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Scale, crop and optimize images on-the-fly, with all the benefits of a CDN.

SnappyImg is a swift library from manGoweb to use with


SnappyImg is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'SnappyImg'


Martin Vytrhlík (manGoweb),


SnappyImg is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


You need to have appToken and appSecret in order to get correct urls. This is validated on server and prevents others from using your SnappyImg account. Get these on the site.

stage is for demo and production url:

enum StageType {
  case demo
  case serve

decide how to resize the image

enum ResizeType {
  case fit, fill, crop   

gravity of image (where to focus after fill or crop)

enum Gravity {
  case north, south, east, west, center, smart

width an height is in pixels

shouldEnlarge lets you decide if you want to make it bigger if it is too small

and decide what extensionType of final image you want

enum ExtensionType {
  case jpg, png, webp

and this is the example how to use SnappyImg to get your image scaled, sized, cropped and in the format you need and not to think how big it was originally:

import SnappyImg

let yourImageUrlString = ""

let snappyImg = SnappyImg(stage: .demo, appToken: "yourAppToken", appSecret: "yourAppSecret")
let encodedUrlString: String? = snappyImg.encode(urlString: yourImageUrlString, 
    resizeType: .fill, 
    width: 300, 
    height: 300, 
    gravity: .smart, 
    shouldEnlarge: true, 
    extensionType: .jpg)