CO₂ levels measured indoors can be used as an indicator of air quality.
Outdoor air has a CO₂ ppm level of 400 ppm. Humans exhale air with 40000 ppm. You can calculate the percentage of exhaust air you are breathing by dividing measured CO₂ level above outdoor by the human exhaust level. Used air might contain aerosols which might contain the corona virus.
High indoor CO₂ levels also have an impact on the cognitive performance of humans.
Smoca AG decided to build this easy to reproduce CO₂ measuring device to help slow the spread of the corona virus in offices. It supports its users in deciding when ventilating the room begin monitored is advisable. It also raises awareness for the correlation between CO₂ level and air quality.
The following hardware is needed:
Note: The optional battery increases the battery operation time from 6 to 10 hours.
To initialise the device do the following:
- Install Platformio IDE or PlatformIO Core to use another IDE
- Open the
project folder - Flash the
script to your M5 Stack Core2 withpio run -t upload --upload-port {your_device}
. You can see a list of your devices withpio device list
. Dependencies are installed automatically.
The SCD30 can be calibrated manually or automatically. For manual calibration, the device must be placed outdoors for at least five minutes. Then the calibration can be adjusted. Fresh air has a CO₂ concentration of about 400 ppm. To use automatic calibration, the device must have access to fresh air for at least one hour a day.
To use MQTT, synchronization and update functionality the device must have internet connection. To add WiFi credentials the device opens an access point with a web interface (Default IP is
MQTT can be used to send the sensors data to a custom MQTT broker. Server, Port, Topic, Device name, Username and Password can also be configured in the web interface. Each minute the device sends its data in the following format: {TOPIC}/{CATEGORY} {VALUE}
. Here an example: sensor/co2 650
Topics are able to have subtopics: office2/meeting_room1/co2 1100
The following categories are provided by the device: /co2
, /humidity
, /temperature
To keep time up to date the device synchronizes with a time server each night between two and three o'clock.
Is a new firmware available, it can manually be updated via WiFi.
Using SNMP you are able to read the values of the co2, temperature and humidity sensors and also check the battery status of the device:
- First you have to make sure you have net-snmp installed on your system. You can do this using your package manager or by downloading it from
- Second you have to find out where your mib files are stored using the command
net-snmp-config --default-mibdirs
. - Then you have to copy the mib file from
into one of the listed directories. e.g.cp snmp-mib/sensorhub.mib ~/.snmp/mibs
- Done that, you can now use snmptable to list the sensors:
snmptable -m +SENSORHUB-MIB -c public {IP-Address} shSensorTable
Which should output the following:or to list the measurement values:SNMP table: SENSORHUB-MIB::shSensorTable shSensorName SCD30 BATTERY
snmptable -m +SENSORHUB-MIB -c public {IP-Address} shMeasurementTable
Which should output something like this:SNMP table: SENSORHUB-MIB::shMeasurementTable shMeasurementType shMeasurementValue co2 617 temperature 207 humidity 433 voltage 3 electricCurrent 276
Disclaimer This is not a safety device. Always follow the local regulations regarding corona safety. No warranty is provided
- The graphs alway show the last six hours. Every line on the graph represents the measurement of one minute. The last value measured in the given minute is used for the graph.
- To switch between different graphs (temperature / humidity / battery / co2) touch the corresponding value in the display
If a microsd card formated with fat is present, a csv file, data.txt will be written every 2 seconds with the timestamp, the co2 level, the humidity, the temperature and the current battery charge.
level | color | description |
< 600 ppm | blue | outdoor air |
600 - 800 ppm | green | fresh indoor air |
800 - 1000 ppm | yellow | indoor air, ventilate the room if possible, small possibility of virus transmission |
1000 - 1400 ppm | orange | used indoor air, ventilate the room, cognition is impacted, possibility of virus transmission |
> 1400 ppm | red | heavy used indoor air, heavy cognition impact, high possiblity of virus transmission, ventilation needed. |
- We use it at our office to control a couple of exhaust / inlet pwm computer fans to keep the CO₂ level below 800 ppm.
- We log the measurement results to a influxdb with a grafana dashboard. The grafana instance sends alerts to telegram for CO₂ levels above 800 ppm.
If you have any suggestions for the project feel free to file an issue. If you want to build the device on a bigger scale / have any other development / prototyping needs, feel free to contact us:
Copyright (c) 2020 David Gunzinger / smoca AG
Code: GPL v3
Text / Graphics / Photographs: CC BY-SA