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Nearly entirely rewrite mcmc_lc()
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kbarbary committed Feb 16, 2015
1 parent 7c028cd commit 1c03771
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Showing 3 changed files with 180 additions and 63 deletions.
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions docs/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,8 +33,7 @@
import os
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath("_helpers"))

# TODO: remove this once astropy#1841 is merged
intersphinx_mapping['astropy'] = ('', None)
intersphinx_mapping['emcee'] = ('', None)

# -- General configuration ----------------------------------------------------

Expand Down
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions docs/reference.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -64,7 +64,8 @@ Magnitude Systems

*Functions for reading and writing photometric data, gridded data, extinction maps, and more.*
*Functions for reading and writing photometric data, gridded data, extinction
maps, and more.*

.. autosummary::
:toctree: api
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -94,8 +95,8 @@ Fitting Photometric Data
:toctree: api


Expand Down
235 changes: 176 additions & 59 deletions sncosmo/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -607,7 +607,9 @@ def nest_lc(data, model, vparam_names, bounds, guess_amplitude_bound=False,
data : `~astropy.table.Table` or `~numpy.ndarray` or `dict`
Table of photometric data. Must include certain column names.
Table of photometric data. Must include certain columns.
See the "Photometric Data" section of the documentation for
required columns.
model : `~sncosmo.Model`
The model to fit.
vparam_names : list
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -726,9 +728,9 @@ def nest_lc(data, model, vparam_names, bounds, guess_amplitude_bound=False,
if 't0' in vparam_names and 't0' not in bounds:
bounds['t0'] = t0_bounds(data, model)

res = _nest_lc(data, model, vparam_names, modelcov=modelcov, bounds=bounds,
priors=priors, ppfs=ppfs, nobj=nobj, maxiter=maxiter,
maxcall=maxcall, verbose=verbose)
res = _nest_lc(data, model, vparam_names, modelcov=modelcov,
bounds=bounds, priors=priors, ppfs=ppfs, nobj=nobj,
maxiter=maxiter, maxcall=maxcall, verbose=verbose)

res.bounds = bounds

Expand All @@ -738,7 +740,7 @@ def nest_lc(data, model, vparam_names, bounds, guess_amplitude_bound=False,
model.set(**dict(zip(vparam_names, vparameters)))
res.parameters = model.parameters.copy()
res.covariance = cov
res.errors = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(cov))
res.errors = odict(zip(vparam_names, np.sqrt(np.diagonal(cov))))

# backwards compatibility; deprecated in v1.0.
# TODO remove these in a future release.
Expand All @@ -748,104 +750,219 @@ def nest_lc(data, model, vparam_names, bounds, guess_amplitude_bound=False,
return res, model

def mcmc_lc(data, model, vparam_names, errors, bounds=None, nwalkers=10,
nburn=100, nsamples=500, verbose=False):
def mcmc_lc(data, model, vparam_names, bounds=None, priors=None,
guess_amplitude=True, guess_t0=True, guess_z=True,
minsnr=5., modelcov=False, nwalkers=10, nburn=200,
nsamples=1000, thin=1, a=2.0):
"""Run an MCMC chain to get model parameter samples.
This is a convenience function around emcee.EnsembleSampler.
It defines the likelihood function and starting point and runs
the sampler, starting with a burn-in run.
This is a convenience function around `emcee.EnsembleSampler`.
It defines the likelihood function and makes a heuristic guess at a
good set of starting points for the walkers. It then runs the sampler,
starting with a burn-in run.
.. warning::
This function is experimental and may change or be removed in future
If you're not getting good results, you might want to try
increasing the burn-in, increasing the walkers, or specifying a
better starting position. To get a better starting position, you
could first run `~sncosmo.fit_lc`, then run this function with all
``guess_[name]`` keyword arguments set to False, so that the
current model parameters are used as the starting point.
data : `~numpy.ndarray` or `dict` of list_like
Table of photometric data. Must include certain column names.
data : `~astropy.table.Table` or `~numpy.ndarray` or `dict`
Table of photometric data. Must include certain columns.
See the "Photometric Data" section of the documentation for
required columns.
model : `~sncosmo.Model`
The model to fit.
vparam_names : iterable
Model parameters to vary.
errors : iterable
The starting positions of the walkers are randomly selected from a
normal distribution in each dimension. The normal distribution is
centered around the current model parameters and `errors` gives the
standard deviation of the distribution for each parameter.
bounds : dict
bounds : `dict`, optional
Bounded range for each parameter. Keys should be parameter
names, values are tuples. If a bound is not given for some
parameter, the parameter is unbounded. The exception is
``t0``: by default, the minimum bound is such that the latest
phase of the model lines up with the earliest data point and
the maximum bound is such that the earliest phase of the model
lines up with the latest data point.
priors : `dict`, optional
Prior probability functions. Keys are parameter names, values are
functions that return probability given the parameter value.
The default prior is a flat distribution.
guess_amplitude : bool, optional
Whether or not to guess the amplitude from the data. If false, the
current model amplitude is taken as the initial value. Only has an
effect when fitting amplitude. Default is True.
guess_t0 : bool, optional
Whether or not to guess t0. Only has an effect when fitting t0.
Default is True.
guess_z : bool, optional
Whether or not to guess z (redshift). Only has an effect when fitting
redshift. Default is True.
minsnr : float, optional
When guessing amplitude and t0, only use data with signal-to-noise
ratio (flux / fluxerr) greater than this value. Default is 5.
modelcov : bool, optional
Include model covariance when calculating chisq. Default is False.
nwalkers : int, optional
Number of walkers in the EnsembleSampler
nburn : int, optional
Number of samples in burn-in phase.
nsamples : int, optional
Number of samples in production run.
verbose : bool, optional
Print more.
thin : int, optional
Factor by which to thin samples in production run. Output samples
array will have (nsamples/thin) samples.
a : float, optional
Proposal scale parameter passed to the EnsembleSampler.
samples : `~numpy.ndarray` (nsamples * nwalkers, ndim)
res : Result
Has the following attributes:
* ``param_names``: All parameter names of model, including fixed.
* ``parameters``: Model parameters, with varied parameters set to
mean value in samples.
* ``vparam_names``: Names of parameters varied. Order of parameters
matches order of samples.
* ``samples``: 2-d array with shape ``(N, len(vparam_names))``.
Order of parameters in each row matches order in
* ``covariance``: 2-d array giving covariance, measured from samples.
Order corresponds to ``res.vparam_names``.
* ``errors``: dictionary giving square root of diagonal of covariance
matrix for varied parameters. Useful for ``plot_lc``.
* ``mean_acceptance_fraction``: mean acceptance fraction for all
walkers in the sampler.
est_model : `~sncosmo.Model`
Copy of input model with varied parameters set to mean value in

import emcee
raise ImportError("mcmc_lc() requires the emcee package.")

# Standardize and normalize data.
data = standardize_data(data)
data = normalize_data(data)

# Make a copy of the model so we can modify it with impunity.
model = copy.copy(model)

if bounds is None:
bounds = {}
if priors is None:
priors = {}

# Check that vparam_names isn't empty, check for unknown parameters.
if len(vparam_names) == 0:
raise ValueError("no parameters supplied")
for names in (vparam_names, bounds, priors):
for name in names:
if name not in model.param_names:
raise ValueError("Parameter not in model: " + repr(name))

# Order vparam_names the same way it is ordered in the model:
vparam_names = [s for s in model.param_names if s in vparam_names]

ndim = len(vparam_names)
idx = np.array([model.param_names.index(name) for name in vparam_names])

# Check that z is bounded if it is being varied.
if bounds is None:
bounds = {}
# Check that 'z' is bounded (if it is going to be fit).
if 'z' in vparam_names:
if 'z' not in bounds or None in bounds['z']:
raise ValueError('z must be bounded if fit.')
raise ValueError('z must be bounded if allowed to vary.')
if guess_z:
model.set(z=sum(bounds['z']) / 2.)
if model.get('z') < bounds['z'][0] or model.get('z') > bounds['z'][1]:
raise ValueError('z out of range.')

# Drop data that the model doesn't cover.
# Cut bands that are not allowed by the wavelength range of the model.
data = cut_bands(data, model, z_bounds=bounds.get('z', None))

# Convert bounds indicies to integers
bounds_idx = dict([(vparam_names.index(name), bounds[name])
for name in bounds])
# Find t0 bounds to use, if not explicitly given
if 't0' in vparam_names and 't0' not in bounds:
bounds['t0'] = t0_bounds(data, model)

# define likelihood
def loglikelihood(parameters):
# Note that in the parameter guessing below, we assume that the source
# amplitude is the 3rd parameter of the Model (1st parameter of the Source)

# If any parameters are out-of-bounds, return 0 probability.
for i, b in bounds_idx.items():
if not b[0] < parameters[i] < b[1]:
# Turn off guessing if we're not fitting the parameter.
if model.param_names[2] not in vparam_names:
guess_amplitude = False
if 't0' not in vparam_names:
guess_t0 = False

# Make guesses for t0 and amplitude.
# (we assume amplitude is the 3rd parameter of the model.)
if guess_amplitude or guess_t0:
t0, amplitude = guess_t0_and_amplitude(data, model, minsnr)
if guess_amplitude:
model.parameters[2] = amplitude
if guess_t0:

# Indicies used in probability function.
# modelidx: Indicies of model parameters corresponding to vparam_names.
# idxbounds: tuples of (varied parameter index, low bound, high bound).
# idxpriors: tuples of (varied parameter index, function).
modelidx = np.array([model.param_names.index(k) for k in vparam_names])
idxbounds = [(vparam_names.index(k), bounds[k][0], bounds[k][1])
for k in bounds]
idxpriors = [(vparam_names.index(k), priors[k]) for k in priors]

# Posterior function.
def lnprob(parameters):
for i, low, high in idxbounds:
if not low < parameters[i] < high:
return -np.inf

model.parameters[idx] = parameters
mflux = model.bandflux(data['band'], data['time'],
zp=data['zp'], zpsys=data['zpsys'])
chisq = np.sum(((data['flux'] - mflux) / data['fluxerr'])**2)
return -chisq / 2.
model.parameters[modelidx] = parameters
logp = -0.5 * _chisq(data, model, modelcov=modelcov)

# Create sampler
sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, ndim, loglikelihood)
for i, func in idxpriors:
logp += math.log(func(parameters[i]))

# Starting positions of walkers.
current = model.parameters[idx]
errors = np.asarray(errors)
pos = [current + errors*np.random.randn(ndim) for i in range(nwalkers)]
return logp

# burn-in
pos, prob, state = sampler.run_mcmc(pos, nburn)
# Heuristic determination of walker initial positions:
# distribute walkers in a symmetric gaussian ball, with heuristically
# determined scale.
ctr = model.parameters[modelidx]
scale = np.ones(ndim)
for i, name in enumerate(vparam_names):
if name in bounds:
scale[i] = 0.0001 * (bounds[name][1] - bounds[name][0])
elif model.get(name) != 0.:
scale[i] = 0.01 * model.get(name)
scale[i] = 0.1
pos = ctr + scale * np.random.normal(size=(nwalkers, ndim))

# Run the sampler.
sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, ndim, lnprob, a=a)
pos, prob, state = sampler.run_mcmc(pos, nburn) # burn-in
sampler.run_mcmc(pos, nsamples, thin=thin) # production run
samples = sampler.flatchain

# production run
sampler.run_mcmc(pos, nsamples)
if verbose:
print("Avg acceptance fraction:", np.mean(sampler.acceptance_fraction))
# Summary statistics.
vparameters = np.mean(samples, axis=0)
cov = np.cov(samples, rowvar=0)
model.set(**dict(zip(vparam_names, vparameters)))
errors = odict(zip(vparam_names, np.sqrt(np.diagonal(cov))))
mean_acceptance_fraction = np.mean(sampler.acceptance_fraction)

return sampler.flatchain
res = Result(param_names=copy.copy(model.param_names),

return res, model

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