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Get sent SMS messages

File metadata and controls

79 lines (79 loc) · 2.67 KB

Get sent SMS messages history

Returns the user’s SMS messages history

Remember to provide the authentication HTTP headers as described in the Authenticate using a session key and the Authenticate using a user token sections.
All the query string parameters in URL must be UTF-8 URL Encoded.

HTTP Headers

user_key / Session_key

HTTP Method


HTTP Request{fromdate}&to={todate}&pageNumber={page}&pageSize={size}


Parameter Type Description Required Default
from Date(yyyyMMddHHmmss) Return results from the given date Yes -
to Date(yyyyMMddHHmmss) Return results up to the given date No now
timezone Timezone(IANA time zone) Optional timezone applied to from or to dates No -
pageNumber Int Return the given results page No 1
pageSize Int The number of results in a page No 10


Code Description
200 A paginated list of the SMS history filtered as specified by the from and to dates.
400 from parameter not specified, or an error in the from, to or timezone date format. Other errors, details are in the body
401 [Unauthorized] User_key, Token or Session_key are invalid or not provided
404 [Not found] The User_key was not found