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Scripts that deal with a bunch of git repositories

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Git: Multi-Repository

This project provides a couple of scripts which handle multiple Git repositories at once. One can provide a list of directories to scan for repositories (non-recursively) on the command line or through Git's configuration mechanism.

The scripts provided as of now are:

  • git-multi-status: Show the status of a bunch of Git repositories.
  • git-activity-report: Make a report of developments in a bunch of Git repositories.
  • git-fetch-all: Call git fetch a bunch of Git repositories.

It may be interesting for the user to also alias them in ~/.gitconfig, for instance:

    mst = multi-status --show-all-extras
    arfd = activity-report --since

See below for detailed usage information ⮷.

Usage: Git-multi-status

Show the status of a bunch of Git repositories.

Use git multi-status /path/to/repos1 /path/to/repos2 to display a compact report of all the git repositories found in the folders /path/to/repos1 and /path/to/repos2.

Default paths to explore can be set in Git's configuration:

git config --global --add multi-git.paths /path/to/repos1
git config --global --add multi-git.paths /path/to/repos2

The table shows 7 columns:

  • Untrk→ Untracked files.
  • Modf → Modified files.
  • Ahd → Branches ahead of their remote.
  • Bhd → Branches behind on their remote.
  • Umr → Branches not merged in HEAD.
  • Lcl → Not-remote-tracking local branches.
  • L/H → Not-remote-tracking local branches not merged in HEAD.


  • --show-modified: Show the list of modified files.
  • --show-ahead: Show the list of ahead branches.
  • --show-local: Show the list of local branches.
  • --show-all-extras: Like all the --show-* options together.
  • --no-config: Do not look at the multi-git.paths git-config option.
  • --version: Show version information.
  • --describe: Show the status of a bunch of Git repositories

See also git-multi-status --help.

Usage: Git-activity-report

Make a report of developments in a bunch of Git repositories.

Use git activity-report --since 2018-10-31 /path/to/repos1 /path/to/repos2 to display a detailed “recent happenings” report of all the git repositories found in the folders /path/to/repos1 and /path/to/repos2.

Default paths to explore can be set in Git's configuration:

git config --global --add multi-git.paths /path/to/repos1
git config --global --add multi-git.paths /path/to/repos2


  • --no-config: Do not look at the multi-git.paths git-config option.
  • --since <string>: Date to get the logs/information since (default: “last sunday”).
  • --section-base <string>: The base markdown section ('##', '###', etc. default: ###)
  • --fetch: Run git fetch --all before showing a repository.
  • --version: Show version information.
  • --describe: Make a report of developments in a bunch of Git repositories

See also git-activity-report --help.

Current Limitations:

  • Often, there are redundancies between branches that the script does not detect.

Usage: Git-fetch-all

Call git fetch a bunch of Git repositories.

Use git fetch-all /path/to/repos1 /path/to/repos2 to run git fetch --all in the folders /path/to/repos1 and /path/to/repos2.

Default paths to explore can be set in Git's configuration:

git config --global --add multi-git.paths /path/to/repos1
git config --global --add multi-git.paths /path/to/repos2


  • --no-config: Do not look at the multi-git.paths git-config option.
  • --version: Show version information.
  • --describe: Call git fetch a bunch of Git repositories

See also git-fetch-all --help.

Authors / Making-of

This repository is generated by an OCaml program which itself was written by Seb Mondet, it uses the Genspio EDSL library, and serves as one of its examples of usage, see also its implementation.

Similarly, you may check out the repository, which is also a bunch of shell scripts maintained by an OCaml program.

Example Session / Demo

Let's see a sequence of examples to demo the scripts. First, we prepare a set of “test” repositories in /tmp/git-repos-example:

$ mkdir -p /tmp/git-repos-example/hammerlab
$ mkdir -p /tmp/git-repos-example/smondet
$ mkdir -p /tmp/git-repos-example/bitbucket
$ git clone \
$ git clone \
$ git clone \
$ git clone \
$ git clone \
$ git clone \
$ git clone \

For now, we haven't changed anything to the repositories so the “multi-status” is full of zeros (we use the --no-config option to get consistent output w.r.t. users' configuration):

$ git multi-status --no-config /tmp/git-repos-example/hammerlab \
  /tmp/git-repos-example/smondet /tmp/git-repos-example/bitbucket
    #=== /tmp/git-repos-example/hammerlab:================================================
                                             | Untrk | Modf | Ahd | Bhd | Umr | Lcl | L/H |
    GHub::biokepi............................| 0     | 0    | 0   | 0   | 0   | 0   | 0   |
    GHub::coclobas...........................| 0     | 0    | 0   | 0   | 0   | 0   | 0   |
    GHub::genspio............................| 0     | 0    | 0   | 0   | 0   | 0   | 0   |
    GHub::ketrew.............................| 0     | 0    | 0   | 0   | 0   | 0   | 0   |
    #=== /tmp/git-repos-example/smondet:==================================================
                                             | Untrk | Modf | Ahd | Bhd | Umr | Lcl | L/H |
    GLab::genspio-doc........................| 0     | 0    | 0   | 0   | 0   | 0   | 0   |
    GLab::vecosek............................| 0     | 0    | 0   | 0   | 0   | 0   | 0   |
    #=== /tmp/git-repos-example/bitbucket:================================================
                                             | Untrk | Modf | Ahd | Bhd | Umr | Lcl | L/H |
    BBkt::nonstd.............................| 0     | 0    | 0   | 0   | 0   | 0   | 0   |

The activity-report is, for now, more interesting, and it outputs directly Markdown:

$ git activity-report --section-base '####' --since 2018-10-31 \
  --no-config /tmp/git-repos-example/hammerlab \
  /tmp/git-repos-example/smondet /tmp/git-repos-example/bitbucket

In /tmp/git-repos-example/hammerlab

GHub: genspio

Working tree:

## master...origin/master


*  (origin/sm@git-fetch-all) Qualify known remotes (`git-fetch-all`)
*  Display `No remotes` when there are no remotes
*  Improve the multigit README
*  Improve display of `git-fetch-all`
*  Add the script `git-fetch-all` to `multigit`
*  (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) Merge
|   `sm@improve-multigit-display` (PR #100)
*  (origin/sm@improve-multigit-display) Get multigit version-string from
|   environment
*  Improve multigi README
*  Add `--show-all-extras` (`git-multi-status`)
*  Fix typo in column description
*  Fix `Git.wrap_string_hack` (when last is a merge)
*  Add option `--show-local`
*  Fix display bug (some terminals had trouble)
*  Add a really-local-branches column
*  Add option `--show-ahead` to `git-multi-status`
*  Add the `Lcl` column to the multi-status
*  Fix both multigit scripts for relative paths
*  Fix multi-status display on OSX
*  Improve `` generation
*  Add help-message about multi-status columns
*  Update multigit tests
On HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD
  • Update multigit tests.
  • Add help-message about multi-status columns.
  • Improve generation.
  • Fix multi-status display on OSX.
  • Fix both multigit scripts for relative paths.
  • Add the Lcl column to the multi-status.
    This also improves the test, cf. more precise grep call.
  • Add option --show-ahead to git-multi-status.
  • Add a really-local-branches column.
  • Fix display bug (some terminals had trouble).
  • Add option --show-local.
  • Fix Git.wrap_string_hack (when last is a merge).
  • Fix typo in column description.
  • Add --show-all-extras (git-multi-status).
  • Improve multigi README.
  • Get multigit version-string from environment.
  • Merge sm@improve-multigit-display (PR #100).
On origin/sm@improve-multigit-display
  • Update multigit tests.
  • Add help-message about multi-status columns.
  • Improve generation.
  • Fix multi-status display on OSX.
  • Fix both multigit scripts for relative paths.
  • Add the Lcl column to the multi-status.
    This also improves the test, cf. more precise grep call.
  • Add option --show-ahead to git-multi-status.
  • Add a really-local-branches column.
  • Fix display bug (some terminals had trouble).
  • Add option --show-local.
  • Fix Git.wrap_string_hack (when last is a merge).
  • Fix typo in column description.
  • Add --show-all-extras (git-multi-status).
  • Improve multigi README.
  • Get multigit version-string from environment.

In /tmp/git-repos-example/smondet

In /tmp/git-repos-example/bitbucket

The script git-fetch-all is the simplest it just provides a nice display even when working with ≥ 30 repositories, and with errors, so we are going to add a couple of wrong remotes to spice things up.

$ git -C /tmp/git-repos-example/hammerlab/ketrew remote add wrong-http \
$ git -C /tmp/git-repos-example/smondet/vecosek remote add wrong-ssh \

And now, we call git-fetch-all:

$ git fetch-all --no-config /tmp/git-repos-example/hammerlab \
  /tmp/git-repos-example/smondet /tmp/git-repos-example/bitbucket
    >> Repository biokepi: [GHub:origin OK]
    >> Repository coclobas: [GHub:origin OK]
    >> Repository genspio: [GHub:origin OK]
    >> Repository ketrew: [GHub:origin OK][Unkn:wrong-http ERROR]
    >> Repository genspio-doc: [GLab:origin OK]
    >> Repository vecosek: [GLab:origin OK][GLab:wrong-ssh ERROR]
    >> Repository nonstd: [BBkt:origin OK]
    ## Errors:
    * Repository `ketrew`, remote `wrong-http`:
        * > fatal: repository '' not found
        * See also `/tmp/multi-fetch-ketrew-wrong-http.log`.
    * Repository `vecosek`, remote `wrong-ssh`:
        * > 
        * > Please make sure you have the correct access rights
        * > and the repository exists.
        * See also `/tmp/multi-fetch-vecosek-wrong-ssh.log`.

Let's do some modifications:

$ echo 'This is Great!' >> \
$ echo 'More lawyery stuff' >> \
$ echo 'This is tracked' >> \
$ echo 'This is *not* tracked' >> \
$ echo 'This is Great' >> \
$ git -C /tmp/git-repos-example/hammerlab/ketrew/ checkout -b \
  new-branch-that-tracks -t master
    Branch 'new-branch-that-tracks' set up to track local branch 'master'.
$ git -C /tmp/git-repos-example/hammerlab/ketrew/ commit -a -m 'Add \
  greatness to the README'
    [new-branch-that-tracks 801f28d] Add greatness to the README
     1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
$ git -C /tmp/git-repos-example/hammerlab/ketrew/ checkout -b \

Now in the multi-status we can see the modified files, the untracked counts, and one branch is “ahead” (since we used -t master while creating, it has a remote to define it):

$ git multi-status --show-all-extras --no-config \
  /tmp/git-repos-example/hammerlab /tmp/git-repos-example/smondet \
    #=== /tmp/git-repos-example/hammerlab:================================================
                                             | Untrk | Modf | Ahd | Bhd | Umr | Lcl | L/H |
    GHub::biokepi............................| 0     | 2    | 0   | 0   | 0   | 0   | 0   |
      |- Modified:
      |    - LICENSE
      |    -
    GHub::coclobas...........................| 1     | 1    | 0   | 0   | 0   | 0   | 0   |
      |- Modified:
      |    -
    GHub::genspio............................| 0     | 0    | 0   | 0   | 0   | 0   | 0   |
    GHub::ketrew.............................| 0     | 0    | 1   | 0   | 0   | 1   | 0   |
      |- Ahead: new-branch-that-tracks.
      |- Local: new-branch-more-local.
    #=== /tmp/git-repos-example/smondet:==================================================
                                             | Untrk | Modf | Ahd | Bhd | Umr | Lcl | L/H |
    GLab::genspio-doc........................| 0     | 0    | 0   | 0   | 0   | 0   | 0   |
    GLab::vecosek............................| 0     | 0    | 0   | 0   | 0   | 0   | 0   |
    #=== /tmp/git-repos-example/bitbucket:================================================
                                             | Untrk | Modf | Ahd | Bhd | Umr | Lcl | L/H |
    BBkt::nonstd.............................| 0     | 0    | 0   | 0   | 0   | 0   | 0   |

Let's concentrate the activity-report on /tmp/git-repos-example/hammerlab and on the past 3 days:

$ git activity-report --no-config --since $(date -d '-3 days' \
  +%Y-%m-%d) /tmp/git-repos-example/hammerlab
    ### In `/tmp/git-repos-example/hammerlab`
    #### GHub: genspio
    Working tree:
    ## master...origin/master
    *  (origin/sm@git-fetch-all) Qualify known remotes (`git-fetch-all`)
    *  Display `No remotes` when there are no remotes
    *  Improve the multigit README
    *  Improve display of `git-fetch-all`
    *  Add the script `git-fetch-all` to `multigit`
    *  (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) Merge
        `sm@improve-multigit-display` (PR #100)
    ##### On `HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD`
    - Merge `sm@improve-multigit-display` (PR #100).  
    #### GHub: ketrew
    Working tree:
    ## new-branch-more-local
    *  (HEAD -> new-branch-more-local, new-branch-that-tracks) Add greatness
        to the README
    ##### On `HEAD -> new-branch-more-local, new-branch-that-tracks`
    - Add greatness to the README.  

We can see the new commit in the new branch appears in the report ⮵.

And that's all for today ☺ !


The code generator is covered by the Apache 2.0 license, the scripts are ISC licensed.


Scripts that deal with a bunch of git repositories






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