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Using Snappy with ROS

The Robot Operating System (ROS) is an open-source collection of tools and libraries meant to aid in the development of complex robotic systems. ROS is excellent at what it does, but there are a few things it doesn't do:

  • Security: How does one prevent a rogue application from interfering with one's finely-honed ROS ecosystem? Confinement and access control isn't one of the many problems solved by ROS.

  • Deployment: How does one deploy an entire ROS project in one step, without worrying about dependencies?

  • Updating: How does one allow end-users to update the entire ROS project in one step, while retaining for the possibility of rolling back the change if the update goes sideways?

These are all problems solved by Snappy; the combination of the two is a perfect match for consumer robotic systems.

Package your current ROS project as a .snap

Let's assume you already have a ROS project. It can be as simple or as complicated as you like, but for this example, our project will be made up of:

  • A ROS package containing a C++ "talker."
  • A ROS package containing a Python "listener," as well as a launch file to bring both the talker and listener up at the same time with roscore.

Our objective will be to create a .snap containing these pieces and their dependencies. The easiest way to do that is with Snapcraft, using its Catkin plugin. But before we get to that, let's create our project. Prerequisites for this walkthrough:

C++ "talker"

First, create the package:

$ catkin_create_pkg talker roscpp std_msgs

Now make sure the package.xml is setup correctly (comments removed for brevity):

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <description>The talker package</description>
  <maintainer email="ubuntu@todo.todo">ubuntu</maintainer>

Also make sure the CMakeLists.txt is setup correctly. Importantly, make sure that you've specified install rules, since Snapcraft uses make install. Anything that doesn't have an install rule won't end up in the final .snap:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.3)

find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS



add_executable(talker_node src/talker_node.cpp)

target_link_libraries(talker_node ${catkin_LIBRARIES})

install(TARGETS talker_node

Finally, for src/talker_node.cpp, we have this:

#include <sstream>

#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <std_msgs/String.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    ros::init(argc, argv, "talker");

    ros::NodeHandle nodeHandle;

    ros::Publisher publisher = nodeHandle.advertise<std_msgs::String>("chatter", 1);

    ros::Rate loopRate(10);

    int count = 0;
    while (ros::ok())
        std_msgs::String message;

        std::stringstream stream;
        stream << "Hello world " << count++; = stream.str();





    return 0;

The "talker" is now complete.

The Python "listener"

First, create the package:

$ catkin_create_pkg listener rospy std_msgs

Now make sure the package.xml is setup correctly (comments removed for brevity):

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <description>The listener package</description>
  <maintainer email="ubuntu@todo.todo">ubuntu</maintainer>

Also make sure the CMakeLists.txt is setup correctly. Again, it's important to remember the install rules:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.3)

find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS




Now for scripts/listener_node, we have this:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import rospy
from std_msgs.msg import String

def callback(data):
    rospy.loginfo('I heard %s',

def listener():

    rospy.Subscriber('babble', String, callback)


if __name__ == '__main__':

Make sure this script is executable:

$ chmod +x scripts/listener_node

Note that the listener subscribes to the babble topic, but the talker publishes on chatter. We need to make sure we account for that in talk_and_listen.launch:

    <node name = "talker" pkg = "talker" type = "talker_node"
          output = "screen" />

    <node name = "listener" pkg = "listener" type = "listener_node"
          output = "screen">
        <remap from = "babble" to = "chatter" />

The "listener" is now complete.

Verify functionality

You can verify that everything works by getting in the workspace root and running:

$ catkin_make
$ catkin_make install
$ roslaunch listener talk_and_listen.launch

You should see them communicating, looking something like this:

[INFO] [WallTime: 1449512660.316140] I heard Hello world 2
[ INFO] [1449512660.415941529]: Hello world 3
[INFO] [WallTime: 1449512660.416330] I heard Hello world 3
[ INFO] [1449512660.515954882]: Hello world 4
[INFO] [WallTime: 1449512660.516307] I heard Hello world 4
[ INFO] [1449512660.615954473]: Hello world 5
[INFO] [WallTime: 1449512660.616306] I heard Hello world 5

Put it all in a .snap

Let's get back to our stated objective, which was to create a .snap containing these pieces and their dependencies. As mentioned, the easiest way to create a .snap with complex dependencies is to use Snapcraft. Snapcraft contains a plugin especially for Catkin, which makes creating a ROS .snap particularly easy.

We tell Snapcraft how to create the .snap via a file named snapcraft.yaml; let's create that file in the workspace root, containing the following:

name: ros-example
version: 1.0
summary: ROS Example
description: Contains talker/listener ROS packages and a .launch file.
confinement: strict

    command: roslaunch listener talk_and_listen.launch
    uses: [listener]

    type: migration-skill
    plugs: [network]

    plugin: catkin
    source: .
      - talker
      - listener
    include-roscore: true

Most of this file should look familiar to you if you've met the prerequisites, but let's focus on a few specific pieces.

# ...
    command: roslaunch listener talk_and_listen.launch
    uses: [listener]
# ...

Even though the talker and listener packages will be installed, they'll be within a confined ROS installation, so the user won't be able to simply call rosrun or roslaunch. Instead, you have control over how your .snap is used, and here we specify that we only want a single binary, called "launch-project", which results in the roslaunch call you see. If this seems confusing now, it will make more sense when we actually use it.

# ...
    plugin: catkin
    source: .
      - talker
      - listener
    include-roscore: true
# ...

This is specifying that the .snap is made up of a single part, called "ros-project," which utilizes the Catkin plugin. It states that the workspace is in the same path as the snapcraft.yaml, and it specifies which ROS packages should be included in the .snap (talker and listener). Note that no stage-packages are specified here-- dependencies are extracted from the Catkin packages via rosdep. Finally, and this is important, it specifies that roscore should be installed into the .snap (note that include-roscore defaults to true; it doesn't need to be specified. It's done here for illustrative purposes).

That last point is worth discussing. Currently, since .snaps cannot depend upon each other, any .snap that uses roscore must distribute roscore within it. We're working on some new features that will enable sharing roscore between snaps, but until then there are some limitations to keep in mind:

  • roscore must be bundled into each .snap that requires it.
  • Snappy's port negotiation feature is still a work-in-progress, which means that only a single .snap that runs roscore can be installed at a time or they will fight for the same port.

Now that we understand the snapcraft.yaml, let's create the .snap!

$ snapcraft snap

This will take some time to pull down the dependencies etc., but in the end you'll have a .snap.

Take the .snap for a test drive

Install your newly-minted .snap with:

$ sudo snap install ros-example_1.0_amd64.snap

Take a look in /snap/bin/, and you'll see the binary you requested, called ros-example.launch-project. Test it out:

$ ros-example.launch-project

And you should see the talker and listener communicating like before. As usual, ctrl+c will stop it. Note also that, since ROS is running in a confined environment, its log isn't in $HOME/.ros as usual, but in $HOME/snap/ros-example.sideload/<version>/ros. Note: if you make the app a service, $HOME will be /root, so the logs will be in /root/snap/ros-example.sideload/<version>/ros.