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gregorycollins committed Jun 16, 2011
2 parents 4cf5e61 + 11b00d4 commit 5d57c75
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Showing 10 changed files with 263 additions and 88 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ the Snap project website at
Snap Status and Features

This developer prerelease contains only the Snap core system, namely:
The Snap core system consists of:

* a high-speed HTTP server, with an optional high-concurrency backend using
the [libev]( library
Expand Down
11 changes: 5 additions & 6 deletions snap-core.cabal
Expand Up @@ -3,10 +3,9 @@ version: 0.5
synopsis: Snap: A Haskell Web Framework (Core)

This is the first developer prerelease of the Snap framework. Snap is a
simple and fast web development framework and server written in Haskell. For
more information or to download the latest version, you can visit the Snap
project website at <>.
Snap is a simple and fast web development framework and server written in
Haskell. For more information or to download the latest version, you can
visit the Snap project website at <>.
This library contains the core definitions and types for the Snap framework,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -106,7 +105,7 @@ Library
c-sources: cbits/timefuncs.c
include-dirs: cbits
build-depends: bytestring-mmap >= 0.2.1 && <0.3
build-depends: bytestring-mmap >= 0.2.2 && <0.3

Expand All @@ -131,7 +130,7 @@ Library
attoparsec >= && < 0.9,
attoparsec-enumerator >=,
base >= 4 && < 5,
blaze-builder >= && <0.3,
blaze-builder >= && <0.4,
case-insensitive >= 0.2 && < 0.3,
Expand Down
89 changes: 57 additions & 32 deletions src/Snap/Internal/Types.hs
Expand Up @@ -112,11 +112,15 @@ class (Monad m, MonadIO m, MonadCatchIO m, MonadPlus m, Functor m,
liftSnap :: Snap a -> m a

data SnapResult a = PassOnProcessing
| EarlyTermination Response
| SnapValue a

newtype Snap a = Snap {
unSnap :: StateT SnapState (Iteratee ByteString IO)
(Maybe (Either Response a))
unSnap :: StateT SnapState (Iteratee ByteString IO) (SnapResult a)

Expand All @@ -129,6 +133,10 @@ data SnapState = SnapState

instance Monad Snap where
(>>=) = snapBind
return = snapReturn
fail = snapFail
(Snap m) >>= f =
Snap $ do
eth <- m
Expand All @@ -139,11 +147,33 @@ instance Monad Snap where
return = Snap . return . Just . Right
fail = const $ Snap $ return Nothing

snapBind :: Snap a -> (a -> Snap b) -> Snap b
snapBind (Snap m) f = Snap $ do
res <- m

case res of
SnapValue a -> unSnap $ f a
PassOnProcessing -> return PassOnProcessing
EarlyTermination r -> return $! EarlyTermination r
{-# INLINE snapBind #-}

snapReturn :: a -> Snap a
snapReturn = Snap . return . SnapValue
{-# INLINE snapReturn #-}

snapFail :: String -> Snap a
snapFail _ = Snap $ return PassOnProcessing
{-# INLINE snapFail #-}

instance MonadIO Snap where
liftIO m = Snap $ liftM (Just . Right) $ liftIO m
liftIO m = Snap $ liftM SnapValue $ liftIO m

Expand All @@ -160,12 +190,14 @@ instance MonadCatchIO Snap where

instance MonadPlus Snap where
mzero = Snap $ return Nothing
mzero = Snap $ return PassOnProcessing

a `mplus` b =
Snap $ do
mb <- unSnap a
if isJust mb then return mb else unSnap b
r <- unSnap a
case r of
PassOnProcessing -> unSnap b
_ -> return r

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -204,7 +236,7 @@ instance Typeable1 Snap where

liftIter :: MonadSnap m => Iteratee ByteString IO a -> m a
liftIter i = liftSnap $ Snap (lift i >>= return . Just . Right)
liftIter i = liftSnap $ Snap (lift i >>= return . SnapValue)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -279,7 +311,7 @@ transformRequestBody trans = do
-- | Short-circuits a 'Snap' monad action early, storing the given
-- 'Response' value in its state.
finishWith :: MonadSnap m => Response -> m a
finishWith = liftSnap . Snap . return . Just . Left
finishWith = liftSnap . Snap . return . EarlyTermination
{-# INLINE finishWith #-}

Expand All @@ -292,11 +324,11 @@ finishWith = liftSnap . Snap . return . Just . Left
-- 'Response' which was passed to the 'finishWith' call.
catchFinishWith :: Snap a -> Snap (Either Response a)
catchFinishWith (Snap m) = Snap $ do
eth <- m
maybe (return Nothing)
(either (\resp -> return $ Just $ Right $ Left resp)
(\a -> return $ Just $ Right $ Right a))
r <- m
case r of
PassOnProcessing -> return PassOnProcessing
EarlyTermination resp -> return $! SnapValue $! Left resp
SnapValue a -> return $! SnapValue $! Right a
{-# INLINE catchFinishWith #-}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -413,14 +445,14 @@ ifTop = path ""
-- | Local Snap version of 'get'.
sget :: Snap SnapState
sget = Snap $ liftM (Just . Right) get
sget = Snap $ liftM SnapValue get
{-# INLINE sget #-}

-- | Local Snap monad version of 'modify'.
smodify :: (SnapState -> SnapState) -> Snap ()
smodify f = Snap $ modify f >> return (Just $ Right ())
smodify f = Snap $ modify f >> return (SnapValue ())
{-# INLINE smodify #-}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -501,7 +533,7 @@ redirect' target status = do
-- | Log an error message in the 'Snap' monad
logError :: MonadSnap m => ByteString -> m ()
logError s = liftSnap $ Snap $ gets _snapLogError >>= (\l -> liftIO $ l s)
>> return (Just $ Right ())
>> return (SnapValue ())
{-# INLINE logError #-}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -726,14 +758,10 @@ runSnap :: Snap a
runSnap (Snap m) logerr timeoutAction req = do
(r, ss') <- runStateT m ss

e <- maybe (return $ Left fourohfour)

-- is this a case of early termination?
let resp = case e of
Left x -> x
Right _ -> _snapResponse ss'
let resp = case r of
PassOnProcessing -> fourohfour
EarlyTermination x -> x
SnapValue _ -> _snapResponse ss'

return (_snapRequest ss', resp)

Expand All @@ -759,14 +787,11 @@ evalSnap :: Snap a
evalSnap (Snap m) logerr timeoutAction req = do
(r, _) <- runStateT m ss

e <- maybe (liftIO $ throwIO NoHandlerException)
case r of
PassOnProcessing -> liftIO $ throwIO NoHandlerException
EarlyTermination _ -> liftIO $ throwIO $ ErrorCall "no value"
SnapValue x -> return x

-- is this a case of early termination?
case e of
Left _ -> liftIO $ throwIO $ ErrorCall "no value"
Right x -> return x
dresp = emptyResponse { rspHttpVersion = rqVersion req }
ss = SnapState req dresp logerr timeoutAction
Expand Down
23 changes: 6 additions & 17 deletions src/Snap/Iteratee.hs
Expand Up @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ module Snap.Iteratee
, concatEnums
-- *** Enumeratees
, checkDone
, Data.Enumerator.sequence
, joinI

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -113,6 +113,7 @@ import Data.Enumerator hiding (consume, drop, head)
import qualified Data.Enumerator as I
import Data.Enumerator.Binary (enumHandle)
import Data.Enumerator.List hiding (take, drop)
import qualified Data.Enumerator.List as IL
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.Monoid (mappend)
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (getPOSIXTime)
Expand All @@ -129,7 +130,6 @@ import System.PosixCompat.Files
import System.PosixCompat.Types

instance (Functor m, MonadCatchIO m) =>
MonadCatchIO (Iteratee s m) where
Expand All @@ -138,12 +138,8 @@ instance (Functor m, MonadCatchIO m) =>
insideCatch !mm = Iteratee $ do
ee <- try $ runIteratee mm
case ee of
-- if we got an async exception here then the iteratee workflow is
-- all messed up, we have no reasonable choice but to send EOF to the
-- handler, because the unparsed input got lost. If the enumerator
-- sends more chunks we can possibly recover later.
(Left e) -> runIteratee (enumEOF $$ handler e)
case ee of
(Left e) -> runIteratee $ handler e
(Right v) -> step v

step (Continue !k) = do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -475,13 +471,6 @@ take' !n st@(Continue k) = do
takeExactly :: (Monad m)
=> Int64
-> Enumeratee ByteString ByteString m a
takeExactly 0 s = do
s' <- lift $ runIteratee $ enumEOF s
case s' of
(Continue _) -> error "divergent iteratee"
(Error e) -> throwError e
(Yield v _) -> yield (Yield v EOF) EOF

takeExactly !n y@(Yield _ _ ) = drop' n >> return y
takeExactly _ (Error e ) = throwError e
takeExactly !n st@(Continue !k) = do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -655,10 +644,10 @@ mapEnum :: (Monad m) =>
-> Enumerator aIn m a
-> Enumerator aOut m a
mapEnum f g enum outStep = do
let z = g outStep
let z = g outStep
let p = joinI z
let q = enum $$ p
(I.joinI . f) $$ q
(I.joinI . f) $$ q

Expand Down
29 changes: 19 additions & 10 deletions src/Snap/Util/FileServe.hs
Expand Up @@ -221,7 +221,11 @@ data DirectoryConfig m = DirectoryConfig {
dynamicHandlers :: HandlerMap m,

-- | MIME type map to look up content types.
mimeTypes :: MimeMap
mimeTypes :: MimeMap,

-- | Handler that is called before a file is served. It will only be
-- called when a file is actually found, not for generated index pages.
preServeHook :: FilePath -> m ()

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -328,36 +332,39 @@ defaultIndexGenerator mm styles d = do
-- | A very simple configuration for directory serving. This configuration
-- uses built-in MIME types from 'defaultMimeTypes', and has no index files,
-- index generator, or dynamic file handlers.
-- index generator, dynamic file handlers, or 'preServeHook'.
simpleDirectoryConfig :: MonadSnap m => DirectoryConfig m
simpleDirectoryConfig = DirectoryConfig {
indexFiles = [],
indexGenerator = const pass,
dynamicHandlers = Map.empty,
mimeTypes = defaultMimeTypes
mimeTypes = defaultMimeTypes,
preServeHook = const $ return ()

-- | A reasonable default configuration for directory serving. This
-- configuration uses built-in MIME types from 'defaultMimeTypes', serves
-- common index files @index.html@ and @index.htm@, but does not autogenerate
-- directory indexes, nor have any dynamic file handlers.
-- directory indexes, nor have any dynamic file handlers. The 'preServeHook'
-- will not do anything.
defaultDirectoryConfig :: MonadSnap m => DirectoryConfig m
defaultDirectoryConfig = DirectoryConfig {
indexFiles = ["index.html", "index.htm"],
indexGenerator = const pass,
dynamicHandlers = Map.empty,
mimeTypes = defaultMimeTypes
mimeTypes = defaultMimeTypes,
preServeHook = const $ return ()

-- | A more elaborate configuration for file serving. This configuration
-- uses built-in MIME types from 'defaultMimeTypes', serves common index files
-- @index.html@ and @index.htm@, and autogenerates directory indexes with a
-- Snap-like feel. It still has no dynamic file handlers, which should be
-- added as needed.
-- Snap-like feel. It still has no dynamic file handlers, nor 'preServeHook',
-- which should be added as needed.
-- Files recognized as indexes include @index.html@, @index.htm@,
-- @default.html@, @default.htm@, @home.html@
Expand All @@ -366,7 +373,8 @@ fancyDirectoryConfig = DirectoryConfig {
indexFiles = ["index.html", "index.htm"],
indexGenerator = defaultIndexGenerator defaultMimeTypes snapIndexStyles,
dynamicHandlers = Map.empty,
mimeTypes = defaultMimeTypes
mimeTypes = defaultMimeTypes,
preServeHook = const $ return ()

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -401,12 +409,13 @@ serveDirectoryWith cfg base = do
generate = indexGenerator cfg
mimes = mimeTypes cfg
dyns = dynamicHandlers cfg
pshook = preServeHook cfg

-- Serves a file if it exists; passes if not
serve f = do
liftIO (doesFileExist f) >>= flip unless pass
let fname = takeFileName f
let staticServe = do serveFileAs (fileType mimes fname)
let fname = takeFileName f
let staticServe f' = pshook f >> serveFileAs (fileType mimes fname) f'
lookupExt staticServe dyns fname f >> return True <|> return False

-- Serves a directory via indices if available. Returns True on success,
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions test/snap-core-testsuite.cabal
Expand Up @@ -17,15 +17,15 @@ Executable testsuite
c-sources: ../cbits/timefuncs.c
include-dirs: ../cbits
build-depends: bytestring-mmap >= 0.2.1 && <0.3
build-depends: bytestring-mmap >= 0.2.2 && <0.3

QuickCheck >=,
attoparsec >= 0.8.1 && < 0.9,
attoparsec-enumerator >=,
base >= 4 && < 5,
base16-bytestring == 0.1.*,
blaze-builder >= && <0.3,
blaze-builder >= && <0.4,
cereal == 0.3.*,
Expand Down

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