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Express.js version hosted on Render:

Serverless version hosted on Vercel:

Run on localhost using Express server

Run on localhost using Vercel serverless

  • vercel dev

This will start an express server on port 3000 which is watched by nodemon for server/api changes. Typescript files are watched and bundled via esbuild.

You also need to create a .env file in root and add followings values there:

db_uri_local = "mongodb://username:password@"
db_uri_remote = "mongodb+srv://"
development = "false"
admin_username = "[username]"
admin_password = "[password]"

If in .env file development is set to true, you need to install and start a MongoDB instance on your localhost. For information on setting up MongoDB on localhost see file. To start your MongoDB instance, use command:

mongod --config /usr/local/etc/mongod.conf

Deploy to Vercel

vercel --prod