dev @jtdc/cli

By default, validators and type guards use a @jtdc/jtd-dialect runtime dependency. You can alter validator compiler dialect by providing validatorDialectFactory option to the compiler.

npm install --save-prod @jtdc/jtd-dialect

CLI usage

Let's assume you have user and account type definitions in separate files under ./src folder:


  "user": {
    "properties": {
      "email": {"type": "string"},
      "friends": {
        "elements": {"ref": "user"}
    "optionalProperties": {
      "name": {"type": "string"},
      "age": {"type": "int8"}


  "account": {
    "properties": {
      "user": {"ref": "./user.json#user"},
      "stats": {
        "properties": {
          "visitCount": {"type": "int32"}
    "optionalProperties": {
      "roles": {
        "metadata": {
          "comment": "The default role is guest"
        "elements": {"ref": "role"}
  "role": {
    "enum": ["admin", "guest"]

To compile these definitions to TypeScript use this command:

npx jtdc --package @jtdc/cli --rootDir ./src --includes '*.json' --outDir ./src/gen --typeGuards

The result would be output to ./src/gen folder:


import * as runtime from '@jtdc/jtd-dialect/lib/runtime';

export interface User {
  email: string;
  friends: Array<User>;
  name?: string;
  age?: number;

export let validateUser: runtime.Validator = (a, b, c) => {
  let d, e, f, g, h;
  b = b || {};
  c = c || '';
  if (runtime.checkObject(a, b, c)) {
    runtime.checkString(, b, c + '/email');
    d = a.friends;
    e = c + '/friends';
    if (runtime.checkArray(d, b, e)) {
      for (f = 0; f < d.length; f++) {
        validateUser(d[f], b, e + runtime.JSON_POINTER_SEPARATOR + f);
    g =;
    if (runtime.isDefined(g)) {
      runtime.checkString(g, b, c + '/name');
    h = a.age;
    if (runtime.isDefined(h)) {
      runtime.checkInteger(h, b, c + '/age');
  return b.errors;

export let isUser = (value: unknown): value is User => !validateUser(value, {shallow: true});


import * as runtime from '@jtdc/jtd-dialect/lib/runtime';
import {User, validateUser} from './user';

export interface Account {
  user: User;
  stats: { visitCount: number; };
   * The default role is guest
  roles?: Array<Role>;

export enum Role {
  ADMIN = 'admin',
  GUEST = 'guest',

export let validateAccount: runtime.Validator = (a, b, c) => {
  let d, e, f, g, h;
  b = b || {};
  c = c || '';
  if (runtime.checkObject(a, b, c)) {
    validateUser(a.user, b, c + '/user');
    d = a.stats;
    e = c + '/stats';
    if (runtime.checkObject(d, b, e)) {
      runtime.checkInteger(d.visitCount, b, e + '/visitCount');
    f = a.roles;
    if (runtime.isDefined(f)) {
      g = c + '/roles';
      if (runtime.checkArray(f, b, g)) {
        for (h = 0; h < f.length; h++) {
          validateRole(f[h], b, g + runtime.JSON_POINTER_SEPARATOR + h);
  return b.errors;

export let isAccount = (value: unknown): value is Account => !validateAccount(value, {shallow: true});

export let validateRole: runtime.Validator = (a, b, c) => {
  b = b || {};
  runtime.checkEnum(a, (validateRole.cache ||= {}).a ||= ['admin', 'guest'], b, c || '');
  return b.errors;

export let isRole = (value: unknown): value is Role => !validateRole(value, {shallow: true});

You can find the source code of this example here.

Programmatic usage

Full API documentation.

import {compileModules} from '@jtdc/compiler';
import userJson from './src/user.json';
import accountJson from './src/account.json';

  './user': userJson,
  './account': accountJson,
// → {'./user': 'import …', './account': 'import …'}