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89 lines (66 loc) · 4.21 KB

File metadata and controls

89 lines (66 loc) · 4.21 KB


Description: merge results from pan-genome profiling across samples Input: list of sample directories Output: pan-genome copy-number matrix, presence/absence matrix, and read-depth matrix matrixes also created for KEGG, FIGfams, Gene Ontology, and Enzyme Comission (E.C.)


Usage: genes outdir [options]

positional arguments:
  outdir                directory for output files. a subdirectory will be created for each species_id

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  -i INPUT              Input to sample directories output by
                        Can be a list of directories, a directory containing all samples, or a file with paths
                        See '-t' for details
  -t {list,file,dir}    'list': -i is a comma-separated list of paths to sample directories (ex: /sample1,/sample2)
                        'dir': -i is a  directory containing all samples (ex: /samples_dir)
                        'file': -i is a file containing paths to sample directories (ex: sample_paths.txt)
  -d DB                 Path to reference database
                        By default, the MIDAS_DB environmental variable is used

Species filters (select subset of species from INPUT):
  --min_samples INT     All species with >= MIN_SAMPLES (1)
  --species_id CHAR     Comma-separated list of species ids
  --max_species INT     Maximum number of species to merge. useful for testing (use all)

Sample filters (select subset of samples from INPUT):
  --sample_depth FLOAT  Minimum read-depth across all genes with non-zero coverage (1.0)
  --max_samples INT     Maximum number of samples to process. useful for testing (use all)

  --cluster_pid {75,80,85,90,95,99}
                        In the database, pan-genomes are defined at 6 different % identity clustering cutoffs
                        CLUSTER_PID allows you to quantify gene content for any of these sets of gene clusters
                        By default, gene content is reported for genes clustered at 95% identity (95)
  --min_copy FLOAT      Genes >= MIN_COPY are classified as present
                        Genes < MIN_COPY are classified as absent (0.35)



  1. Merge results for all species. Provide list of paths to sample directories: genes /path/to/outdir -i sample_1,sample_2 -t list

  2. Merge results for one species: genes /path/to/outdir --species_id Bacteroides_vulgatus_57955 -i sample_1,sample_2 -t list

  3. Quantify genes clusters at 90% identity: genes /path/to/outdir -i /path/to/samples -t dir --cluster_pid 90

  4. Exclude low-coverage samples in output matrix: genes /path/to/outdir -i /path/to/samples -t dir --sample_depth 5.0

  5. Use lenient threshold for determining gene presence-absence: genes /path/to/outdir -i /path/to/samples -t dir --min_copy 0.1

  6. Run a quick test: genes /path/to/outdir -i /path/to/samples -t dir --max_species 1 --max_samples 10

Output files

The output of this script generates the following files:

  • genes_copy_number.txt: gene copy-number matrix (columns are samples, rows are gene families)
  • genes_presence_absence.txt: gene presence-absence (0/1) matrix (columns are samples, rows are gene families). genes with copy-number >= MIN_COPY are called as present and genes below MIN_COPY are called as absent
  • genes_coverage.txt: gene coverage (i.e. read depth) matrix (columns are samples, rows are gene families)
  • genes_summary.txt: alignment summary statistics of genes across samples

Output formats


  • sample_id: sample identifier
  • pangenome_size: total number of gene families (99% identity clustering cutoff) in reference pangenome
  • covered_genes: number of pangenome gene families with non-zero coverage
  • fraction_covered: fraction of pangenome gene families with non-zero coverage
  • mean_coverage: mean read-depth across gene families with non-zero coverage
  • marker_coverage: median read-depth across 15 universal single copy genes

Memory usage

  • This step takes an insignificant amount of memory