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Investigating the influence of different data processing methods on VO2max determination


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Data Processing Strategies to Determine Maximum Oxygen Uptake: A Systematic Scoping Review and Experimental Comparison

A sport science project. Published as an article in Sports Medicine:

Nolte, S., Rein, R. & Quittmann, O.J. Data Processing Strategies to Determine Maximum Oxygen Uptake: A Systematic Scoping Review and Experimental Comparison with Guidelines for Reporting. Sports Med (2023).

Read the preregistration on OSF.

Background & Aim

Raw breath-by-breath data is noisy and requires post-processing. Different processing strategies can influence outcome variables, such as the maximum oxygen uptake (V̇O2max). This project provides a systematic mapping of current processing practices and their reporting in the scientific literature. It additionally compares the most common practices on the basis of N = 72 standardized exercise tests.

Repository Structure

The scripts folder contains the full analysis scripts for both the scoping review and the experimental comparison of processing strategies.

The data folder contains all data from the review (e.g., search results, screening results, extracted data) and from the experiments (raw breath-by-breath data). See the data-README for more details.

The plot folder contains all images generated during the analysis.

The preregistration folder lists all documents of the preregistration (also published on the OSF).

The thesis folder contains the bachelor thesis (PDF) related to this project and its source code.

You can rerun the analyses of this project using R and Quarto. Simply download the repository, open it in R, and run the command renv::restore() to install all necessary packages.


This project uses a CC-BY 4.0 license, which also applies to all data published in this repository. All code is additionally licensed under an MIT license. The thesis document is released under a CC-BY-NC-ND license.


Investigating the influence of different data processing methods on VO2max determination




