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This application was generated with the rails_apps_composer gem provided by the RailsApps Project.


This application was built with recipes that are known to work together.

This application was built with preferences that are NOT known to work together.

If the application doesn’t work as expected, please report an issue and include these diagnostics:

We’d also like to know if you’ve found combinations of recipes or preferences that do work together.

[“controllers”, “core”, “email”, “extras”, “frontend”, “gems”, “git”, “init”, “models”, “prelaunch”, “railsapps”, “readme”, “routes”, “saas”, “setup”, “testing”, “views”]

{:git=>true, :railsapps=>"none", :dev_webserver=>"thin", :prod_webserver=>"unicorn", :database=>"postgresql", :templates=>"erb", :unit_test=>"rspec", :integration=>"rspec-capybara", :continuous_testing=>"none", :fixtures=>"factory_girl", :frontend=>"none", :email=>"none", :authentication=>"none", :authorization=>"none", :form_builder=>"none", :starter_app=>"none", :rvmrc=>true, :quiet_assets=>true, :better_errors=>true, :ban_spiders=>true}

Ruby on Rails

This application requires:

  • Ruby version 1.9.3
  • Rails version 3.2.12

Learn more about Installing Rails.


This application uses PostgreSQL with ActiveRecord.


  • Template Engine: ERB
  • Testing Framework: RSpec and Factory Girl
  • Front-end Framework: None
  • Form Builder: None
  • Authentication: None
  • Authorization: None

Getting Started

Clone the repo to your local machine. Edit config/database.yml so that it refers to relevant Postgres databases
for the different evironments.

Note that right now (20170308) the app is deployed to and made available to the public via Heroku. Nothing in the code explicitly requires that to be the case but it’s worth keeping in mind.


We use Heroku’s “Review App” feature and that has some implications for Github workflow. In a nutshell the process is as follows:

  1. Create a branch with a hopefully meaningful name and do whatever work you need to do
  2. Push that branch up to GITHUB and create a pull request
  3. Run over to Heroku and login as the PNA admin
  4. Select the pna-dev app
  5. Under Review Apps you will see that your just created PR is listed and Heroku is asking if you want to create an instance of the app from that PR (Hint: you do)
  6. Test and review and whatever you want on that app. New commits in the PR will require the app to be regenerated of course
  7. Approve and merge the PR into master
  8. Deploy master to the public pna dev site through the Heroku “Deploy” control panel
  9. If you are confident in the changes or are otherwise ready, deploy master to the pna-prod. There is no particular time when this must be done (i.e. there’s not much concern for downtime) but do consider the time it would take to rollback a change. Perhaps the busiest time for the site isn’t the best time for deploying things
    1. It is always prudent to backup the database before deploying
    2. Use the “Deploy” control panel to deploy the app

Documentation and Support

This is the only documentation.


If you make improvements to this application, please share with others.

  • Fork the project on GitHub.
  • Make your feature addition or bug fix.
  • Commit with Git.
  • Send the author a pull request.

If you add functionality to this application, create an alternative implementation, or build an application that is similar, please contact me and I’ll add a note to the README so that others can find your work.


Contains the source for the PNA website.






No releases published


No packages published


  • Ruby 49.9%
  • HTML 46.2%
  • CSS 2.4%
  • JavaScript 1.4%
  • Other 0.1%