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Alexander (Arkasha) edited this page Oct 4, 2019 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the World of Legends Virtual Machine wiki!

What is it?

WoL VM - Virtual Machine, originally created for the programming language World of Legends Alexander «snaulX» Gunger in C#.

What for?

Initially it was created as his interpreter bytecode, allowing work to improve language World of Legends. What is the meaning. Compiler World of Legends compiled and optimized in the course of the bytecode intermediate (virtual) language that could be interpreted virtual machine. Thus all the "dirty" work is shifted on the compiler and virtual machine with maximum speed and light weight (lightweight) are playing the most simple code.
During the development of the language and the author of the VM ( snaulX ) expanded the scope and purpose. At the moment, the virtual machine is an interpreter of the virtual language WoL the Virtual . And its purpose - to be the most convenient and documented platform for programming languages under it, which has extensive functionality, as well as build-runtime files (.bld).

What feautures?

Functional "empty" virtual machine is almost absent. To make it easy to add functionality developed frameworks or libraries to the virtual machine. This is normal dll-files written in C # or any .NET language, using any .NET technology (! May lose cross-platform) and dll-file is the most im there for classes and their properties. Frameworks are connected in the virtual machine.

Future of Virtual Machine

The virtual machine will be overwritten on the C++, to become native -> even more cross-platform. In this version of the .NET left. Further development of the virtual machine will always occur.