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Underscorer is a functioner 😄 and chainer 😏 for underscore

What is the meaning of underscorer?

First you must understand the meaning of functioner and chainer.

As you know, the er suffix in English can be used to describe the subject who performs a task, e.g. employer for the person who employs. Similarly, the functioner is the one who creates a function and chainer chains them together like functional languages.

Underscorer is a functioner and chainer for underscore


$ npm install underscorer
$ bower install underscorer
$ meteor add underscorer


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var _r = require('underscorer');


<script src="underscore.js"></script>
<script src="underscorer.js"></script>


In underscore, the _.last function returns the last item of passed array

_.last([3, 4, 1, 5]); // 5

Underscorer replaces it by _r.laster (last + er) function. It creates a function which whenever called, returns the last item of array. Because underscorer is a functioner.

var fn = _r.laster()
fn([3, 4, 1, 5]); // 5
fn([5, 2, 6, 1]); // 1


Suppose that you want to calculate the sum of squares of values which are stored in the last item of another list.

var l = [{a: 1, b: 4}, {a: 3}, {a: 3, c: 4}];
_.reduce(,function (i) {return i * i;}),function(a, b){ return a + b});

The underscorer isn't just a simple functioner but also a chainer. That is, you can chain functions together.

var fn = _r
    .maper(function (i) { return i * i; })        // maper!? I know :D
                                                  // ... but this is map + er
    .reduceer(function (a, b) { return a + b; }); 

fn([{a: 1, b: 4}, {a: 3}, {a: 3, c: 4}]);         // 25
fn([{i: 1, j: 8}, {k: 1, l: 2}]);                 // 5

Obtained functions can be reused anywhere. Call them multiple times or use them within other chains.

var fnBase = _r
var fnPow2 = fnBase.maper(function (i) {
    return i * i;

var fnPow3 = fnBase.maper(function (i) {
    return i * i * i;

fnBase([{i: 1, j: 2}, {k: 5}, {k: 3, l: 2}]); // [ 3, 2 ]
fnPow2([{i: 1, j: 2}, {k: 5}, {k: 3, l: 2}]); // [ 9, 4 ]
fnPow3([{i: 1, j: 2}, {k: 5}, {k: 3, l: 2}]); // [ 27, 8 ]

Underscorer as a function

Underscore support object-oriented style of coding too. It allows passing the list/object/iteratee as an underscore object and so saves passing it to the last, values, etc. in the functional style. Similarly, the underscorer gets the list argument using _r function.

// underscore
_([1, 2, 3]).last(); // 3

// underscorer
_r([1, 2, 3]).laster(); // function
_r([1, 2, 3]).laster()(); // 3
// chaining
_r([[2, 4], [4, 5], [5, 6]])
    .maper(function(i){return i * i})();          // [ 25, 36 ]
// forking chains
var fn = _r([[2, 4], [4, 5], [5, 6]]).laster();   // function
fn.maper(function(i){return i * i})();            // [ 25, 36 ]
fn.maper(function(i){return i * i * i})();        // [ 125, 216 ]


All functions of underscore + er suffix :)

For example: laster, firster, sampleer, and sortByer. And Functions that supported in underscore chain: poper, pusher, reverseer, shifter, sorter, spliceer, unshifter, concater, joiner , and sliceer.

Note: underscore extend, default, pop, push, reverse, shift, sort, splice, unshift functions are mutable. Similarly underscorer.

var x = [1, 2, 3];
var y = _r(x).pusher(4)(); // mutable
x               // [1, 2, 3, 4]
x === y         // true


Underscorer is a functioner 😄 and chainer 😏 for underscore







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