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Allocating resources to Docker using WSL2 (recommended method)

Anthony edited this page Oct 12, 2020 · 1 revision

This method of allocating resources to Docker requires Windows 10 version 2004 and is more robust.

Proceed to the alternate method using "Vmmem" if you cannot install Windows version 2004 or higher.

Here, we utilize a new Windows feature, Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 or WSL2, to provide Docker access to a native Linux subsystem that can utilize compute resources like any other program on Windows.

  1. Go to "About your PC" and check that your Windows version is at least version #2004
  2. Install Ubuntu 20.04 from Microsoft store
  3. Enable the WSL feature
  4. Restart your computer
  5. Start up Ubuntu 20.04 and complete setup
  6. Ensure that WSL2 is enabled in Docker Desktop.